Seeing Emperor Zhenwu’s smiling appearance, Luo Nan, who was worried about how to solve the trouble, couldn’t help but be a little stunned.

Even the envoy Wang Lingguan, who was located next to Emperor Zhenwu, was confused and very stunned after hearing the Lord’s words, obviously not knowing the Divine Horse Medicine sold in the throat of his own Lord.

However, Wang Lingguan could only keep the doubt in his heart and did not dare to raise it.

But Luo Nan was different, Emperor Zhenwu was the lord of Wang Lingguan, but not his lord.

Although he had some respect for Emperor Zhenwu in his heart, he was not half afraid.

Therefore, at this moment, he also directly asked, “What is the True King going to say to me?” ”

“I am an old acquaintance with Emperor Fu, and when I was young, I was taken care of by Emperor Fu, and he sent a message to me not long ago, hoping that I would not stop you…”

Emperor Zhenwu paused slightly at this point, and then continued, “But I owed the Jade Emperor a favor in my early years, so I had to come to his aid, but I only promised to help him kill you once!” ”

“You killed all the way from the South Heavenly Gate to here, I have always paid attention to it, and found that your seemingly unknown resurrection ability, even if the Yuan God is destroyed, it does not matter.” But just to be on the safe side, I still have to ask you, if I kill you once, will it affect you? ”

Hearing Emperor Zhenwu’s words, Luo Nan’s eyes flashed with surprise, he didn’t expect that this Zhenwu Emperor was actually like the Lingguang Divine King, and was a good talking lord.

Since Emperor Zhenwu was now very open and honest, Luo Nan had no hidden thoughts: “There is no influence…”

“Then I am relieved.”

Emperor Zhenwu breathed a sigh of relief, “If you don’t mind, I’ll kill you once, and after fulfilling my promise to the Jade Emperor, I won’t stop you, how’s that?” ”

As soon as Ronan heard that there was such a good thing, he immediately wanted to nod his head and agree.

He was worried about how to solve the obstacle of the Zhenwu Emperor, but he did not expect that this roadblock was not only easy to talk about, but also demanding.

Isn’t it just to be killed once, which may be hard to avoid for others, but Ronan doesn’t care.

However, just as he was nodding, a very bold idea suddenly came to Ronan’s mind, which made him stop the trend of nodding.

After weighing it in his mind for a moment, Luo Nan said to Emperor Zhenwu, “True Jun, I have a reluctant request. ”


“Oh, before you are killed, can you let me beat you a few times before you are killed?” Lonan said.

Emperor Zhenwu raised his eyebrows, but he could be considered kind: “Well, then I will stand here and let you attack the Ten Breaths of Time!” ”

Luo Nan’s eyes lit up when he heard this, and he was afraid that Emperor Zhenwu would return, so he immediately responded, “One word is certain!” ”

After the words fell, Emperor Zhenwu put his hands behind his back and made a posture of letting Luo Nan attack.

And Luo Nan also directly opened the super race form, whether he could earn an experience on Emperor Wu depended on the performance of these ten breaths.

However, Luo Nan expressed great doubts about whether he could hurt the True Emperor.

After all, this is a powerful existence of the Great Luo Golden Immortal Limit!

However, what Luo Nan is doing now is a business, which can hurt and make steady profits, and it is not a loss!

After opening the super race form, Ronan’s breath directly soared.

Wang Lingguan, who was behind Emperor Zhenwu, was also stunned when he felt this breath, because at this moment, Luo Nan was actually more powerful than when he was fighting with him!

And just when Wang Lingguan was shocked, Luo Nan had already come close to the front of the True Martial Emperor, and two black rays of light suddenly burst out from his eyes, landing on the body of the True Martial Emperor!

Luo Nan didn’t care whether this Spirit Eater Black Light was useful or useless when facing the True Martial Emperor, anyway, his time was only ten breaths!

In these ten breaths, he would do his best to fight against the True Martial Emperor!

While projecting the eclipse spirit black light, Luo Nan fought with both hands, and his fingertips pointed out one after another at the Zhenwu Emperor, the attack was like a fierce wind and rain, and the eyes of the Wang Lingguan who were watching were straight.

To Luo Nan’s surprise, the True Martial Emperor not only spoke and let him attack, but also did not cast any defensive spells, completely resisting Luo Nan’s attack with his body!

This made Ronan very happy!

Because the possibility that he could hurt the True Martial Emperor undoubtedly increased several times because of this!

After three breaths, the black robe on Emperor Zhenwu’s body finally appeared a crack!

After five breaths, the crack gradually expanded, reaching a finger length!

After seven breaths, a little black spot appeared on the skin under the crack of the black robe, and gradually spread, corroding the body of the True Martial Emperor!

Ten breaths later, at the waist and abdomen of the True Martial Emperor, a palm-sized corrosive black spot had already appeared!

Ten breaths arrived, Luo Nan did not drag the mud and water, and directly closed his hands.

The True Martial Emperor is bright and upright, and he naturally will not do the villain’s move!

“Ten breaths have arrived, you and I have a chance to see you again!”

Emperor Zhenwu shook his robe, and the crack in the robe returned to its original state, and then he smiled at Luo Nan and said.

Luo Nan nodded and signaled that he was ready, and the Zhenwu Emperor could move at any time.

Anyway, he had already successfully injured the True Martial Emperor, although the injury was extremely mild, but considering the True Martial Emperor’s terrifying cultivation, he should still be able to gain some experience.

“Finally, I would like to send you a word of advice, there is a large array of imprisonment in the Ling Xiao Treasure Hall, you must be careful!”

After saying that, the Zhenwu Emperor’s long sleeves flew away, and Luo Nan’s body directly turned into fly ash and disappeared.

After Ru Yue killed Luo Nan, Emperor Zhenwu said, “Lingguan, let’s go.” ”

“Emperor, do we really stop caring about this matter?” Wang Lingguan’s belly was full of questions, and he finally plucked up the courage to ask.

“Lingguan, you don’t understand the heart of a saint!” Emperor Zhenwu sighed leisurely.

Wang Lingguan looked confused: “The heart of a saint? ”

Emperor Zhenwu nodded, “Zhang Bairen did not listen to my persuasion and insisted on going his own way, first he provoked Sanqing’s displeasure, and then he caused everyone to rebel and leave, and even his nephew abandoned him. ”

“Because of the existence of the Hongjun Daoist, although Sanqing did not dare to directly attack Zhang Bairen, this time he deliberately allowed that person to break into the Heavenly Court, and he did not mean to beat Zhang Bairen.”

“If Zhang Bairen is smart enough, there will be a chance to make amends after this time, but in my opinion… Hehe! ”

Speaking of this, Emperor Zhenwu shook his head, and then his eyes narrowed slightly, as if he saw the heavens through the dome: “Heaven and earth have changed, heaven and earth have changed, this little guy that Emperor Fu is optimistic about, it is very interesting, I am very curious, he can finally force Zhang Bairen to what point!” “_

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