With a muffled sound, Luo Nan’s fist emitting ghostly light smashed directly on the head of the golden-winged roc eagle that had turned into a prototype, directly blasting out a large pit.

Receiving this unexpected blow, the golden-winged roc eagle eagle eagle eyes out of Venus, and the huge body hanging in mid-air all fell down violently!

Obviously, the Golden-winged Roc did not expect that Luo Nan would directly ride his face to attack him.

In the previous battle with Luonan, because Luonan used magical magic most of the time, the golden-winged eagle once thought that Luonan was not good at close combat, so there was not much defense.

But in fact, this is not the case.

Before opening the blood vein to burn, Luo Nan’s melee combat ability was indeed inferior to the power of the Divine Secret Technique.

However, after opening the bloodline to burn and entering the Super Saiyan form, Lonan’s melee combat ability increased exponentially.

At this moment, it just hit the golden-winged roc eagle by surprise!

And Luo Nan could not let go of this opportunity, completely carrying forward the spirit of taking advantage of your illness to kill you to the extreme, clenching his fists on the brain door of the golden-winged eagle.

Suddenly, the sound of banging and banging was incessant, as if someone had directly beaten a war drum in the sky!

And Luo Nan’s fist wrapped in ghost light could smash a pit in the top of the golden-winged eagle’s head every time it fell.

In just one breath, dozens of punches fell like raindrops, and then a “click” cracking sound directly sounded.

Golden-winged Roc Eagle of the Firm. The hard skull was directly cracked by Luo Nan’s smashing, and the blood was spilled, and even the black hair on the top of the head of the golden-winged Roc Eagle changed color.


Suddenly, a chirp came from the mouth of the golden-winged eagle, and the pain was mixed with anger, which could be described as a shock to the clouds.

The next moment, the body of the golden-winged eagle suddenly shrunk, and at the same time, a black light emanated from the body, directly towards the Luonan above his head.

Luo Nan instinctively sensed that there was an extremely dangerous breath coming from the black light, and when the next point was pointed out, the black light that had originally attacked him actually stopped directly in the air, as if the hand of time had been stopped at this moment!

Although the stagnation of this black light was only a moment, for Ronan, it was enough time.

While fixing the black light, Luo Nan flew back with the Path Secret Technique and directly flashed away from the black light attack range!

However, Luo Nan did not retreat, but jumped to the top of the head of the golden-winged eagle, and then five fingers were buckled out one after another!

Prison Heaven and Earth!

Broken Mountains and Rivers!


Break the sky!


Luo Nan’s five fingers are linked, and one finger is more powerful than the other!

Suddenly, the wind and clouds surged and the heavens and the earth roared, and the ancient desolate aura that had long been extinct in this time was once again filled with this square heaven and earth!

The golden-winged Dapeng eagle located below Luo Nan had now converged on the figure of a hundred zhang and turned into a size of less than ten zhang.

Hoping to reduce his size to increase his agility, but this is meaningless under Lonan’s attack!

At this moment, the golden-winged eagle head broke the blood flow was already very messy, and at this moment, it was even more difficult to resist when encountering Luo Nan’s five fingers and clasps!

At the first finger, the body of the golden-winged eagle shook, hanging in mid-air and crumbling.

When Luo Nan’s second finger was pointed out, the right wing of the golden-winged Roc Eagle directly exploded, and the finger that could shatter the mountains and rivers was not at all the flesh and blood of the Golden-winged Roc Eagle that could resist!

After Luo Nan’s three fingers were pointed out, the golden-winged giant eagle only felt as if the Yuan God in his body had been hit hard, and it was much darker for a while.

This made the golden-winged eagle feel terrified!

Unlike mortals who can enter the earth house to reincarnate after death, the immortal demon is different, once cultivated to the Yuan Infant Realm, the soul and the Yuan Infant are fused.

Once the Yuan Baby is destroyed, it is really certain to die, and there is no half chance!

Therefore, for any Immortal Demon, the Yuan Baby, or the Yuan God being damaged, is an unacceptable thing!

The Golden-winged Roc Eagle was originally to find revenge on Luo Nan for the destruction of his Dharma body, he saw that Luo Nan was only in the Heavenly Immortal Realm, and he thought that he could torture and kill Luo Nan with ten to nine.

But as the battle continued, the surprise and shock that Ronan brought to him increased.

Not weaker than the power of the Third Order Great Luo Golden Immortal, the terrifying and sensational divine powers, and even the Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda, which Li Jing, the King of Tota regarded as the root of life, inexplicably appeared in Luo Nan’s hands!

All of this made the golden-winged Dapeng Eagle a little unable to accept it, thinking that he had been locked up in the Lei Yin Temple for too long, and the outside world was already so terrible?

A human being in the Heavenly Immortal Realm could suppress the Ninth Order Golden Immortal’s own beating?

However, shock to shock, doubt to doubt, golden-winged eagle knows one thing very well, that is, it is time to run!

If only the flesh is threatened, the golden-winged eagle will not escape in order to fight for breath.

He couldn’t afford to lose his face when he was beaten by the Heavenly Immortals.

But now that even the Yuan God was already threatened, the Golden-winged Roc Eagle didn’t have time to worry about any face!

But just as the golden-winged eagle was preparing to escape, Luo Nan’s last two fingers had already fallen.

The Shattered Heaven and the Finger Qiankun Force fused with each other, turning into an unprecedented and terrifying attack, landing directly on the back of the Golden-winged Roc Eagle with lightning speed!


Suddenly, an explosion sounded.

The body of the Golden-winged Roc Eagle with ancient bloodlines, under the power of the fusion of these two fingers, was suddenly directly shattered!

After these pieces separated from each other, they quickly turned into a piece of powder and dissipated with the wind, leaving only the panicked Yuan God of the Golden-winged Roc Eagle to isolate the place.

That Yuan Shen was a reserved little eagle, but it was the size of a palm, and at this moment, his eyes were full of terror!

Seeing Luo Nan approaching himself step by step, the golden-winged eagle’s Yuan Shen hair stood up, and he said in a loud voice, “There is something to say, this time I have eyes that do not know Tarzan to collide with the Immortal Chief, please Immortal Commander read me cultivation is not easy to let me go once, I have survived endless years to collect many treasures, you can exchange it for my life!” ”

Luo Nan originally wanted to directly kill this golden-winged giant eagle of the Yuan God, and then go straight to the Heavenly Court to find trouble for the Jade Emperor Zhang Bairen.

But at this moment, when he heard the words, his eyebrows were raised, but he was interested: “What treasure do you have in exchange for your own life?” “_

Fei Lu reminds you: read three things – collect

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