“Ding, congratulations on your upgrade to 1v118!”

“Ding, congratulations on your upgrade to 1v119!”

“Ding, congratulations on your upgrade to 1v120!”

“Ding, congratulations on your upgrade to 1v121!”

After killing the Golden-winged Roc Eagle, four voices sounded in Luo Nan’s ears again.

And Luo Nan’s level also climbed all the way up to one hundred and twenty-one levels.

Before fighting with the Golden-winged Roc Eagle, Luo Nan’s cultivation realm was really speaking, but it was only the first time to enter the Heavenly Immortal, and he didn’t even have a grade.

But at this moment, Luo Nan was already a fourth-order heavenly immortal in the true sense!

This improvement is undoubtedly quite huge for Ronan.

Especially after being magnified by fifty times the combat power of the super race state, it is even more terrifying.

“And, there’s this!”

Luo Nan whispered in his mouth, and then took out a three-inch jade bottle from the storage ring.

In this jade bottle, there were four elixirs at this moment.

“According to what the golden-winged Dapeng Eagle said, these four elixirs are all ascending immortal elixirs, and if the heavenly immortals eat them, they can directly promote to the Heavenly Immortal Realm, which is a very good thing for Meng Yujie and Yu Yan, but at this moment, their two spiritual roots have not been recovered, and even if they are promoted to the Heavenly Immortal Realm, they will soon fall.”

Luo Nan whispered to himself, “Moreover, it is not easy to judge whether what the golden-winged eagle said is true or false, Meng Yujie and Yuyan are only first-level now, life is extremely precious, or let me try this first who is not afraid of death.” ”

With that, Luo Nan took a pill from the jade bottle everywhere, and then swallowed it into his stomach without hesitation.

The elixir entered the body and immediately spread into a ball of pure vitality.

Luo Nan’s eyes immediately flashed, and after throwing his sleeve at the remnants of the Golden-winged Dapeng Eagle Yuanshen after the collapse of the Yuanshen Sect, he went down to the ground to find a place to close his eyes and stare, and began to refine the pure Yuanqi in the xiong.

Along with the refining of Yuan Qi, Luo Nan could see his experience growing.

After a burning time, an ethereal voice sounded in Ronan’s ear.

“Ding, congratulations on your upgrade to 1v122!”

Half an hour later, the ethereal voice sounded again.

“Ding, congratulations on your upgrade to 1v123!”

In this way, Luo Nan meditated on refining pure Yuan Qi, and the ethereal voice in his ears sounded from time to time.

It wasn’t until a full day after the sun and moon had alternated that Ronan opened his eyes and let out a cloud of turbid breath from his mouth.

“I didn’t expect that the effect of this elixir was so curative, that I could directly soar to level one hundred and twenty-eight, which is a whole seventh-level ascension!”

Ronan couldn’t help but sigh.

You know, the higher the level, the more experience you need to level up.

It can be said that the experience of this Sheng Xian Luonan alone is more than the fact that Luo Nan deliberately died once to activate the Saiyan bloodline, and then killed the Golden-winged Roc Eagle combined.

“No wonder only one Dan can make mortals directly ascend to immortality, the medicinal power is really powerful, but unfortunately one person can only swallow it once at most.”

After shaking his head, Luo Nan put away the rest of the Sheng Immortal Elixir and saved it for later use!

After that, Luo Nan took out another thing squeezed out of the golden-winged eagle’s body—the black jade piece.

On this jade piece is recorded the eclipse black light that was born from Kong Xuan’s five-colored divine light, and Luo Nan had personally experienced the power of this black light, which was very good.

When he encountered the sabre, his body directly disintegrated, and the Yuan God also collapsed at the same time, which can be said to be directly killed in a second.

If he could learn it, then Ronan’s attack method would be one more.

“However, I don’t know if this Spirit Eater Black Light outsider can learn, or if only those who have the bloodline of Fengzu are qualified.”

With that, Luo Nan separated a wisp of divine consciousness and probed into the black jade piece.

Suddenly, Ronan only felt as if he had come to a new world that he had never seen before.

In this piece of heaven and earth, it is full of strange and ancient atmosphere, and the yuan qi between heaven and earth is even more abundant and abnormal!

However, these Yuan Qi Luonan could not absorb it.

“It seems that this should be just a memory, not a real world.”

After murmuring in his heart, Luo Nan quietly watched.

Soon, there was a cry of different species in Ronan’s ears.

There was the roar of the dragon, there was the roar of the phoenix, and there was the strange cry that Ronan had never heard before.

Soon, these three different cries approached at the same time, and then three races with the power of the sky appeared in Luonan’s vision.

True Dragon, Blood Phoenix, Kirin…

Stand on three feet and conquer heaven and earth!

This is exactly the scene when the flood began to open.

Luo Nan saw the coexistence of the three tribes, saw the dragons and phoenixes fighting, and saw the Qilin sandwiched between the two sides of the enemy.

Luo Nan also saw the various magical mysteries of the three tribes, which shone together in the battle.

Later, Luo Nan saw that at the end of the blood battle between the three tribes, Fengzu spat out a mouthful of sperm blood and was swallowed by the passing golden-winged eagle at the time of the fall of Fengpo.

Seeing Fengzu burning his bloodline again, he wanted to be reborn in the fire but had an accident, and finally could only condense his life into an egg.

Since the egg was born, there have been five colors of light flashing around it.

After an unknown number of years, a thin man in an ink-colored robe came here, guarding the egg while studying the five-colored divine light.

After an unknown number of years, the thin man’s palm finally flashed a black light, and he left satisfied.

By this time the memory had passed, and the world in front of Luonan’s eyes had also directly collapsed into pieces.

Immediately afterward, an old voice sounded in Ronan’s mind.

“The old man was born in heaven and earth, his name is Bishe, he guards the heirs of Fengzu for millions of years, he has gained the black light of the eclipse spirit from the five-colored light, and the day of death will be left on the jade piece, and if the future generations have a relationship to get it, they can learn on their own!”

As soon as the words fell, a mysterious magic poured directly into Ronan’s mind.

After a moment, Luo Nan finally opened his eyes, and his eyes were also quite amazed: “I have never heard the name of this Bi She, I am afraid that I have died as early as the ancient times, but this eclipse of black light is quite powerful, although it was born from Kong Xuan’s multicolored divine light, but it has a completely different power, then the golden-winged Dapeng Eagle has only learned Xiao Cheng, if you practice to Dacheng power, it is estimated to be even more powerful!” ”

With that said, Luo Nan turned over the list of Hong Huang Divine Powers to look carefully, and finally found this Eclipse Black Light among the third-class divine powers!

Third-class divine powers, already not weak!

You know, Zhen Yuanzi’s sleeve is clear, such as the Buddha’s palm in the Buddha’s hand, it is only a third-class divine power!

This eclipse of black light energy is juxtaposed with the two, and its power can be imagined!

“Learn this technique, and the heavenly odds will add another 30%!”

After saying that, Ronan immediately closed his eyes and realized! _

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