In Li Jing’s heart, there were all kinds of horrors and doubts, but no one would answer them for him.

After using the technique of fishing for the moon in the well to get the Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda in his hand, Luo Nan’s first thought was to temporarily put the Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda into the storage ring.

After all, now that the shield of the Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda had been broken, if it had been held in her hands and fought, it was likely to hurt the second daughter who was locked inside.

However, after trying, Luo Nan found that this Seven Treasures Pagoda could not be stored in the storage ring at all.

Because his storage ring can only store lifeless things, and if he forcibly stuffs the Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda into it, then the beings imprisoned in the Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda will also be destroyed in an instant!

The demon Luo Nan who was locked up in the tower by Li Jing didn’t care, but Song Yuyan and Wu Mengyu, the two daughters, Luo Nan couldn’t help but care.

“When you open the Super Race state twice, the body and the Immortal Force are consumed quite a lot, especially in the Super Race state, using the Well Moon Fishing Technique, and the physical strength and Immortal Force are directly consumed by more than half. Now it is still necessary to ensure the safety of Meng Yujie and Yuyan first, and then settle the general account with the Jade Emperor! ”

After pondering for a moment, Luo Nan canceled the blood vein burning, and then directly performed the Writing Secret Technique and headed for the South Heavenly Gate.

After the blood vein burned, it entered the super race state, which increased Ronan’s combat effectiveness by fifty times, but it did not have much impact on the line of the secret art.

In order to save physical strength, Ronan also performs the magic of writing with normalcy.

But even so, his speed is quite fast now.

In particular, the reinforcements sent by the Jade Emperor did not come from the south at all, so Luo Nan was also unimpeded along the way.

Occasionally, a few Heavenly Soldiers blocked the way, and they were also directly destroyed by Luo Nan’s pointing!

And the occasional fight along the way actually made Luo Nan rise another level, reaching one hundred and three levels!

After escaping from the South Heavenly Gate, Luo Nan went directly down to the South Zhan Bu Zhou, and after finding an unmanned mountain everywhere, Luo Nan kept pointing out and directly opened up a passage.

Flashing through this passage, Luo Nan hid directly in the belly of the mountain, and then sat cross-legged, concentrating his gaze on the Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda in his hand.

The Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda has been in the hands of Li Jing for tens of millions of years, and there is a very deep connection between it and Li Jing.

However, at this moment, this connection had been completely cut off by Luo Nan using the technique of fishing for the moon in the well, that is to say, the Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda had become a masterless thing at this moment!

“Arresting Meng Yujie and Yuyan was obviously not Li Jing’s intention, so I didn’t kill him directly, but he was a person who did it, and he couldn’t get rid of it, and this Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda was the lesson I taught him!”

Ronan whispered to himself that he could be fierce to the gods of the world.

But for the Huaxia gods he had heard since childhood, Luo Nan was always hidden, and he was not willing to kill them unless necessary.

In the end, Mo Liqing and Li Jing were both obedient to orders, so Luo Nan did not kill them.

But he couldn’t completely let these two people go, but wouldn’t it be even more unscrupulous for someone to do something to his relatives and friends in the future?

Therefore, he shattered the flesh of the demon Li Qing and snatched Li Jing’s magic weapon, and this was punishment!

After taking a deep breath, Ronan began to carefully explore the pagoda in his hand.

The origin of the Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda is unknown, only that it was given to Li Jing by the Lantern Daoist.

But it is not clear whether this treasure was born of heaven and earth, or whether it was refined by the Burning Lantern Daoist himself, or refined by the saints.

But what is certain is that this treasure is very powerful, especially when dealing with demons and evil ways!

After Luo Nan carefully swept through the pagoda with his divine consciousness to make sure that there was no consciousness imprint left on it, it was a complete ownerless thing, and only then did he force a drop of essence blood from his fingertips and drop it on the top of the tower!

Dropping blood to recognize treasure is undoubtedly the simplest and most brutal method.

However, this method can only be used when the treasure is confirmed as an unowned thing.

Moreover, the connection between the treasure and the master refined in this way is also the weakest.

If you want to fully control a certain treasure, you need a long time of water mill work, and the longer you spend together, the deeper the connection between the master and the magic weapon, and the more you can wave your arm!

Of course, if you master some kind of secret art of refining magic weapons, you can also have a deeper control over the magic weapons.

On the way back from the Heavenly Garden, Luo Nan had already flipped through the list of the Flood Desolation Divine Powers.

It also found a lot of magic secrets that were specially used to refine magic weapons, but these magic secrets were all flawed.

One of the most common problems is one word: slow!

Luo Nan compared it, and the fastest time would take a month to refine the magic weapon.

In comparison, it is still the most convenient and fast to recognize the treasure with blood.

As for the problem of not having a high degree of mastery of the magic weapon, Luo Nan had no time to consider it now.

Big deal to wait for later to go to the Honghuang Divine Power List to exchange divine powers for refining.

At this moment, Luo Nan was anxious to know the safety of Wu Mengyu and Song Yuyan’s second daughter, and could not wait for so long.

After that drop of sperm blood fell from Ronan’s fingertips, it soon landed on the top of the tower!

But at this moment, a force of resistance suddenly came from the Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda, blocking the entry of Luo Nan’s essence blood!

The force of this resistance is not man-made, but the nature of the magic weapon itself.

It was as if the spirit of the magic weapon was very resistant to someone refining himself in such a clumsy way as dripping blood.

However, Luo Nan had the heart to bargain with a tower at this moment, and at this moment, he pointed it out and directly used the power of heaven and earth to crush the magic will.

Luo Nan’s current finger, even the Golden Immortal could not bear it, let alone this magic weapon will that had not yet evolved into an instrument spirit?

In an instant, he was crushed into the tower by Luo Nan and did not dare to reappear, obediently allowing Luo Nan’s essence blood to merge into the tower body.

With the integration of the essence blood, Luo Nan gradually had a little more sense of this Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda in his heart.

And with the passage of time, this induction quickly becomes control!

After an hour, Luo Nan’s zui corner finally revealed a smile, and this Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda had already been initially refined by him.

“Since then, this tower has been my thing!”

As soon as his mind moved, Luo Nan split a trace of divine consciousness and directly entered the internal space of this Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda! _

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