Just when the second daughter was immersed in the joy of the recovery of the Linggen, Song Yuyan’s face suddenly stagnated, and then the next second she jumped up directly and happily.

“I… I actually regained a set of exercises! It’s A-Exercise!! ”

Song Yuyan’s voice made Luo Nan and Wu Mengyu slightly stunned, did not expect that this practice could be re-understood?

Luo Nan already knew now that the bloodline of the Gong Fa that they had obtained from these earthlings was actually given by the will of the Dao.

And these exercises are specially restricted by the will of the Dao.

That is, the practice that you have comprehended, it is impossible to teach it to others!

The same is true of the Divine Secret Arts, such as Luo Nan, even if he wanted to teach the Great Desolation Prisoner Heavenly Finger and the Xingzi Secret Technique to Wu Mengyu or Song Yuyan, it would be impossible.

This makes that the bloodline of the Gong Fa that was first understood basically determines the upper limit of a person!

At the beginning, Wu Mengyu was very lucky and directly understood the A Gong Fa.

But Song Yuyan only comprehended a C-level exercise!

To really say, the C-level exercise is actually not weak, at least much stronger than the most scummy F-level exercise.

But compared with Wu Mengyu’s A-grade, it dwarfs it!

But at this moment, this situation has changed completely.

The new Spirit Root entered the body, allowing Song Yuyan to become the proud son of heaven at the same time, he also regained an A-level practice!

A Gong Fa is actually the top existence among players.

Although there are higher S levels above A, so far, Lonan has traveled through two worlds and has not seen a player with S-class martial arts bloodline except himself.

As for the ss level and the sss level after the s-level, they will not be directly understood, but evolved from the s-level.

For example, Luonan’s Saiya bloodline, after entering the Heavenly Immortal Realm to open the Super Race Form, evolved from the s-level to the ss level!

“In this way, the cultivation upgrade speed of the two of us will be almost the same, and it shouldn’t take long to return to the previous level!”

The best friend also has a A exercise, and Wu Mengyu feels happy from the heart.

However, Wu Mengyu’s words reminded Luo Nan.

When killing the Golden-winged Roc Eagle before, Luo Nan had extorted four Sheng Immortal Elixirs from the hands of the Golden-winged Roc Eagle.

Each person can eat one of these elixirs, and the second one has no effect at all.

And once you eat this elixir, you can directly promote the Heavenly Immortal below the Heavenly Immortal Realm, and the Heavenly Immortal above can also gain a lot of experience!

Luo Nan had eaten one before, and there were still three left at the moment, and he could directly use this as the elixir of ascension to raise the level of Wu Mengyu and Song Yuyan to the Heavenly Immortal Realm!

However, for the sake of safety, Luo Nan decided to first upgrade Wu Mengyu and Song Yuyan to two levels, and after having a chance to die, he would go to devour the elixir.

Otherwise, if you swallow it directly now, what trajectory is there, so that the second daughter suffered an accident and Luonan regretted that she could not regret it.

Because now there are only two daughters of the first level, once they die, they are really dead

Therefore, Luo Nan also said directly to the second daughter, “Sister Mengyu, Yu Yan, you two should cultivate quickly now, and after you have risen to the second level, I will give you one of you a big gift!” ”

“This Linggen is already a great gift!”

Song Yuyan’s watery eyes had completed the crescent moon at this moment, and he said very contentedly.

Lonan is Shin. Out a finger: “One more copy.” ”

“What is it?” Wu Mengyu was a little curious and inquired.

Luo Nan shook his head and pretended to be mysterious: “You’ll know when you get to the second level.” ”

The two women heard the words, and under curiosity, they also began to close their eyes and cultivate at the same time.

In the case of possessing the A Gong Fa, it would not take long to cultivate to the second level.

What’s more, the Second Daughter’s current spiritual root is also very extraordinary, and the cultivation speed will definitely be very fast!


Just as Luo Nan was recasting the Spirit Root for the Second Daughter, above the higher heavens above the Heavenly Garden, the Jade Emperor was moving through at great speed.

At this moment the Jade Emperor has faded. The purple and gold crown on the top of his head and the imperial robe on his body looked like an ordinary middle-aged man in a coarse cloth linen robe.

However, at this moment, the Jade Emperor’s face was cold, and the depths of his eyes contained anger that could not be concealed!

“Cough cough…”

The Jade Emperor, who was galloping, suddenly coughed violently in his mouth, and a touch of scarlet crossed the pale zui corner, which was extremely conspicuous.

“That damned bastard, I’m going to make you pay the price!”

The Jade Emperor clenched his hands, the green tendons on his forehead burst out, and his hatred for Luo Nan was beyond words!

Killing all the way from the South Heavenly Gate to the Ling Xiao Hall was equivalent to directly hitting him in the face of the Jade Emperor!

And Ronan is more than that!

Thinking of the two qi he had been taken away, the Jade Emperor clenched his teeth and even made a harsh “squeaking” sound, which showed the anger in his heart!

Losing that one flower and two qi, he was not only severely injured, but also the cultivation realm was falling rapidly, and now only the Heavenly Immortal Realm remained.

This is something that the Jade Emperor cannot stand!

He must take revenge, he must regain the lost one!

So, he’s going to heaven!

To go to the heavenly court, to the higher heavens, to meet their greatest backers!

Heavenly Dao, Hongjun Daoist!

Above the heavenly garden, there is such a grass hut.

Caolu seems ordinary and ordinary, but even the saints of the heavens do not dare to despise this place!

Because this is where the Hongjun Dao people live!

At the beginning of the Tai, the Hongjun Daoist people joined the Heavenly Dao with their bodies, and from then on, the Heavenly Dao was the Hongjun, and the Hongjun was the Heavenly Dao, and there was no substance.

And in this hut, what dwells is the embodiment of Hongjun’s will.

The Jade Emperor trudged upward for a long time, and finally came to this grass house.

Seeing this grass house, the Jade Emperor breathed a long sigh of relief in his heart, and his eyes were filled with strong expectations.

However, just as the Jade Emperor took a few steps forward and was about to bow his knees, a boy dressed in a plain robe suddenly stepped out of the grass room.

Seeing this boy, the Jade Emperor did not dare to be disrespectful in the slightest, because this was a personal attendant of the Hongjun Daoist.

It seems that although he is not very old, his actual survival time is much longer than that of the Jade Emperor!

After the boy walked out of the grass hut, he first stretched out his hand to signal the Jade Emperor not to be polite, and then said, “Daozu already knows your intentions, and entrusts me to bring you a word.” ”

“What did Daozu say?” The Jade Emperor’s eyes lit up and he hurriedly inquired.

“Dao Zu Yan: Rebuild the top of the three flowers, return to the original and restore the immortals!”


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