When Luo Nan and Taibai Venus left the South Heavenly Gate and rushed here, Li Jing received the news, and then immediately gathered his Heavenly Soldiers.

And after learning that even after Mo Liqing advanced to the Sixth Order True Immortal Realm with the help of the eighth-level splitting light array, he was still shattered by Luo Nan’s finger, Li Jing did not dare to entrust it and immediately summoned his own men!

However, because of the rush of time, there were only more than a thousand people gathered at this moment, of which only a few people had reached the Heavenly Immortal Realm, and the True Immortal was even none, and even the most capable son Nezha was not around.

At this moment, Taibai Venus retreated, the battle was about to start, and Li Jing no longer waited, and directly issued an order to beat the drum and deploy the formation to the people behind him!

“Boom! Boom! Boom! ”

After Li Jing’s order fell, a series of drums sounded over the nearly a thousand heavenly soldiers who had already formed an array.

The drum sound seems to be mixed with a wonderful rhythm, percussive in a very special rhythm.

Weight is different, length is different!

It wasn’t the first time Lonan had heard the drum.

When Li Jing’s father and son fought with the angels over the city of Mianchuan, this drum sounded once.

Then those Heavenly Soldiers of the Jindan Daoji Realm would all be transformed into the Scattered Immortal Yuan Infant Realm.

In short, this drum sound with a special frequency is similar to a buff with a group bonus.

However, according to Luo Nan’s observation, this drum sound seemed to be useful to the Heavenly Soldiers below the Heavenly Immortal Realm.

And Luo Nan naturally will not watch the other party finish beating the drum here, and in the moment when the irregular drum sounds, Luo Nan brazenly shoots.

I saw Ronan hanging high in the air, his palm pressed down violently.

Suddenly, a huge palm suddenly emerged between heaven and earth, and it directly shot towards the battle formation of more than a thousand heavenly soldiers.

“To want to destroy my battle front is simply delusional!”

Li Jing saw a cold hum, his sleeves flew straight into the air, and then he slapped upwards, and he was going to have a hard confrontation with Luo Nan!

Although he knew what Luo Nan was doing at the South Heavenly Gate, he did not personally fight it, and in the end he did not understand what Luo Nan’s strength was.

At this moment, I want to slap Luo Nan against each other, and I also want to measure some of Luo Nan’s strength.

The next moment, two huge palms collided together over the hanging island where Li Jing lived.

Suddenly, a roar spread in all directions, and the shock wave visible to the naked eye spread everywhere with terrifying power!

Even the more than a thousand heavenly soldiers who had gathered into a battle formation below were also turned over by the people who rushed by this aftershock, and the drumming sound that constantly sounded in the sky also had a momentary pause!

The aftermath is still like this, not to mention Li Jing, who bore the brunt of it!

In terms of combat effectiveness, Li Jing and Nezha were on a par, but that was with the help of the Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda!

But when it comes to cultivating as a realm, Li Jing is far behind.

Without using the Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda, Li Jing’s true combat power was only a second-order golden immortal.

Even if Luo Nan hadn’t turned on the blood vein burning now and entered the Super Saiyan state to get fifty times the combat power bonus, his slap was not something that a second-order Golden Immortal could resist!

After a roar from the handover of his palms, Li Jing only felt an irresistible force rushing into his body through his arm.

The next moment, Li Jing’s throat was sweet, and a mouthful of blood directly poured out.

Although Li Jingqiang endured and did not spit it out, the zui horn still oozed a little scarlet!

The shocked color in his eyes flashed, and Li Jing no longer dared to hold on to it, and hurriedly stretched out. The Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda was sacrificed by the hand to resist the aftermath of Luo Nan’s palm that had not yet dissipated.

This Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda was the most precious treasure given to Li Jing by the Spirit Vulture Mountain Yuan Digging Cave Burning Lantern Daoist before the Great War of the Gods, which not only possessed the ability to collect demons and suppress demons, but also possessed a vast and invincible power.

This Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda alone is worth more than all the treasures on Nezha’s body combined, which shows its preciousness.

The Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda, as the treasure at the bottom of Li Jing’s pressure box, after the sacrifice at this moment, really blocked Luo Nan’s slap of Yu Wei.

However, after blocking this blow, Li Jing’s face did not have a hint of joy.

Isn’t it a great irony that he is a golden immortal, but only with the help of the Ultimate Treasure can he compete with a Heavenly Immortal?

His gaze swept over Luo Nan’s body, and Li Jing’s heart was also secretly sighing.

The proud son of heaven, this is the kind of person who is talking about it…

The Heavenly Immortal Realm has such a powerful combat power, if this person reaches the Golden Immortal Realm and then obtains some powerful magic weapons, who will be the opponent in the entire Heavenly Garden!

“Obviously he is a man with a bright future, but he has offended His Majesty, maybe this is your life!”

At the same time as Li Jing sighed in his heart, Luo Nan’s attack fell again.

This time, Li Jing did not dare to be tough, but directly relied on the Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda to defuse Luonan’s attack.

In this way, the two attacked and defended, and the entire floating island that they hit shook and shook, and there were constantly cracked earth and stones falling from the sky to the mortal world!

And in the midst of this fierce battle, a majestic voice suddenly sounded in Li Jing’s heart: “Li Jing, I already knew about this before and after this incident!” ”

Hearing this voice, Li Jing’s eyes lit up, and while using the Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda to resist Luo Nan’s attack, he also transmitted a voice: “Your Majesty, this person has such combat strength in the Heavenly Immortal Realm, and it can be said that the future is immeasurable, so instead of being an enemy, it is better to recruit him and enhance the strength of my Heavenly Court!” ”

Obviously, Li Jing still had some love for talent in his heart, so he had such a suggestion.

However, among the voices that followed the Jade Emperor, there was a little displeasure: “Li Jing, are you questioning my decision?” ”

Li Jing’s face tightened, and he hurriedly transmitted: “The minister does not dare!” ”

“Ahem!” The Jade Emperor snorted coldly, and the chill in his voice was even worse: “Cut off his future, isn’t it?” ”

Although they were far apart, the coldness in the Jade Emperor’s voice still made Li Jing’s heart tremble uncontrollably, and a layer of cold sweat oozed from his forehead.

However, Li Jing was still somewhat self-aware, and said with a bitter smile: “Your Majesty, this person’s strength is superior, and it is still acceptable for the subject to resist… I’m afraid I don’t have the ability to grab it. ”

“Naturally, I know how many pounds you have, just drag him and don’t let him leave, I have already sent twenty-eight stars to support, and Yousheng Zhenjun and his deputy envoys have also left, you only need to delay for a moment, that person will die!”

After speaking, the Jade Emperor cut off the transmission with Li Jing.

However, Li Jing was shocked when he heard this, only because of the name that the Jade Emperor finally mentioned in his mouth!

Bless the Holy Lord!

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