At the peak of the Heavenly Garden, there were once two kings and two marshals, and they were called the Four Saints of the Heavenly Garden!

Although these four people are not saints, they can be crowned with the word ‘holy’, which is naturally far superior to others, and the scenery in the heavenly court is infinite.

Among them, two of these marshals, Marshal Tianyou and Marshal Tiancang, were listed in the Heavenly Court in terms of combat ability.

Although Li Jing was proud and proud, he did not dare to compare with these two people.

Those two kings, on the other hand, were Erlang Zhenjun and Yousheng Zhenjun, representing the peak of the Heavenly Court’s combat effectiveness.

The cultivation of the Erlang God does not need to be said more, and the Eight Nine Xuan Gong has the power of the heavens and the earth, and can definitely be regarded as the best among the Great Luo Golden Immortals in the entire Pangu World.

As for Yousheng Zhenjun, he also has a more widely known name, called Zhenwu Emperor, stationed in the north of the Haotu Divine State!

The status of the Zhenwu Emperor is not much lower than that of the Jade Emperor, so he only listens to the invitation and does not obey the orders!

In terms of strength, it was even stronger than the Erlang God, who already had few opponents in the Great Luo Realm!

“It’s just a pity that today’s Heavenly Court is no longer what it was before, Marshal Tiancang entered that Buddhism as a messenger of the Pure Altar, and Erlang Zhenjun has also left the Heavenly Garden…”

When it came to Yang Jian’s original sentence ‘Since you have already removed your armor, why should you return to the dynasty?’ Li Jing sighed in his heart.

The reason why Erlang God withdrew from the Heavenly Court, Li Jing naturally knew it clearly, after all, he had also experienced those things in the beginning.

However, unlike Yang Jian, it seems that Li Jing is the kind of person who has written loyalty into his bones, and turning his back on the King of Lu once has become a heart disease that Li Jing has been difficult to get rid of for thousands of years, and how can he turn his back on the Jade Emperor again.

Therefore, even though many times Li Jing knew that the Jade Emperor’s decision was wrong, under loyalty, he would still complete it even if he did not want to.

For example, deliberately allowing Raphael to capture Lonan, such as arresting the two mortal women, such as dragging Lonan down at the moment!

Obviously, in Li Jing’s heart, right and wrong are not as important as loyalty.

Although he had a good feeling for Luo Nan, now that the Jade Emperor had given the order, he would definitely do his best to complete it.

Although he was powerless to kill Luo Nan, as long as he dragged on until Yousheng Zhenjun arrived, the stalemate that had plagued him in front of him could certainly be easily lifted.

Moreover, in addition to the Blessed Saint True King, the twenty-eight stars were also on their way to come, and once the twenty-eight stars arrived, the overall situation was already decided.

Thinking of this, Li Jing’s eyes flashed a touch of determination, and under the clenching of his teeth, he began to urge the Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda in front of him with all his strength.

The Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda rose against the wind at the urging of Li Jing, and soon changed from a foot high to the size of several zhang.

Along with the expansion of the body, the breath emitted by the Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda was even more amazing.

Luo Nan stood in mid-air, and his heart shook when he saw it.

The Burning Lantern Daoist was basically equivalent to the Vice-Sect Leader of the Illumination Sect, and even when the twelve golden immortals met, they had to be honored as a teacher, would the treasures he sent be weak?

If it weren’t for this Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda, Luo Nan would have beaten Li Jing to a single remnant of his soul long ago.

Although Luo Nan did not hear the voices of Li Jing Fangcai and the Jade Emperor, he probably guessed some eyebrows from the changes in Li Jing’s appearance before and after.

At this moment, seeing Li Jing fully urging the Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda, Luo Nan was no longer ready to delay time.

After all, now that Song Yuyan and Wu Mengyu’s two daughters were alive and dead, there was not much time left for Luo Nan.

Thinking of this, Lonan snapped his fingers.

Every time it is knocked, there will be a rumble in the void, and the entire hanging island will be shaken by three earthquakes.

Li Jing’s face changed drastically, and he shouted at more than a thousand heavenly soldiers behind him: “Arrange the four elephants to gather the Yuan Array!” ”

At this moment, the drums in the battle formation had long stopped, and more than a thousand Heavenly Soldiers had also become a pure Immortal Realm.

Hearing Li Jing’s command, more than a thousand Heavenly Soldiers changed their positions in an instant.

Suddenly, a large amount of Yuan Qi above the sky directly poured into Li Jing’s body, and Li Jing’s cultivation also gradually climbed, and soon reached the level of the Seventh Order Golden Immortal.

These four elephant poly arrays and the eighth-level spectral array have similar effects, and they can forcibly raise the realm of the person at the center of the array.

However, those eighth-level splitting arrays needed thirty-six Heavenly Immortals to act as Heavenly Immortals, and the Four Elephant Juyuan Needles did not need Heavenly Immortals to exist, only a large number of scattered immortals were needed.

After Li Jing’s realm soared to the seventh order of Golden Immortals, coupled with the operation of the Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda, he also had some self-confidence in his heart, and the entire Hanging Island was no longer trembling in an instant. Shake.

Luo Nan saw his eyebrows raised, and thought that this heavenly immortal really had a way to make his realm soar.

The cultivation of the Seventh Order Golden Immortal, manipulating the Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda, Luo Nan really did not necessarily break it under normal circumstances!

“But if you have this secret method, I don’t have it?”

Under the movement of his heart, the blood veins in Luonan’s body burned, and a pale yellow was born. The light of the color instantly enveloped Lonan in it.

Although Luo Nan’s current rank was still a Heavenly Immortal, at this moment, his combat strength was already fifty times that of the norm!

After opening the super game state, Lonan’s fingertips did not stop!

After only a few moments, Ronan’s fifth finger was finally snapped!

Suddenly, in the void above the floating island, a huge finger had appeared.

This huge finger seemed to come from outside the sky, and Rao was Li Jing who couldn’t see the momentum at all, and the extremely rich ancient desolate aura attached to it even had the meaning of shattering the firmament!

This breath instantly made the self-confidence that had just risen in Li Jing’s heart disappear in an instant.

“This… This is the power that can only be produced by the Great Luo Jinxian Shot! ”

With an exclamation in his mouth, Li Jing’s look suddenly changed drastically, and the shock on his face was unprecedented!

However, at the moment, Li Jing could only harden his scalp and urge the Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda to resist the huge fingers that fell from the higher heavens!

After a short breath, the huge fingers and the Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda collided directly together.

The Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda was originally the most precious treasure, and if it was in the hands of the Burning Lantern Daoist, it would be very difficult for Luo Nan to shake it now.

However, in Li Jing’s hands, it was completely different.

In the instant of this encounter, the tower of the Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda, which was several feet high, shook, and then the shield unfolded on it shattered layer by layer, unable to resist Luo Nan’s fingers at all.

And in the instant that this shield was broken, the Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda suddenly revealed a lot of miscellaneous breath.

And among these thousands of miscellaneous breaths, there are two Luonan that are extremely familiar!

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