After knowing the reason, Luo Nan also secretly felt that the deeper the water went up!

Thinking about it now, Houyi was able to leave safely after killing Helios, and it must have something to do with the competition between the gods of the Olympus world.

Otherwise, there would have been quasi-saints or saints already involved.

After throwing out these chaotic thoughts behind his mind, Luo Nan asked the question he was most concerned about: “Emperor Fulin, if this is the case, how can I subdue this black lotus?” ”

“Although you now have the strength of the Golden Immortal Level, your realm is too low after all, and it is extremely difficult to control these twelve Extinction Black Lotuses.”

Listening to this, Ronan also nodded, which he had expected.

But since the Fu Ren Clan said that he wanted to give it to him, there was naturally a way, so he also listened to it at the moment.

The Lingren Clan said, “This Extinction Black Lotus was acquired by Luo Hu in ancient times, and after Luo Ju’s death, he was exiled to the corner of the Underworld, and after I got it, I probed several times and found that there was still some Luo Ju’s murderous intent in it!” ”

Seeing Luo Nan’s brow frown slightly, the Fu Ren Clan waved his hand to show Luo Nan not to worry: “The existence of this Luo Hu’s fierce intention is not only not a bad thing for you, but a great good thing!” ”

“What do you say?” Ronan questioned.

The Lingren Clan said, “If you don’t have this Luo Ju’s fierce intention, if you want to refine these twelve products of the Black Lotus of Annihilation, at least you need the realm above the Great Luo Golden Immortal.” But if there is this Luo Hu’s fierce intention, there is one more way. ”

Luo Nan’s eyes lit up when he heard this, and he asked in a loud voice, “I still hope that the Emperor of the Flints will inform!” ”

The Fu Ren Clan nodded, “Just find something with great merit and use it to disperse the remaining trace of Luo Ju’s fierce intent in the Black Lotus, and you can replace it and become the new master of the Black Lotus!” At this time, others can’t help, only on your own! ”

Luo Nan nodded, and the meaning of the Fu Ren Clan was already obvious.

I will give you the treasure and tell you the refining method, as to whether you can refine it or not, it depends on your own destiny!

There is no certainty in this world, the number is extremely nine, there is no one, this is the rule of the road, no one can change!

“You hold this jade rune in your hand, and when you find something with great merit, you can come to Dongsheng Shenzhou to crush the jade rune, and I will take you here!”

The Fu Ren Clan said, and threw a jade charm in front of Luo Nan.

Luo Nan took the jade charm and accepted it, and his mind had already run to the far side.

So now for him, there is one more thing that must be done.

Seeing that the Fu Ren Clan had nothing more to say to himself, Luo Nan bent down very sincerely.

The grace of salvation, the grace of solving puzzles, the gift of treasure, is only in this prayer.

Fu Renshi had a smile on his face and his eyes were full of relief: “If you want to leave, I can give you a ride.” ”

“Then it will trouble the Emperor of Flames, I have something important to do, and I need to go back to the Southern Zhan Buzhou for a trip!”


The Fu Ren Clan answered, reached out and swiped in front of him, and the space in front of him directly cracked a crack.

“Crossing this gate is the edge of Dongsheng Shenzhou, and crossing the sea can reach Nanzhan Buzhou!”

Fu Ren patted Luo Nan on the shoulder, “Go! ”

Ronan hugged his fist and stepped into the crack.

Before the surrounding space changed again, Luo Nan’s figure appeared on the edge of Dongsheng Shenzhou.

He turned to look and found that the space passage opened up by the Fu Ren Clan behind him was also gradually shrinking until it disappeared.

After taking a deep breath of Dongsheng Shenzhou’s rich vitality, Luo Nan directly performed the Writing Secret Technique and crossed the sea.

After arriving at the Heavenly Immortal Realm, Luo Nan’s speed when he performed the Xingzi Secret Technique was much faster.

Although it is not as good as the non-extinguishing fire of the Fu Ren Clan, it is also quite good!

Before being taken away from Pangu World by Raphael, the city of Misakawa was under attack.

Although the angels had all been killed, Ronan was still somewhat relieved.

After all, although the angel’s attack was disintegrated, it was difficult to guarantee that the city of Misakawa would not encounter another attack.

Therefore, in Luo Nan’s heart, he was still quite worried about Wu Mengyu and Song Yuyan’s second daughter.

As for Artemis, which was far away in the Olympus Mountains, Lonan was more at ease.

Although Zeus had ill intentions against Artemis, after all, there was a father-daughter relationship, and Zeus could not force Artemis to do that kind of thing.

So Artemis’s situation was a little difficult at best, and there was absolutely no danger.

With a plan in mind for what to do, Ronan began to move forward at full speed with peace of mind.

A few days later, in the northern part of the southern part of the continent, Luonan stopped in front of a huge mountain.

This mountain range, which Lonan is extremely familiar with, is the Lion Hump!

Above the Lion Hump, there was originally a city of ten thousand demons.

However, the city of ten thousand demons had long been destroyed by Luonan, and the demons in it were also dead and wounded.

Now that these times have passed, although some demons have regathered, they can no longer sustain the climate.

Coupled with the fact that there is no such powerful being as the Golden-winged Roc Eagle to control the overall situation, these demons do not obey anyone else, and they are constantly falling on each other, and they are no longer able to harm mankind.

Luo Nan also had no intention of going to the Lion Camel City to cut the grass and remove the roots, first, these demons were not in the realm of Dao Ji Dan, and there was a huge gap between them and him, and they all had no experience in killing.

Second, keeping these monsters can also make the surrounding human beings more pressure to struggle.

As long as you become stronger, you can survive the catastrophe.

In the city of Chuzhou under the Shihuoling, Luo Nan also had a friend who had known him before, named Zhao Jun.

At first, there was no phase again, at this time, passing by here, Luo Nan also came to the sky over Chuzhou City after a few hesitations!

Today’s Chuzhou City, a dilapidated city, is full of ruins and broken walls, and has no longer the prosperity of the past.

Luo Nan couldn’t help but sigh when he saw it, to say that when the Great Avenue was destroyed, it was the human beings on the original earth who suffered the most.

Whether it is China or Greece, it is precarious and difficult.

After a light sigh, Luo Nan’s divine consciousness was suppressed, instantly covering the whole city, and soon found where Zhao Jun was.

“Worthy of being an A-level practitioner, plus the Source Essence Stone I gave away when I was leaving, this Zhao Jun has actually reached level thirty.”

Luo Nan’s face flashed a hint of surprise: “However, looking at Zhao Jun’s expression, it seems that he has encountered a lot of trouble.” Or maybe you called me a big brother when you first called me, and since you are passing through here, help you! ”

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