When he felt the great desolate breath on this finger, the golden-winged Dapeng eagle, which was already full of solemnity, changed its face again!

This breath exists between heaven and earth when the heavens and the earth first open.

After the Dragon Han Initial Raid, it gradually faded away, until the Lich Demon War was over, it had completely dissipated.

As a great demon that has survived from ancient times to the present, the golden-winged eagle is familiar with this breath.

If the person in front of him is replaced by Hou Yi Lu Press, the golden-winged Roc Eagle will not be half surprised.

But at this moment, there was only a human being in front of him, which made the golden-winged eagle somewhat unacceptable.

“Whose finger is this guy summoning!!”

In his heart, the golden-winged Dapeng Eagle did not dare to hide his clumsiness, and at this moment, he did his best to reach out and make an extra painting stick in front of him!

Although this painting pole Fang Tianji is not an innate spiritual treasure, nor is it a post-heavenly treasure, it is the most convenient weapon that the golden-winged Dapeng Eagle has found from ancient times to the present.

To him, this painting pole Fang Tianji was like that Ruyi Golden Hoop Stick fighting and defeating the Buddha!

As long as you hold it in your hand, your combat power can soar by 30%!


With a roar in his hand, the golden-winged roc eagle did not dodge, directly holding the painting rod Fang Tianji and pointing directly at the huge finger that fell from the sky!


Immediately afterward, a crisp sound of gold and iron intersecting suddenly resounded throughout the sky, even a hundred miles away.

In the face of the huge fingers that fell from the sky, the proud power of the golden-winged eagle seemed to be somewhat stretched at this moment, and it was difficult to resist at all.

In the instant when the two met, the golden-winged Dapeng Eagle only felt a terrible impact, transmitted from the painting rod Fang Tianjie in his hand, constantly pressing his body downwards.

The wings behind the golden-winged eagle shook violently, forcibly stopping the falling figure.

However, the huge force that could not be vented shook the armor on the golden-winged eagle into powder, and even the skin of the body was cracked inches apart, and the blood fell from the sky to the bottom!

The shock in the heart of the golden-winged Roc Eagle at this moment was indescribable.

He possessed the strength of a third-order Great Luo Golden Immortal, but he fell into the inferior position in a blow to the human being in front of him.

This made the golden-winged Roc Eagle simply unacceptable!

At this moment, it was difficult to carry a finger, and the golden-winged roc no longer hesitated and rushed directly towards Luo Nan.

“I’d like to see how many times you can do this level of attack!”

The golden-winged Dapeng eagle let out a loud roar in its mouth, and the Dapeng spread its wings and flashed as if it had crossed the space, appearing directly in front of Luo Nanjin.

Immediately afterward, the painting rod Fang Tianji in his hand slashed directly at Luo Nan

Luo Nan saw that his heart moved, and the Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda hovering next to the fairy baby appeared directly, blocking this slash of the golden-winged eagle.

“Seven Treasures Tower!! How could it be in your hands?? ”

Seeing this pagoda, the golden-winged eagle was completely messy, just because the surprise that Ronan brought to him was too much!

And just when the golden-winged roc eagle was shocked, the Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda was under the control of Luo Nan, directly shrouded the head of the golden-winged roc eagle, trapping the golden-winged roc eagle in it.

The biggest function of this Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda is to suppress demons!

And the golden-winged Roc eagle, which has eaten countless people in his lifetime, originally belonged to the demon category and just happened to be restrained by this Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda.

If it was Li Jing who only had the Second Order Golden Immortal Realm, even if there was the Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda, he would not be able to help the Golden-winged Roc Eagle.

However, after Luo Nan opened the super competition state, controlling the Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda was enough to temporarily suppress the golden-winged giant eagle.

At the same time, Luo Nan’s fingers pointed out again, and two huge grinding discs suddenly appeared under the head and feet of the golden-winged giant eagle.


This huge millstone was formed by the convergence of Heaven and Earth Yuanqi within a radius of a hundred miles, accompanied by Luo Nan’s loud drink and turned up and down in reverse, crushing the body of the golden-winged eagle!

This terrifying power gathered from the upper and lower directions, even if the golden-winged Dapeng Eagle possessed a trace of Fengzu blood, the strength of its body was different from that of ordinary people!

In just a few moments, the body that was already covered with cracks burst into blood again.

Not only was the flesh and blood shattered, but the golden-winged eagle could even hear the bones of its whole body crunching!

In normal times, facing such a dilemma, the golden-winged Roc eagle only needs to flappe its wings to fly out of this millstone range.

But at this moment, he was suppressed by the Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda, but he couldn’t run out at all!

In response to that sentence, it is difficult to escape by inserting wings!

The golden-winged eagle was anxious in his eyes, knowing that it was not the way to go on like this, and when he gritted his teeth and directly pulled out a bead that emitted a faint light from his arms.

After the bead appeared, the golden-winged eagle directly cut off in half.

The slashed bead dissipated directly in the blink of an eye, turning into a white light enveloping the golden-winged eagle in it.

After being exposed and wrapped, the golden-winged Dapeng Eagle actually directly escaped the suppression of the Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda, and the wings flew out of the crushing range of the Heaven and Earth Millstone.

The discoloration in Luo Nan’s eyes also flashed away, and he was a little curious about the appearance of the beads in the hands of the golden-winged eagle.

“What kind of treasure is this, and it can actually escape the suppression of the Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda.”

Ronan murmured, and was also concerned about the bead.

As for the golden-winged eagle, after escaping, it also directly transformed into its original form, becoming a huge golden-winged eagle with wings spread up to more than 100 inches!

The golden-winged eagle’s double beak opened and took a deep breath and exhaled directly.

This sound is like the cry of an eagle, and it is like the sound of an eagle!

The destructive sound waves, accompanied by the hurricane in the mouth of the golden-winged eagle, swept towards Luonan.

Luo Nan frowned, although his combat effectiveness was strong, his defensive power was average.

This penetrating and destructive power is an extremely strong attack, and it must not be resisted!

At the moment, Luo Nan also took the Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda into his body, and then he performed the Writing Secret Technique, and between the flashes of his body, he directly avoided the sonic attack of the golden-winged eagle!

However, the golden-winged roc eagle had a slight advantage, but it began to be a little indomitable, and the wings vibrated immediately after Luo Nan.

This inch-by-inch move made Luo Nan raise an eyebrow: “Is it really that I can’t cure you?” ”

With that, Luo Nan actually reflexively rode his face and landed on the top of the golden-winged eagle.

In the super competition state, it is not only the power of Luonan who exerts divine powers, but also the ability to melee combat is enhanced even more!

At this moment, Luo Nan also clenched his fists and smashed directly on the brain gate of the golden-winged eagle! _

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