The golden-winged eagle saw that Luo Nan’s expression did not seem to be fake, and his heart was also hesitant, not knowing what medicine was sold in the throat of this guy in front of him!

However, Luo Nan’s sentence ‘Within five breaths, if I don’t die, then you die’ also gives the golden-winged eagle great pressure!

One breath!

Two breaths!

The golden-winged eagle’s forehead was covered with cold sweat and fell into a hesitant struggle.

“You still have three breaths to go!”

The words that sounded in Luo Nan’s mouth were like a bell ringing in the ears of the golden-winged roc eagle, directly waking the golden-winged roc eagle from hesitation!

Looking at Luo Nan in front of him, the golden-winged roc carved his teeth and bit down, and then a trace of fierceness flashed on his face.

He already had an unusually strong hatred for Ronan, and he was forced to laugh.

At this moment, since this guy is looking for his own death, what else does he have to worry about?

Besides, if you don’t do it, you will die!

Thinking of this, the Golden-winged Roc Eagle couldn’t care that there might be an ambush or something else in it, and at the moment, a direct black light was released directly from the Yuan God, and it was the black light that erode the spirit!

Luo Nan’s eyes lit up when he saw it, and he just wanted to witness how powerful this eclipse black light was.

Therefore, at this moment, he did not shy away from it, allowing the eclipse black light to wrap himself in it.

The next second, Luo Nan only felt that his body hair and skin were directly festering, and then the flesh and bones were not spared, and in the blink of an eye, they turned into fly ash and passed away with the wind.

And when the black light touched his Yuanshen, Luo Nan only felt a pain coming from the depths of his soul, and then he lost consciousness.

As for the golden-winged eagle, after discovering that it had actually killed Luo Nan, his eyes widened.

Until the end, he had always believed that there must be some conspiracy in Ronan, who made such a request.

But at the moment, it seems that this guy has no conspiracy!

“It may also be that this guy didn’t expect my Spirit Erosion Black Light to be so powerful, he was destroyed as soon as he touched it, and his back hand didn’t have time to use it at all!”

The face of the golden-winged eagle was full of joy, and then it gathered its black light and looked towards the place where Luo Nan had perished.

He wanted to collect the magic weapons left behind after Luo Nan’s death, especially the Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda.

But the face of the golden-winged eagle was full of disappointment, because the place where Luo Nan perished, not to mention the Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda, did not even have a hair!

“Shouldn’t be…”

The golden-winged eagle’s eyes were full of doubts: “That Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda is a saint’s refinement, and my Eclipse Black Light can’t completely corrode it, so why did it disappear?” ”


The golden-winged eagle wonders at a river hundreds of miles away

“Ding, Saiya Bloodline has been activated and is being evaluated to gain experience… Experience has been written! ”

“Ding, congratulations on your upgrade to 1v”

“Ding, congratulations on your upgrade to 1v105!”


“Ding, congratulations on your upgrade to 1v117!”

The ethereal sounds sounded in Ronan’s ears one after another.

Each sound represents an increase in Lonan’s level, and it also drives Ronan’s body to become stronger and stronger.

“Saiya Bloodline actually allowed me to directly raise the fourteenth level, which is really far beyond expectations!”

Lonan murmured, a hint of discoloration flashing across his face.

After all, the higher the level, the higher the experience required to level up.

Luo Nan originally expected that it would be good to have a level seven or eight, but he did not expect that the result at this moment was twice what he expected.

“This should have something to do with the fact that the Golden-winged Roc Eagle is close to the combat strength of the Third Order Great Luo Golden Immortal, and after the Saiya bloodline is upgraded to the ss level, the experience gained will also be greatly improved, and the combination of the two will allow me to upgrade so quickly.”

Ronan quickly summed up the reason, and then looked inwardly at the Yuanshen.

After discovering that the Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda was safely parked among the Yuan Gods, Luo Nan was relieved.

The reason why he let the Golden-winged Roc kill himself, in addition to activating Saiya’s bloodline to gain experience, the most important purpose was to do a test.

In Ronan’s past experience, as long as something is placed in the storage ring, the death resurrection will not fall and lose.

After all, the storage ring was given to every earthlings by the will of the gods when the gods came, and it was naturally mysterious and abnormal, and it could not be measured by common sense.

However, whether those magic weapons that could not be put into the storage ring would fall in place after death, it was not clear to Ronan.

Because there is space inside the Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda, it just can’t fit into the storage ring, so he has such an attempt.

If death would fall, then he would have to be careful when he went to the Heavenly Court, lest the two women in the Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda fall into the hands of the Heavenly Soldier Heavenly General after his death.

If it doesn’t fall, then there’s nothing to worry about.

As for the Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda in the test, if it was carved by the golden-winged roc, Luo Nan did not care.

The Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda was connected to his mind, and it would take at least an hour for the Golden-winged Roc Eagle to refine.

With those times, Luo Nan could completely find the location of the Golden-winged Roc Eagle and easily kill the Golden-winged Roc Eagle!

But today’s answer is obviously the most satisfactory result for Lonan.

After looking around at the surrounding environment, Luo Nan said, “Passing by here before, it is less than three hundred miles away from the place where the golden-winged roc eagle is fighting, if the golden-winged roc eagle runs slowly, maybe it can catch up!” ”

As he spoke, Ronan’s figure flashed directly, turning into a stream of light and heading straight into the distance.

As the saying goes, no matter how small the mosquito tui is, it is also meat, not to mention the golden-winged roc eagle of the Ninth Order Golden Immortal Peak, which is not a mosquito tui, but a roasted suckling pig with a big supplement!

If he can accept it, Luo Nan will naturally not let go!

He did not have the slightest affection or pity for these man-eating demons.

Luo Nan moved the Path Secret Technique all the way through, and after a few moments, he returned to the place where he had fought before, and then saw that the Yuan God of the Golden-winged Roc Eagle was still hovering here!

The golden-winged eagle was originally wondering why nothing was left behind after Luo Nan’s death, but at first he saw Luo Nan appear intact and was directly dumbfounded.


As soon as the golden-winged eagle spat out a word in its mouth, it felt that the crisis of life and death was coming from all directions.

In astonishment, the golden-winged eagle vibrated its wings and was about to escape.

Unfortunately, under the attack of Luo Nan, the fragile Yuan God was unable to escape at all, and in the blink of an eye, it directly exploded, turning into a ball of Yuan Qi and returning to heaven and earth!

This great demon who has survived since the ancient times has finally died! _

Fei Lu reminds you: read three things – collect

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