Normally, it is very difficult to learn a magic art, especially the more powerful the magic art, the more time and energy it will take.

For Ronan, however, this difficulty does not exist.

Luo Nan was full of divine powers, except for the earliest Great Desolation Heavenly Finger and Xingzi Secret Technique from the outside world, the remaining divine powers were inherent in the Pangu World!

Fourth-class magic power sprinkled beans into soldiers, and Luo Nan had learned it in a few minutes.

Fishing for the moon in the first-class divine well, Luo Nan spent three days to feel the true meaning, which can also be called very fast.

Now that these third-rank divine eclipses the black light, even if the golden-winged Dapeng Eagle has only achieved small success after endless years, for Luo Nan, it still won’t take too much time to learn.

According to Luo Nan’s estimation, the third-class divine power only takes half a day at most!

Being able to comprehend the Divine Secret Technique at such a speed was not because Lonan was really a genius!

Just because every earthlings are loaded with online game modules and become “players” between this world and the earth!

They can kill people to get experience upgrades, they can’t really die when they die, they are given the Gong Fa Blood Chain Storage Ring…

Ronan had been wondering who was so powerful that he could do it.

However, after a conversation with the Fu Ren Clan, Luo Nan already had the answer in his heart, and everything in this way must be the work of the Dao Will!

And its purpose is naturally to measure up the road that has been opened.

As for when and how the Great Avenue Raid would end, Luo Nan couldn’t guess, even the saints.

At the moment, everyone is feeling the stones to cross the river, afraid of stepping on the air and falling into the river and drowning.

And the more powerful the existence, the greater the probability of finally successfully crossing the river.

Therefore, Ronan can only continue to get stronger!



After temporarily throwing these chaotic thoughts out of his mind, Luo Nan closed his eyes and carefully realized the cultivation method of the dark light that erode the spirit.

The eclipse black light was deduced by the five-colored divine light of the ancient being’s Bishe contemplation of Fengzu’s descendants.

Although Luo Nan had never heard of Bishe’s name, being able to exist in that era and guard Fengzu’s heirs for millions of years also showed the strength of this person.

However, listening to his words, it should be that he later encountered the death of his enemy, so he did not leave a big name in myths and legends.

In fact, in ancient times, there were countless beings in a similar situation to Bishe.

Before the saint came out, there were three thousand demon gods sitting and talking about the Dao.

Which of these three thousand demon gods was not an extremely strong being, but one of the ten who could leave a name did not exist, and most of them died in the midst of personal grudges.

For example, the existence that created the art of fishing for the moon in the well was the flood creature born when the heavens and the earth first opened, and before it could leave a resounding name in the myths and legends, it was in the hands of the enemy.

After all, the level of divine power and the true combat power are two different things.

The same magic power is used in the hands of different people, and the power is also very different.

For example, Luo Nan now learned to fish for the moon in the first-class magic well, but even if the saint did not use the magic secret technique, it was not something he could deal with.

The difference in the grades of divine power can only be reflected when the gap in cultivation realm is not large.

If the cultivation realm has been crushed, no matter what magic power is used, it is useless.

Although Luo Nan’s current realm was only a Heavenly Immortal, the Immortal Force in his body was at the True Immortal level.

After a fifty-fold bonus to the Super Tournament State, you can reach the level of the Golden Immortal Peak.

Coupled with the various magical mysteries mastered by Luo Nan, he also had the power to fight with the real Great Luo Golden Immortal!

At this moment, Luo Nan closed his eyes and stared intently, carefully understanding the latest third-class divine power eclipse black light.

In Luo Nan’s body, his Immortal Infant Yuanshen was squeezing up one handprint after another in a strange way, and at the same time, a trace of free black Immortal Force appeared in the meridians!

This black immortal force is the beginning of the eclipse black light!

Every trace of black immortal power, after walking through seven hundred and forty-nine times in the meridians of Luo Nan’s body, would gather above his Immortal Baby Yuanshen eyes.

And with the gathering of black immortal forces more and more, Luo Nan’s perception of this eclipse of black light was naturally getting deeper and deeper!

In this way, the time passed in a flash!

After most of the day, Lonan, who was meditating with his eyes closed, finally opened his eyes!

At this moment, the whites and pupils of Ronan’s eyes had disappeared, and they were replaced by a dazzling darkness.

Immediately afterward, two black rays of light shot out directly from Luo Nan’s eyes and plunged into the hill in front of Luo Nan!

Suddenly, the hill directly corroded and collapsed, and in just one night, it turned into a piece of fly ash and completely disappeared without a trace!

“This eclipse of black light is worthy of the third-class divine power, and its power is indeed extraordinary!”

Luo Nan zui corner raised a smile, and the black light in his eyes suddenly dissipated, and his eyes returned to their original appearance.

“Although my Spirit Erosion Black Light has only been cultivating for half a day, it is not weaker than the Golden-winged Roc Eagle, and the True Immortal can directly kill it in a second, even if the Golden Immortal can’t dodge it, it will inevitably be seriously injured!”

As he murmured, Ronan also looked up at the sky overhead.

Now that everything is ready, it’s time for Heaven to go to heaven!

Thinking of this, Luo Nan’s figure jumped up and disappeared into the same place, turning into a stream of light and heading straight for the Heavenly Garden!

With the blessing of the Xingzi Secret Technique, Luo Nan soon appeared outside the South Heavenly Gate.

At this time, there were already new guards outside the South Heavenly Gate, and the guards were far stronger than before!

When these guards saw Ronan appear, their eyes widened and they were terrified!

A day before, they didn’t know who Lonan was.

But now, the information of Ronan’s portrait has spread throughout the Heavenly Court!

All the way into the South Heavenly Gate, destroyed the flesh of the Growth Heavenly King Demon Liqing, not to mention, and also stole the Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda of King Tota!

With this terrible combat power, how could the Gatekeepers not be alarmed?

However, with the idea of losing without losing the battle, one of the generals wearing armor also forcibly summoned up the courage to shout at Luonan: “You evildoer, do you dare to appear here, are you really not afraid of death?!” ”

Luo Nan’s eyes narrowed slightly, “Don’t hide from you, I really came to send death.” “_

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