Hearing Luo Nan’s inquiry, the golden-winged eagle Yuanshen’s small face flashed a glimmer of hope, and he hurriedly spat out a white bead from his mouth.

Luo Nan glanced over and found that this white bead was exactly what the Golden-winged Roc Eagle had used to escape the suppression of the Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda before, and it was missing at this moment!

“This is the relics left behind by the eighth body of the Golden Cicada, which was engraved with endless tantric texts by the Buddha, and holding this relics can escape all the forbidden formations of the Heavenly Immortals, and now it can be used twice!”

With that, the golden-winged eagle threw the white relic in front of Luonan.

Ronan held it in his hand, only to feel a slight chill in his hand, giving people a very comfortable effect.

It seems that this relict not only has the function of breaking free from the prohibition of the formation, but also has the function of calming people’s minds.

After unceremoniously receiving it into the storage ring, Lonan shook his head: “Not enough! ”

“Of course, of course!”

A cold sweat appeared on the forehead of the golden-winged eagle, and he did not dare to hesitate, and once again spat out something from his mouth and floated in front of Luo Nan.

It was a three-inch long blue jade vase that could be seen through the translucent jade bottle with four elixirs.

“This elixir is called Sheng Xian Elixir!” Taking below the Heavenly Immortal Realm can directly promote the Heavenly Immortal, and taking it above the Heavenly Immortal can also greatly improve the cultivation, but each person can only take one piece, and the second one will have no effect. ”

While the golden-winged roc eagle said this, its face was full of reluctance.

This elixir was what he had obtained from a certain Ancient Powerful Cave House, and there were only seven in total, but after using three of them over the years, only four were left now.

When he first refined the Fa-body, he used this ascension elixir to make the Fa-body directly reach the Heavenly Immortal Realm.

However, because of the great changes in heaven and earth, his existence with ancient bloodlines, cultivation for promotion became very difficult.

Therefore, even after millions of years, the Dharma Body was promoted from the Heavenly Immortal to the True Immortal Realm.

Sending this elixir out at this moment, it would be even more difficult for him to sacrifice another Dharma body.

However, at this moment, the golden-winged roc eagle is facing a threat of death, and there is no way.

Even the golden-winged eagle was not sure whether Luo Nan would really let him go after he gave away the treasure.

But what could he do now?

The human being in front of him was not only powerful in battle, but also ran faster than him, which made it impossible for him to even escape.

The golden-winged Dapeng Eagle was reluctant to sigh in his heart, and Luo Nan had already held the bottle of Sheng Immortal Elixir in his hand, and after examining it for a moment, he put it into the storage ring.

The relics who can get rid of the forbidden formation can greatly ascend the elixir of immortality, and Luo Nan can already be said to have gained a lot.

But satisfaction is always the enemy of progress.

Therefore, after seeing that the golden-winged Dapeng Eagle had no more movements, Luo Nan’s eyebrows were also raised: “As a great demon who has survived from the ancient times to the present, and even has the bloodline of Fengzu, life is only worth this thing?” That’s not worth much, right? ”

The golden-winged Dapeng eagle looked sluggish when he heard the words, and in his heart, he cursed the Luonan vampire.

However, after seeing Luo Nan’s faint gesture of raising his hand, the golden-winged Dapeng Eagle had a chill on his back and hurriedly said, “No, Immortal Chang Mo is in a hurry, there are others!” ”

At the same time as saying this, the golden-winged eagle only felt that his heart was dripping blood, but in order to save his life, he still had to endure the heartache and grit his teeth and spit out something from his mouth.

This is a black jade piece, it looks ordinary, and there is no fluctuation of vitality on it.

As soon as Luo Nan reached out, the black fish fillet flew out from the front of the golden-winged eagle and fell into Luo Nan’s hands.

Sweeping his eyes over the seemingly ordinary black jade piece, Ronan asked, “What is this?” ”

“I’m afraid that the Immortal Commander should also know that besides me, there is another person in this world who has the Fengzu bloodline?” Golden-winged Roc said.

Luo Nan sneered, “You really will give yourself a long face, but because of fate, you will swallow a mouthful of Fengzu essence blood, and you can also compare with that person?” ”

“Forehead…” A hint of embarrassment flashed on the face of the golden-winged eagle.

Luo Nan glanced at the goods before asking, “This jade piece is related to Kong Xuan?” ”

“Yes, everyone in the world knows that Kong Xuan has blue, yellow, red, black, and white five-colored divine light, and this multicolored divine light is powerful and powerful, even in the face of the Burning Lantern Daoist known as the ‘Immortal Ban Shou and the Buddha’s Origin’, he can also take full advantage!”

The golden-winged Dapeng Eagle said here, pausing slightly, before pointing to the black jade piece in Luo Nan’s hand and saying, “What is recorded on this jade piece is a type of magic secret art, called the Spirit Erosion Black Light!” ”

“Eclipse the Dark Light?”

“Yes, this eclipse of black light is a multicolored divine light born from Kong Xuan, and although it does not have the ability to brush everything, it can corrode the magic weapon beings…” said the golden-winged eagle.

When Luo Nan heard this, he remembered that when he fought with the Golden-winged Roc Eagle before, a black light had also been emitted from the body of the Golden-winged Roc Eagle.

At that time, Ronan felt a great threat from this black light.

If you can learn it, you can have one more magic ability, and the journey to the Heavenly Court will be smoother.

However, now was obviously not the time to study this eclipse of black light, so Luo Nan also temporarily put away the black jade piece, and then continued to look at the golden-winged eagle.

Seeing that Luo Nan was still not satisfied, the golden-winged roc almost cried out: “Immortal Chief, I now have that painting rod Fang Tianjie left all over my body, but it is not a treasure, but I just use it smoothly… If you want it, take it! ”

Luo Nan saw the situation and knew that the treasure on the body of this golden-winged roc eagle was indeed almost squeezed by himself.

However, for Ronan, the golden-winged eagle has one last value.

“Now give you a chance to kill me, I stand here and don’t hide or fight back, if you can kill me, you will naturally have a chance to escape!”

Luo Nan’s voice was flat, but it fell into the ears of the golden-winged eagle like thunder.

The golden-winged Dapeng Eagle looked confused, only to hear it wrongly: “What joke is the Immortal Chief?” ”

Luo Nan just put his hands behind his back and looked indifferent: “You only have five breaths of time, within five breaths, if I don’t die, then you die!” “_

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