“Looking for death? What nonsense are you kid talking about! ”

The golden-winged eagle snorted coldly, and its face was full of confidence that everything was under control.

And, of course, the hatred for Lonan!

For the Golden-winged Roc Eagle, Luo Nan was definitely one of the people he hated the most!

The golden-winged Dapeng eagle has survived for an extremely long time, even dating back to the time of the Dragon and Han Dynasties.

When Fengzu fell on the Fengfeng Slope, the golden-winged Dapeng Eagle who passed by swallowed a mouthful of blood spit out by Fengzu and possessed some Fengzu blood!

This Fengzu Essence Blood, while bringing great wealth to the Golden-winged Roc Eagle, also lost a huge trouble to the Golden-winged Roc Eagle.

With the bloodline of Fengzu, the strength of the golden-winged Dapeng Eagle will be far stronger than that of the same level.

However, the price of this strength is that it becomes extremely difficult to break through.

After the first catastrophe of the Dragon and Han Dynasties, the heavens and the earth changed greatly, and while human beings became the protagonists of the heavens and the earth, the three clans of the Dragon and Phoenix Qilin Clan, and even the later Wu Clan and the Three-legged Jinwu Clan, also had a hidden tendency to be abandoned by Heaven and Earth, and it was far more difficult to break through than the Terrans.

Just as Hou Yi had been stuck at the level of the Ninth Order Great Luo Golden Immortal and could not go any further, the Golden-winged Dapeng Eagle was also stuck in the Ninth Order Golden Immortal and could not go any further.

The method chosen by Hou Yi was to travel through several worlds and see different Heavenly Paths to seek breakthrough opportunities.

The Golden-winged Roc Eagle chose the secret art that had been obtained a long time ago.

As long as you cultivate a Fa-body, let it also grow to the peak of the Ninth Order Golden Immortal, and then fuse the Fa-body with the body, there is a great possibility that it will advance to the level of the Great Luo Golden Immortal in one fell swoop.

To this end, the Golden-winged Dapeng Eagle spent millions of years searching for heaven and earth treasures to refine the Fa-body, and spent millions of years elevating the Fa-body to the True Immortal Realm.

It took thousands of years of hard work to trace the trail!

However, that thousand years of hard work was destroyed in the hands of Luo Nan, so how could the golden-winged eagle not hate?

At the beginning, his body was in retreat and could not take immediate action, so the Fa Body had left a secret mark on Luo Nan before it was destroyed, ensuring that the body could seek revenge on Luo Nan after it was released.

However, later, when the body was able to strike out, it was no longer able to perceive the existence of Luo Nan in the Pangu World.

Not long ago, the golden-winged Roc Eagle finally sensed Luo Nan’s location through the imprint, and then left the Lei Yin Temple to pursue and kill all the way.

At this moment, after chasing and killing for several days, the enemy was finally blocked, and the long-accumulated anger in the heart of the golden-winged Roc Eagle could finally be vented!

A pair of eagle eyes swept over Luo Nan’s body, and the golden-winged Dapeng Eagle snorted coldly: “In just a short period of time, your little boy has actually broken through to the Heavenly Immortal Realm, but the Heavenly Immortal and the distance are far greater than the Yuan Infant to the True Immortal!” You have destroyed my Dharma body, and you have ruined my efforts for thousands of years, and today I will kill your spirit and refine your soul and beat you into the earth! ”

Luo Nan heard the words and said coldly, “If you want to fight, where there is so much nonsense, I am here to talk to you about the past.” ”

“Rampant boy, since you are begging for death, I will give you a ride!”

The golden-winged eagle’s eyes rose in anger, and the next second the golden wings vibrated behind him, and several rays of black and gold intersecting light shot directly towards Luo Nan.

After sensing the power contained in the attack of the Golden-winged Roc Eagle, Luo Nan’s eyebrows were also involuntarily raised, somewhat unexpectedly.

In his probing technique, the level of the Golden-winged Dapeng Eagle was 1v249, at the peak of the Ninth Order Golden Immortal, and it was almost one step away from entering the realm of the Great Luo Golden Immortal.

However, at this moment, the power of the attack of the golden-winged Roc Eagle was not weaker than that of Helios, the sun god that Ronan had originally encountered.

You know, when Helios harnessed the Sun Dragon, it was equivalent to the Third Order Great Luo Golden Immortal!

That is to say, although the Golden-winged Dapeng Eagle Body was only the cultivation of the Golden Immortal Peak, it possessed the combat power of the Third Order Great Luo Golden Immortal.

“This Fengzu bloodline is really powerful, the golden-winged Dapeng carving can only get a mouthful of essence blood to do so, then how strong will the Peacock Ming King, who has received all the bloodline inheritance of Fengzu, be?”

He murmured in his heart, but there was no fear on Ronan’s face.

If before he advanced to the Heavenly Immortal Realm, the combat strength of the Third Order Great Luo Golden Immortal was indeed unable to resist.

But today, the situation is very different!

“After entering the Heavenly Immortals, I haven’t yet touched hands with someone who has the power of the Great Luo, anyway, I want to go to the Heavenly Palace, and at this moment I just borrowed you to warm up!”

But the golden-winged eagle seemed to have heard some joke: “Laugh at me, just a heavenly immortal still wants to make a big fuss in the Heavenly Palace?” Really when you are that monkey? I see that you boy may not even be able to enter the South Heavenly Gate! ”

The mockery of the golden-winged eagle did not change Luo Nan’s face.

And in Ronan’s mouth, he only indifferently spat out two words: “Is it? ”

As soon as the words fell, Luo Nan’s body was suddenly enveloped by a golden light, and after the breath on his body was magnified fifty times, it immediately turned into a terrifying power that swept across the heavens and the earth!

Even the golden-winged eagle involuntarily retreated a few miles!

“What is this thing! But why would a mere celestial being possess such a degree of might!!! ”

The black face of the golden-winged Dapeng Eagle was full of consternation, he had the bloodline of Fengzu Ancestor, and he could only possess the third-order Great Luo combat power in the Ninth Order Golden Immortal Realm!

And this guy in front of me is just a heavenly immortal, why can he have a power that is not weaker than mine!

What kind of powerful bloodline does he have in his body?

In the eyes of the golden-winged eagle, at this moment, there was no longer a hint of contempt, but a very cautious attitude.

But in fact, the golden-winged roc eagle thought wrong.

Luo Nan was able to possess such power in the Heavenly Immortal Realm, and it was not just because of his bloodline.

Luo Nan’s own realm was Heavenly Immortal, but because of the purity of the Immortal Force in his body, the power could reach the True Immortal Level.

After opening the Super Saiyan form with a fifty-fold bonus, you can reach the Golden Immortal level.

In addition, the indomitable meaning of the heavens and the earth and the heavens and the earth that Luo Nan learned when he studied fishing for the moon in the well and the power of overriding all things and the heavens were also integrated into the might!

This combination of species made Luo Nan’s power reach the level of the Great Luo Golden Immortal!

This point, the golden-winged eagle did not know, Luo Nan naturally would not explain.

At the moment Lonan five fingers extended. The outfit was pressed at the same time, and then a huge finger with the breath of the Great Desolation pierced through the sky and came from the sky! _

Fei Lu reminds you: read three things – collect

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