One glance, smash the Qingtian Giant Sword!

One finger, destroy the Golden Immortal Dharma Body!

What happened in a short period of time not only made the remaining Demon Liqing of the Immortal Infant Yuan God terrified, but the one hundred and eight Heavenly Soldier Heavenly Generals who formed the eighth-level Splitting Light Array were completely confused at this moment.

If all these things were done by a great Luo Jinxian, they would only take it for granted.

However, when all this was done by a celestial being, I am afraid that few people could accept it calmly.

Especially the magic Liqing, whose body was shattered at the first finger, was even more stupid at this moment!

When he raised his strength to the Sixth Order Golden Immortal through the Formation, Mo Liqing was quite confident.

After all, in his opinion, although the person in front of him was extremely strong, he could be called a demon that was rare in hundreds of years.

However, I’m afraid that at most, it is only comparable to the Golden Immortal of the First and Second Orders, and his own cultivation is a sixth-order Golden Immortal, and he will certainly be able to win Luo Nan steadily.

However, under this self-confidence, Mo Liqing experienced that his sword was shattered by a glance, and his body was turned into fly ash by one finger!

These two things happened together, just like pouring a layer of cold water directly on the top of Mo Liqing’s head, pouring out the flame of self-confidence and pride in Mo Liqing’s heart.

It was as if a heavily armed warrior who had been through hundreds of battles could not get up on the ground by a small doll wearing open crotch pants.

What brought Mo Liqing was not only surprise, but also loss.

And just when Mo Liqing was lost here, Luo Nan did not intend to spare his subordinates, and directly pressed his finger to destroy Mo Liqing’s Immortal Infant Yuan God together!

But at this moment, a familiar voice suddenly sounded in Luo Nan’s ear: “Little friend, stop quickly!” ”

Luo Nan looked far away, only to see an old man with white hair and white beard, wearing a gray Daoist robe, speeding up to the clouds.

Not too Platinum Venus who else could it be?

For too Platinum Star, Ronan is still quite favorable.

This old man and Yun Zhongzi belong to that kind of reasonable and good people, and they are sincere to people and things.

Too Platinum Venus so called, Luo Nan also stopped his hand, just sell too Platinum Venus a face.

Soon, Taibai Venus came to Luo Nan and whispered, “Little friend, why are you so unwise, why do you want to break into the heavenly court?” ”

“Li Jing’s father and son have captured my friends, and I have to get them back, but this group of people will not allow me to enter the Heavenly Court.”

Ronan pointed to the crowd below.

Taibai Venus flashed a trace of surprise on his face when he heard this, and said in disbelief: “Li Tianwang captured your friend?” He and you have never had a vendetta, why is that? ”

“I don’t know, but it’s true.” Lonan replied.

He could guess that the two women were arrested eighty percent because they were involved with him, but as Taibai Venus said, he and Li Jing had no grudge, so Li Jing’s motives were very unclear.

Taibai Venus heard the words, but also frowned, although he was later than Li Jing Chengxian, but he had been together for a long time.

Not to mention that Li Jing and Luo Nan had no personal grudges, and even if they did, Li Jing’s virtue would not anger his opponent’s family and friends.

“There must be some misunderstanding in this matter, so you can go with me to where King Li Tianwang is, and ask clearly, as for…”

Taibai Venus glanced at the only remaining Yuan God’s magic Qing, and while sighing in his heart, he was also shocked by the powerful combat strength displayed by Luo Nan.

However, Taibai Venus did not say much, and soon led Luo Nan directly towards the hanging island where Li Jing was located.

With Taibai Venus leading the way, the back was unimpeded, and the two soon crossed dozens of suspended islands and appeared in front of the Tota Heavenly King’s mansion.

When the two arrived here, they found that the entire Tota Heavenly Palace was already heavily guarded at this moment, and nearly a thousand Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals were still lined up, as if they were going to have a big battle.

“I didn’t expect that day to say goodbye, we still have a chance to see each other again.”

Li Jing held the pagoda in his hand and stood at the front of the array, looking at Luo Nan’s complicated eyes.

When he first fought against Raphael, Lonan had fought alongside them and severely damaged Raphael.

To say that, it can also be regarded as comrades-in-arms.

From a personal point of view, Li Jing did not feel bad about the disaster, and even appreciated it.

However, people are involuntarily in the middle of the dynasty.

The Lord’s Eater, the Faithful Thing!

It was precisely because of the Jade Emperor’s secret will that he had allowed Raphael to ablead Luonan and even prevented Erlang from coming to the rescue.

It was also because of the Jade Emperor’s secret decree that he forcibly tied up two women who were not shallow with Luo Nan to the Heavenly Court.

Although he didn’t know what kind of enmity there was between this young man with outstanding qualifications in front of him and the Jade Emperor.

But what should not be asked, Li Jing has never asked!

All he did was fulfill the Jade Emperor’s orders.

As the most proficient immortal in the Heavenly Garden, as soon as he saw Li Jing’s expression, he knew that what Luo Nan said was true.

At the moment, he also sighed lightly: “Li Tianwang, can you capture this little friend’s two friends in the Netherworld?” ”

In the face of Taibai Venus’s inquiry, understanding nodded, which was the default.

Taibai Venus frowned, “As far as I know, you are not the kind of person who will be angry with your family and friends!” ”

Li Jing took a deep breath and lifted the pagoda in his hand up three points upwards: “Taibai, there is another reason for this, but I am inconvenient to say, and you are not convenient to care, listen to my advice, leave quickly and do not set yourself on fire!” ”

Hearing this, Taibai Venus’s face changed, and he immediately guessed something in his heart.

Who could make Li Jing involuntarily in the entire Heavenly Court?

Thinking of this, Taibai Venus’s face couldn’t help but flash a little bleak, and he smiled bitterly at Luonan: “Little friend, it seems that this time, I can’t help you…”

“I always remember the kindness of the Taoist Governor on that day.”

Luo Nan threw a fist at Taibai Venus and signaled the old man to leave quickly.

The cultivation of the Taibai Venus was only a third-order true immortal, and it was not a fighting immortal in itself, and it was useless to stay here.

Frustrated, the old man sighed softly and left directly.

After the figure of Taibai Venus disappeared, the atmosphere was suddenly tense.

The next moment, Li Jing whispered in his mouth: “Beat the drum, deploy the array!” ”

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