“Sister Meng Yu and Yu Yan, in the midst of this Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda!”

After Luo Nan pointed and smashed the shield around the Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda, a large amount of miscellaneous breath was directly released.

And two of them were Luo Nan’s trip to kill and injure the Heavenly Garden, Wu Mengyu and Song Yuyan, who were looking for them!

After perceiving the location of the second daughter, a stone in Ronan’s heart landed, but the fingers that had intended to continue to crush had to stop.

Because if it directly collided with the Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda, it was difficult to ensure that it would not cause harm to the second daughter imprisoned in the tower.

“Cough cough…”

Li Jing couldn’t bear it any longer this time, coughing up a mouthful of scarlet blood in his mouth, and his face was even more pale, and even his body was a little dark.

Obviously, the shield of the Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda was broken, and he who was connected to the Magic Treasure Heart was also repulsed by a lot of light.

At this moment, forcibly supporting his body from falling, Li Jing looked up at Luo Nan above the sky and drank: “I didn’t want to threaten you with these two mortals, but at this moment, I have to do so, if you attack again, the second daughter in this tower will definitely die in your hands!” ”

Luo Nan frowned, knowing that what Li Jing said was not false, and at this moment, his eyes flashed, and he could only ask: “How can I let people go?” ”

“No matter what, you can’t put it down.”

Li Jing wiped off the scarlet color of the zui horn, shook his head, and said, “Your Majesty has already issued an order, these two daughters will never leave the tower!” ”

When Li Jing said that this matter was too Platinum Venus to manage and should not manage, Luo Nan guessed that it must be related to the Jade Emperor.

Therefore, there was not much surprise on his face at this moment, some were just rising anger: “Looking for trouble for two mortal women, the Jade Emperor really opened my eyes!” ”

In Lonan’s words, there is an undisguised mockery.

Although Li Jing knew that Luo Nan’s scolding was correct, he still couldn’t help but defend the Jade Emperor: “Your Majesty naturally has his deep meaning in doing things, which is what you can evaluate?” ”

“There is a saying in the mortal world called aiding and abusive, you Li Jing did it once, but you didn’t expect to do it a second time now.” Lonan snorted coldly.

Li Jing shook his head and sighed, “When Li Jing first treacherously betrayed his righteousness once, there would not be a second time in this life, and I would not let these two people go!” ”

With that, Li Jing was about to recall the Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda in the air back to his hands.

However, the next second, Li Jing’s face changed, because the Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda was actually hovering in the air at this moment, as if imprisoned by an invisible force, unable to move!

This made Li Jing’s face full of surprise, and at this moment, Luo Nan’s indifferent voice sounded.

“Since you don’t let go, I’ll take it myself!”

Words sounded in the sabre of the sab, Lonan Shin. Draw your index finger in front of you.

“Take the heavens and the earth as a well…”

As Ronan’s words fell, a ripple suddenly flashed in front of him.

Just like the originally calm surface of the lake, it was gently touched, and the waves of the swing road spread in all directions.

Around Luo Nan’s body, at this moment, there was suddenly a single vapor of water.

With the water vapor lingering, the void of microwaves swinging around is like the real water surface at this moment!

At this moment, if you look down from the sky, you will certainly find that the void where Li Jing and more than a thousand Heavenly Soldiers are located has become a well.

In the well, ripples are pervasive and water vapor lingers.

And Li Jing and the more than a thousand Heavenly Soldiers only felt as if they had been stripped out of the heavens and the earth at this moment.

It was as if I was in the middle of a well and no longer had any contact with the outside world.

Even the Heaven and Earth Yuan Qi could not be felt, and even the Heavenly Dao, which was often realized, was only intermittent at this moment, and it was difficult to see the whole picture.

Obviously, they were trapped in the well at the moment, and they had become frogs at the bottom of the well, and they could only see the sky that Ronan wanted them to see!

If Ronan obscured the wellhead, the Heavenly Dao that they had sensed in the past would completely disappear from their perception.

At that time, the will of Ronan will be their heavenly way!

However, with Luo Nan’s current understanding of the art of fishing for the moon in the well, he could not completely close the wellhead and completely cut off the connection between the people inside and the Heavenly Dao.

But even so, it is enough!

Jing Cheng’s spark, Luonan’s voice rose again!

“Turning all beings into the moon…”

The projection of Li Jing and the more than a thousand Heavenly Soldiers suddenly appeared on the well surface in front of Luo Nan’s eyes!

In addition, Shouyuan, cultivation, divine powers, magic weapons… Everything is imprinted into Lonan’s eyes!

As long as Luo Nan thinks of it, all sentient beings and all things, everything in this heaven and earth, is the moon in the well!

However, at this moment, there was only one thing in Ronan’s eyes!

That is the Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda that holds Wu Mengyu and Song Yuyan’s second daughter!

Since Li Jing was foolish and loyal to the Jade Emperor and did not want to release people, then Luo Nan could only rob people himself!

Luo Nan’s mind moved, and the projection of the Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda above the well surface suddenly changed, and soon overlapped with a round of bright yellow crescent moon.

At this moment, the Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda is the moon in the well!

Jingzhong Yue, is the Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda!

“In the well… Fishing for the moon! ”

Without hesitation, Luo Nan directly reached into the well surface in front of him, holding the shadow that was even the crescent moon and the Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda in his hand, and then slowly raised the surface of the water.

And just when the shadow completely left the water, the moon shadow gradually dissipated, and the image of the Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda was slowly revealed, and quickly condensed.

Correspondingly, the Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda in front of Li Jing gradually turned into a shadow, and finally completely dissipated into the ripples of the void.

The next moment, the well is scattered.

When Li Jing regained his ability to move, and was able to perceive the Heaven and Earth Yuan Qi and the Complete Heavenly Dao, his gaze was already filled with unbelievable horror.

Because, the Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda, which had been pregnant for tens of millions of years, had completely disappeared into his perception at this moment.

After seeing the pagoda clenched in Luo Nan’s hand, Li Jing’s pupils shrank even more.

“This… How is this possible…”

“He… How to take away the Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda! ”

“Even if it is a quasi-saint, it is impossible to take away my magic weapon so easily!”

“What the hell is this man?”

“What kind of divine power separates heaven and earth!?” _

Fei Lu reminds you: read three things – collect

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