After the destruction of the originally large city of Misekawa, the remaining survivors rebuilt a small town in the center of the ruins, and the original million people are now only 50,000 or 60,000.

And Zhao Jun, who has now become the leader of these fifty or sixty thousand people, is protecting this small town with the strongest posture.

In a room in the center of the town, Zhao Jun and two other women sat opposite each other, and their faces were full of worry.

The two women, one big and one small, the eldest was about twenty years old, and the younger one was only sixteen or seventeen years old, with somewhat similar faces, obviously a pair of sisters.

“Brother-in-law, are you really going to give your sister to that guy?” The younger girl held her sister’s hand and pressed Zhao Jun across from her.

Zhao Jun frowned sadly, “Of course not!” I won’t send your sister to anyone! ”

“So what are we going to do? Let’s run together, that guy might not be able to catch up with us! The girl’s eyes lit up and she suggested.

But Zhao Jun shook his head: “No, if we run, that person will definitely take the base to anger, how can I let tens of thousands of people suffer from the disaster of innocence because of me!” ”

“Yes, absolutely not!” The twenty-year-old woman also nodded, and her eyes were full of determination: “No, I died in front of that guy, cut off his thoughts, and he came to correct him.” Wrap! ”

“Sister, don’t think so!” The young girl covered her sister’s zui, and then angrily said to Zhao Jun, “Isn’t this guy the strongest, why can’t even my sister protect me!” ”

Zhao Jun heard the words and hugged his head, and his face was full of pain.

On the one hand is his wife, on the other hand is tens of thousands of innocent people, he is good by nature, and he does not know how to choose.

And just when the three people were in pain, a figure walked in through the door.

The misty girl with tears immediately said angrily, “Didn’t you say that no one was allowed to come in?” ”

With that, the maiden was about to get up and drive out the outsiders who had entered the room.

However, at the moment when she got up, she suddenly found that her brother-in-law jumped up directly from the stool.

“Big Brother Luo, you’re back!?”

Zhao Jun wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes and said with surprise.

However, this big brother made the two women in the room a little confused, because they had never heard that Zhao Jun had a big brother, looking at each other at the moment, and their faces were full of surprise.

Luo Nan reached out and patted Zhao Jun’s shoulder, before saying, “Passing by here, it seems that your expression seems to be in some trouble, and I may be able to help you solve it when I say it.” ”

“Cut, and not afraid of the wind flashing his tongue!”

The young girl said dismissively, obviously not believing that this sudden appearance of ‘Big Brother Luo’ could help them avoid danger.

But the sister knocked on her sister’s head: “Xiao Cai, how to talk!” ”

After being knocked by her sister, the young girl known as Xiao Cai did not accept defeat: “Obviously, instead of wasting time here, it is better to run fast, what is the difference between those tens of thousands of lives and deaths and us, and we did not kill them!” Sister, brother-in-law, you just listen to me, let’s run! That’s a big demon in the Scattered Immortal Realm, you ‘Big Brother Luo’ definitely can’t count on it, so don’t let him go to his death in vain!” ”

Hearing this young girl’s words, her sister’s look darkened, and Zhao Jun’s face also flashed a trace of bitterness.

Yes, that is a big demon of the Yuan Infant Realm, even Big Brother Luo can’t deal with it!

At the moment, Zhao Jun also smiled bitterly: “Big Brother Luo, this matter has nothing to do with you, you still have to leave this place of right and wrong quickly, my trouble, I will deal with it myself!” ”

Luo Nan shook his head, Zhao Jun’s biggest problem was that he was too kind.

The same was true when they first met, knowing that they were chased like a dog by the youkai, and they had to forcibly pull themselves together as a stranger.

But it is because of this kindness that Ronan has a lot of good feelings for him.

Therefore, he also directly pointed at Zhao Jun: “Rest assured, but the little demon of the Scattered Immortal Realm is just a little demon in the Immortal Realm, and I can crush it to death with one finger!” ”

“Oh, it’s really bragging not to play the draft!”

The sound that sounded from the girl’s mouth made Ronan frown.

At the moment, the pressure belonging to the Heavenly Immortal Realm was directly released, and the tables and chairs in the room instantly turned into powder, and even the ground sank five feet!

This scene directly made several people in the room confused!

This…… It was much stronger than the Scattered Immortal Demon they had encountered!

As for the young girl Xiao Cai, after discovering that the object of her disdain for ridicule was actually a being more powerful than the Scattered Immortals, in addition to feeling surprised, it was more of a fear.

When the pale color hid behind his sister, he did not dare to make a sound again.

At this moment, Zhao Jun’s face was full of joy: “Please also ask Brother Luo to help me!” ”

After Luo Nan nodded his head, Zhao Jun told the cause and effect of the incident.

It was also cliché to say that after Zhao Jun encountered a bottleneck in cultivation, he was taken out with his girlfriend when he was looked at by a demon from the Scattered Immortal Realm in the distance.

The demon threatened Zhao Jun that if he did not give up his girlfriend, he would not only kill a few people, but also destroy the entire town.

After understanding the reason, Luo Nan glanced at Zhao Jun’s girlfriend and found that her posture was flat, and she couldn’t help but wonder what the Scattered Immortal Demon was worried about.

With a flicker of probing in her eyes, the woman’s message fell into Ronan’s eyes.

Name: Gong Yue

Level: lv17

Identity: Has a B-grade bloodline Yin Yue bloodline

[Yin Moon Bloodline]: You can gain experience in the intercourse, and it is also a good furnace, and the feedback of those who copulate with it will also be repaired to grow!

Seeing this information, Luo Nan’s eyes suddenly became clear, and the emotion of the scattered immortal demon was worried about this Yin Moon bloodline.

“This bloodline is indeed full of strange things.”

After murmuring in his heart, Luo Nan was not ready to waste too much time here, after all, he was still waiting to go to Misakawa City to see the safety of the second daughter.

Therefore, at this moment, he also said bluntly: “Where is the Scattered Immortal Demon, take me over now.” ”

Zhao Jun heard the irrepressible joy on his face, and just as he was ready to show Luo Nan the way.

A force that belonged to the Scattered Immortal Realm directly covered the entire town.

More than 50,000 people in the whole city only felt the weight on them at this moment, and all of them involuntarily knelt on the ground.

Immediately afterward, a wolf roar rang out in all directions!

This wolf roar directly flew into the house where Lonan and the others were located!

The next moment, a wolf demon from the Scattered Immortal Realm appeared directly above Luo Nan’s head, and a cold glint flashed in his crimson eyes: “Tiny mortal, see me dare not worship!?” ”

Luo Nan’s face was indifferent, and he couldn’t see the joy and anger: “Just because of my worship, you can’t stand it!” ”

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