Under the double attack of the Spirit Eater Black Light and the Great Desolation Prisoner Heavenly Finger, Wang Lingguan, who was only good at close hand-to-hand combat, basically had no strength to fight back, and could only be passively beaten.

With his fourth-order Great Luo Jinxian cultivation behavior, it was obviously not enough to reach the point of ignoring Luo Nan’s Divine Secret Technique in the realm, like the Overseer Divine King!

In just two minutes, Wang Lingguan was already vomiting blood and was seriously injured!

Seeing that Luo Nan’s attacks were constantly falling, Wang Lingguan even smelled the smell of death!

If the enemy is at war on a normal day, he can of course turn around and run away when he is defeated.

However, at this moment, as the guardian of the Heavenly Court, he could not retreat no matter what!

“I imagined that in those days, even the Dou Victory Buddha was blocked out of the Ling Xiao Treasure Hall by me, what a scenery it was at that time, but I didn’t expect that today I would have to break the sand in the hands of a heavenly immortal!”

Wang Lingguan’s pale face was full of unwillingness, and the zui horn was bitter: “This day, is it really going to change…”

After muttering a word, Wang Lingguan felt his Yuan Shen becoming more and more depressed in the shock, and closed his eyes in despair waiting for death to come!

However, just a moment later, Wang Lingguan was suddenly stunned, because Luo Nan’s attack like a raging wave actually stopped at this moment!

In disbelief, Wang Lingguan suddenly opened his eyes and looked at Luo Nan.

At this look, Wang Lingguan’s eyes soared, because he found that the power in Luo Nan’s body was rapidly weakening at this moment.

In just one breath, it decayed to the point of being only equivalent to the True Immortal Realm.

“He can possess such a powerful combat power in the Heavenly Immortal Realm, he must have cast some kind of secret skill, but at this moment, the time for that secret art has arrived, and he is just a strong Heavenly Immortal!”

After discovering this, Wang Lingguan did not hesitate and immediately whipped Luo Nan to kill.

However, at this moment, Wang Lingguan, who thought that he had seized the opportunity and wanted to turn defeat into victory, did not find that Luo Nan’s eyes flashed a touch of cunning.

Luo Nan did withdraw from the super race, but it was not because of physical weakness or exhaustion of immortal power, but he withdrew on his own!

If he wanted to do his best, Luo Nan could definitely kill Wang Lingguan directly.

However, the benefits to Ronan are too few

And most importantly, if he tried his best to kill Wang Lingguan, what else could Luo Nan, whose physical strength and immortal power were exhausted?

Instead of that, it would be better to deliberately sell the flaws and borrow the hand of Wang Lingguan to die!

Anyway, Wang Lingguan had already been severely damaged by Luo Nan, and being killed by Wang Lingguan could activate Saiya’s bloodline and gain a lot of experience!

Not to mention that after the resurrection of death, the immortal physical strength will return to the peak realm.

Luo Nan’s thoughts, Wang Lingguan naturally could not guess, just wanted to smash Luo Nan’s head with a whip.

And Luo Nan was also extremely cooperative, and after pretending to resist a few times, he was whipped through Dantian’s lower abdomen by Wang Lingguan, and the Yuan God and his flesh turned into fly ash at the same time!

Wang Lingguan was already there, at this moment, he had exhausted all his last strength to kill Luo Nan, and his body was also powerlessly paralyzed, obviously losing the strength to fight again!

“Fortunately, the boy ended his secret art at the last minute, otherwise today would probably be the day of my death!”

Wang Lingguan said to himself, with a little happiness on his face for the rest of his life.

However, Wang Lingguan, who knew very little about Luo Nan’s intelligence, would never have imagined at this moment that on a lesser-populated hanging island in the northwest corner of the Heavenly Garden, the figure of Luo Nan, who had just been killed by him, would reappear!

Moreover, the qi and blood of the whole body have been restored to the peak!

“Ding, the Saiyan bloodline has been activated and is evaluating the acquisition of experience values… Experience has been written! ”

“Ding, congratulations on your upgrade to 1v141!”

“Ding, congratulations on your upgrade to 1v142!”


“Ding, congratulations on your upgrade to 1v148!”

A series of ethereal sounds sounded in Ronan’s ears, making Lonan’s zui corner rise higher and higher!

“Wang Lingguan, I certainly didn’t disappoint!”

Luo Nan murmured in his mouth, this time, his level was directly increased by eight levels, reaching 1v148, and finally entered the realm of the Ninth Order Heavenly Immortal!

You know, the more experience you need to level up!

It can be said that the experience that Luo Nan gained this time was much more than the experience he had gained from the Lingguang Divine Emperor before!

Although Wang Lingguan’s cultivation was not as good as that of the Lingguang Divine King, the degree of injury of Wang Lingguan was much heavier than that of the Lingguang Divine King!

The evaluation of experience after the activation of the Saiya bloodline has two factors.

The first is the opponent’s cultivation realm, and the higher the cultivation realm, the more experience will naturally be gained.

The second is the degree of injury to the opponent, the more serious the injury, the more experience will be gained!

In the previous battle, Wang Lingguan was seriously injured and died frequently, which is why Luo Nan would gain such a huge amount of experience.

Long let out a long breath, and Ronan looked around and found that he had indeed returned to a familiar place.

“Isn’t it true that the Heavenly Court can’t do this one resurrection point?”

After secretly slandering himself, Luo Nan didn’t say a word and headed towards the Ling Xiao Treasure Hall again.

This time, if Wang Lingguan dared to stop in front of him again, Luo Nan would certainly not leave his hand and directly send him a form of god to annihilate!

Of course, in addition to Wang Lingguan, Luo Nan pondered that there were probably at least two other obstacles in front of him.

That was the Eastern Green Dragon Meng Zhang Divine King among the Twenty-Eight Stars, and the Northern Xuanwu Zhiming Divine King!

According to Luo Nan’s thoughts, the Lingguang Divine King and the Overseer Divine King had already appeared, and the other two would certainly appear as well.

At this moment, Luo Nan did not know that the Meng Zhang Divine King and the Zhiming Divine Emperor were both drunk and retreated by the saints on the way, and they would no longer come to disturb his actions.

Even Yang Jian and Rulai Buddha were stopped separately.

There are very few obstacles left in his way!

This time, Luo Nan was basically unhindered by anything in the same way, and it didn’t take long to come to the floating island where the Ling Xiao Treasure Hall was located!

This floating island is full of palaces and is very luxurious.

The Ling Xiao Treasure Hall was in the middle, and it was even more gathering the qi luck of the entire Heavenly Garden!

This continuous palace was shrouded in a Zhou Tian Grand Array, and it would be extremely costly to forcibly break through from the outside, so Luo Nan’s gaze only fell directly on the main gate of the first hall! _

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