One step at a time, Ronan’s figure came directly to the front door of the first hall.

His gaze followed the gate into the first hall and found that at this moment, a large number of Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals had gathered in the First Hall!

However, the highest strength of these Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals is only the Heavenly Immortal Realm, and they are like turkeys and tile dogs in front of Luo Nan’s eyes!

“Give way and don’t kill!”

Luo Nan’s voice sounded like a bell, and even brought layers of ripples in the surrounding space, which were quickly transmitted to the first hall!

However, these Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals in the First Hall were all mass-produced and completely loyal to the Jade Emperor’s army.

Therefore, in the face of Ronan’s threat, although everyone was terrified, in the end, no one chose to give way!

Luo Nan’s eyes narrowed slightly, he himself did not want to cause too many slaughters in the Heavenly Court, he had always been able to kill without killing!

So, he gave these heavenly soldiers a chance to live!

Unfortunately, these Heavenly Soldiers will not seize the opportunity!

“If that’s the case, then die!”

As soon as the words began, Luo Nan pointed to the middle of the first hall.

Suddenly, the wind and clouds surged up, and a large amount of Heaven and Earth Yuan Qi formed an incomparably fierce storm, which instantly swept through the entire interior of the First Hall!

At that moment, the space in the entire First Hall suddenly froze, and the Heavenly Soldier Heavenly General who was in it felt that he had lost the ability to move at the same time!

And in the next second, an indescribable terrible vitality descended directly from the head and feet at the same time.




Just listening to a muffled sound, the first hall suddenly exploded with a burst of blood.

Under the oppression of the powerful Yuan Qi, a large number of Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals directly exploded their bodies, just like a blood-red cannonball, playing a cruel movement in the First Hall!

After three breaths, all the Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals behind the First Hall had been completely destroyed, and even the corpses had not been left behind.

Only the bloody breath that remained in the air recorded the terrible scene that had just happened in this luxurious hall!

After clearing all the Heavenly Soldiers, Luo Nan’s figure flashed and stepped directly into it

The first hall is followed by a gallery garden surrounded by two side halls.

What were the names of these two partial halls, Luo Nan didn’t care, his purpose at the moment was only the main hall in front of him!

On the way through the palace, Luo Nan never encountered any heavenly soldiers and generals, and occasionally some handmaidens were also trembling when they saw Luo Nan.

Luo Nan naturally did not live with these handmaidens, most of them just glanced at them and left.

Soon, a magnificent statue appeared in front of Luo Nan, with the words “Tongming Hall” written on his face!

The Tongming Hall is the last hall in front of the Ling Xiao Treasure Hall, after passing through this Tong Ming Hall, officially entering the Ling Xiao Treasure Hall, you can see the Jade Emperor sitting on the supreme throne of the Heavenly Garden!

According to the Journey to the West, when the Heavenly Saint broke into the Heavenly Palace, he killed all the way to this place, and was finally stopped by Wang Lingguan.

But now, Wang Lingguan had been seriously injured and died by Luo Nan, and he had no strength to fight again.

Therefore, Luo Nan was also secretly thinking in his heart, who would the Jade Emperor send to garrison the last level in front of this Ling Xiao Treasure Hall?

Or is it that Wang Lingguan is actually the last level?

With this suspicion, Luo Nan stepped into the Tongming Hall.

The Tongming Hall may not seem big on the outside, but stepping into it is like stepping into a vast space!

“This is a means of stretching and folding space, and it is said that only a quasi-saint who is good at such techniques can do it!”

Luo Nan murmured in his heart at the same time, his eyes looked around the entire Tongming Hall!

Soon, the two figures fell into Luonan’s field of vision.

One of them was none other than Wang Lingguan, who was badly injured!

“You… Obviously I have already killed him, how can it be…”

When Wang Lingguan saw Luo Nan appear intact, his face was full of shock and surprise, and he couldn’t believe what was happening in front of him.

However, before Wang Lingguan could finish speaking, he was stopped by the middle-aged man in the black robe next to him.

The black-robed man had a graceful face, a slender body, and a long black beard, which was quite a bit of a beautiful beard.

Wang Lingguan was obviously in great awe of this black-robed and elegant man, and when he saw the situation, he quickly stopped his mouth and bent down to bow his head in sincere fear.

This made Luo Nan a little curious, what was the identity of this elegant man, who could make Wang Lingguan so in awe?

Under the doubt, the probing technique in Luo Nan’s eyes flickered, and he directly took the identity information of the black-robed and elegant man into his eyes!

Name: You Sheng Zhenjun

Level: 1v299 (Da Luo Jinxian Limit)

Identity: Emperor Zhenwu, also known as the Xuantian God, the god of the north, one of the former great generals of the Heavenly Garden, has now established his own portal and is not subject to the control of the Heavenly Garden!

Seeing the identity of the middle-aged man in the black robe, Luo Nan also couldn’t help but smirk darkly.

To tell the truth, he had heard the name of Yousheng Zhenjun less, but the title of Zhenwu Emperor could be said to be thunderous!

In the whole of China, the names of Zhenwu Emperor, Erlang Shen, and Sun Wukong are not exaggerated at all to say that they are household names.

Luo Nan had never imagined that the last line of defense in front of the Ling Xiao Treasure Hall would actually be this being!

And the cultivation realm of the True Martial Emperor also made Luo Nan secretly smirk.


Great Luo Jinxian Limit!

This title, Ronan is still the first time to see it.

He had seen two supreme beings of the Great Luo Golden Immortal Realm before, one was the Great Witch Houyi, and the other was the God King Zeus!

But neither of them reached the level of 1v299, but a 1v298 and a 1v297, which can only be regarded as the Ninth Order Great Luo Golden Immortal, not the Great Luo Golden Immortal Limit!

Therefore, how powerful this True Martial Emperor really was in front of him, it was difficult for Luo Nan to assess.

The only thing that is certain is that it must be stronger than Zeus and Houyi!

Thinking of this, Luo Nan also couldn’t help but smirk, such strength, he basically had no way to deal with it now.

And just when Luo Nan was worried about how to break through the obstacle of the Zhenwu Emperor, a sudden change occurred.

Only to see Emperor Zhenwu stretch out his hand and directly tear a dark crack in the space.

Immediately afterward, Emperor Zhenwu reached into the dark crack and pulled out a magic weapon in the shape of a stone bowl.

After that magic weapon appeared, it was directly abandoned by the Zhenwu Emperor, and then it was buckled upside down, and it was directly wrapped up in the entire Tongming Hall.

“This thing can be isolated from the outside world, and now, I have something to say to you!”

Emperor Zhenwu faced Luonan with a gentle smile! _

Fei Lu reminds you: read three things – collect

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