“How is this possible, obviously just a heavenly immortal!”

Seeing that the sword he had thrown suddenly stopped in front of Luo Nan, Mo Liqing’s eyes were full of surprise!

Immediately afterward, he hurriedly read the magic trick and tried to swing the Hui Sword, but the Hui Sword was as immovable as if it were nailed into a stone!

In front of more than a hundred of the surrounding subordinates, being grabbed by a small heavenly immortal, a trace of embarrassment flashed on Mo Liqing’s face.

But more than that, it was still angry at Luonan, and at the moment it was also a direct anger: “You have acted like this, can you consider the end?” ”

“The moment I stepped into the South Heavenly Gate, I didn’t care what happened anymore!”

As he spoke, Luo Nan’s fingertips bent, and the Hui Sword that belonged to Mo Liqing instantly shattered layer by layer under the pressure of heaven and earth, turning into powder!

The weapon he carried was destroyed, and the heart-to-heart Demon Liqing was also surging with his mouth, his blood veins flowing backwards, and a trace of scarlet gushed up his throat.

But what shocked Mo Liqing the most was that the strength displayed by the Heavenly Immortal in front of him was inevitably too terrifying!

He was a Ninth Order True Immortal, but even his weapons were easily seized and destroyed by this person, so wouldn’t this person’s combat strength reach the Golden Immortal Level?

If someone had told Mo Liqing that the True Immortal had the strength of a Golden Immortal before, Mo Liqing would definitely think that the other party was stupid, and then slap him, who are you cheating on?

But now, what Mo Liqing would never have believed had become a fact in front of him, and the impact on Mo Liqing’s Three Views was not insignificant.

If it was in normal times, Mo Liqing would definitely not offend this level of existence.

The Heavenly Immortal Realm is comparable to the Golden Immortal, so when it reaches the Golden Immortal Realm, can’t it be compared with the Quasi-Saint One?

This kind of demon in millions of years is difficult to appear, and normal people will try to make friends.

However, Mo Liqing, who knew some secret things, could only choose to stand against Luo Nan!

“Who let it, that was the Jade Emperor himself ordered…”

After murmuring a word in his heart, Mo Liqing’s voice suddenly resounded all around: “Array! ”

There were more than a hundred high-level Heavenly Soldiers under Mo Liqing’s command, one-third of them all possessed the Heavenly Immortal Realm, and the rest were not weaker than the Scattered Immortals!

At this moment, after hearing Mo Liqing’s command, more than a hundred people immediately took action and stepped out of the formation according to the pace that had been practiced countless times.

This array is shaped like eight squares, named the eight-level splitting array!

The eighth-level splitting light array, created from the meaning of the stars of heaven and earth, is one of the most common formations among the heavenly soldiers, requiring a total of one hundred and nine people to cast.

Among them, seventy-two immortals of equal strength served as the earth brakes.

There were also thirty-six Heavenly Immortals of comparable strength who served as Heavenly Immortals.

Living with a True Immortal, as a Array Eye, also instantly gathered the cultivation of one hundred and nine people in the Array Eye, allowing the True Immortal to directly step into the Golden Immortal Realm!

Mo Liqing and his Heavenly Soldiers did not know how many times they had practiced this formation.

At this moment, with a single order, it was almost instantaneously deployed!

The cultivation of the thirty-six Heavenly Immortals and the seventy-two Scattered Immortals was all condensed on the body of Mo Liqing through the formation at this moment.

The magic Qing, who was located in the position of the eye of the array, was full of blue light at this moment, and there was a tendency to glare between the faints.

Along with the enhancement of this blue light, the breath that was faintly emitted from Mo Liqing’s body was also gradually enhanced, constantly rising, and soon broke through the boundaries of the true immortals and entered the Golden Immortal range!

In Luo Nan’s eyes, the level of Mo Liqing climbed all the way from lv196 knots, and soon came to lv230!

Sixth Order Golden Immortal!

With the help of the eighth-level splitting array, Mo Liqing’s cultivation directly crossed the seven realms, and his strength was ten times or even tens of times stronger than before!

It can be seen how strong this array is!

The original embarrassment on his face dissipated as he ascended to the Sixth Order Golden Immortal Realm through the Formation Method, and soon a strong color of self-confidence appeared.

Obviously, in Mo Liqing’s heart, although Luo Nan in front of him was powerful, he could never have the strength to compete with the Sixth Order Golden Immortal in the realm of Heavenly Immortals.

Thinking of the will that the Jade Emperor had secretly told them, the essence of the magic li’s eyes flickered.

The Luonan in front of him had become a merit in his eyes, and once he killed Luonan, he would certainly be rewarded by the Jade Emperor.

As for Luo Nan’s background, Mo Liqing didn’t care, his background was the entire Heavenly Court!

Thinking of this, a trace of pride flashed on Mo Liqing’s face, and after reaching out and shaking it in the air, using the Heaven and Earth Yuan Qi to reshape a Hui Sword, this pointed at Luo Nan: “Trespassing into the Heavenly Garden, slaughtering the Heavenly Soldiers, and beheading according to the law!” ”

After a cold hum, Mo Liqing directly held the Hui Sword in his hand and slashed at Luo Nan!

The Hui Sword, which was originally only three feet long, had now become a hundred feet long and short, and the powerful pressure belonging to the Sixth Order Golden Immortal was sandwiched between it, falling from the top of Luo Nan’s head!

If it were an ordinary Heavenly Immortal, before this long sword fell, I am afraid that I would have been frightened by the power above it and fell to my knees, trembling.

But Luo Nan had long been accustomed to the pressure of the Golden Immortal!

Raphael was a golden immortal and eventually died at the hands of Ronan!

Kratos is also a Golden Immortal, or died at the hands of Ronan!

Although once Raphael was seriously injured, and once with the help of Artemis’s sharp weapons.

But at that time, Luonan was just a scattered economy.

But today’s Luonan is not only an economic breakthrough to the Heavenly Immortal Realm, but also the ability to burn the blood vein, which can make the combat effectiveness soar fifty times along the river!

Killing the Golden Immortal was not a difficult task for Luo Nan!

At this moment, seeing the huge Hui Sword above his head fall, Luo Nan’s eyes were cold, and he was also directly cold: “With the help of the formation method to break through to the Golden Immortal, is it really that I can’t kill the Golden Immortal?” ”

As the words fell, the blood in Ronan’s body began to burn directly, a pale yellow. The light of the color instantly envelops the body!

The Super Race form has been opened!

Suddenly, Ronan only felt that his body was filled with unprecedented power!

The next second, I saw Luo Nan glaring at the giant sword in the sky, and the giant sword formed by the convergence of the Heaven and Earth Yuan Qi directly collapsed.

Immediately afterward, Luo Nan pointed at Mo Liqing, and Mo Liqing’s body directly collapsed and exploded, leaving only a palm-sized Immortal Baby Yuanshen standing still, terrified!

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