Luo Nan originally thought that it was strange that in a pond the size of a hundred zhang, only a lotus platform the size of a palm was planted.

If nothing else, it is really strange that even the flowers, grasses, insects and fish are not there.

At this moment, through the words of the Fu Ren Clan, Luo Nan focused all his attention on this palm-sized black lotus platform.

The probing technique flickered in his eyes, but Ronan couldn’t get any information about the Dark Lotus Platform.

It was as if above this lotus platform, there was an invisible and untouchable barrier that blocked his technique.

In desperation, Luo Nan could only smile bitterly at the Lingren Clan: “I also hope that the Emperor of the Flints will tell you that the younger generations really can’t see what this lotus platform really is.” ”

The title of Emperor Fu was also learned by Luo Nanfang from the mouth of that maid.

Directly calling the Fu Ren clan seems disrespectful, and always calling the predecessors seems too angry, and the Fu Emperor is a good title.

In China, there has been a saying of three emperors and five emperors since ancient times.

The three emperors were the Chao Emperor Youchao Clan, the Fu Huang Fu Ren Clan and the Xi Emperor Fu Xi Clan, and as for the Shennong Clan and the Xuanyuan Clan, they were called the Yellow Emperor of Yan and belonged to the Five Emperors. (There are many statements of the Three Emperors and Five Emperors, and various texts are different, and this book is set as described above)

Therefore, it is also very reasonable to call the Emperor of Flint.

For the change of Luonan’s title, the Fu Ren clan not only had no dissatisfaction, but also had a smile in his eyes, obviously happy.

After waving his hand to signal the maid to leave, the Flints waved at Ronan and motioned for Ronan to come closer and speak.

Luo Nan was close to the Fu Ren Clan, but he did not feel the expected power of the sub-saints, but instead had the comfortable feeling of the spring breeze.

The Flintlock Clan patted Luo Nan’s shoulder, and a trace of appreciation flashed on his face, before he pointed to the black lotus platform in the pool and asked, “Do you know that in the original Endless Chaos Void, there are three creation treasures born along with Pangu’s will?” ”

“Probably I know!” Luo Nan nodded and counted, “It should be the Heavenly Axe, the Creation Qinglian, and the Creation Jade Butterfly!” ”

“Yes, the Heavenly Axe’s Creation Jade Butterfly aside, it has nothing to do with this black lotus.” But the Creation Qinglian was different. ”

The Lingren Clan said, “When the Pangu Clan opened the heavens, the Creator Qinglian disintegrated on its own because she could not withstand the pressure of forcibly opening up the heavens and the earth. ”

“The lotus leaves, lotus flowers, lotus stems, etc. of the Creator Green Lotus have all turned into the most famous treasures of the flood and desolation, and most of them have fallen into the hands of saints and quasi-saints, in addition to the five lotus seeds!”

“One of the five lotus seeds matured and turned into twelve varieties of green lotus, but later it was also divided into four.”

“And the four immature lotus seeds, one of which became the twelve golden lotuses of merit, are now under the seat of Amitabha Buddha in the West; The second of them turned into the Twelve Pinnacles of Fire Red Lotus, which was acquired by the Old Ancestor of the Styx; The third of them turned into twelve black lotuses, which were originally obtained by Luo Hu, but after Luo Hu fell, they disappeared without a trace; As for the last little-known lotus seed, it turned into a Pauline lamp and was in the hands of Lady Nuwa. ”

The Lingren Clan counted carefully, and Luo Nan also listened with relish.

Although he knew a lot about Hong Huang, he was not so detailed, and at this moment, when he heard the Fu Ren Clan talk in detail about these powerful magic weapons, his eyes were also hot.

Unfortunately, most of these desolation treasures fell into the hands of the saints and quasi-saints, and there was little hope of seizing them.

And just when Luo Nan was secretly sorry in his heart, the Fu Ren Clan pointed to the palm-sized black lotus platform in the pool and said, “That is the long-lost Twelve Pins of Extinction Black Lotus, which I discovered from the Underworld a million years ago and planted here!” ”

Hearing this, Luo Nan’s whole person was directly stunned, blinking his eyes a little confused.

Wole a big groove!

The Twelve Pins of Extinction Black Lotus, that was the ultimate innate spiritual treasure, a treasure of the Sect Master level!

The Fulins Clan just gave it to themselves?

Ronan only felt his heart pounding at this moment, and even the feeling of jumping out of his mouth.

After taking a deep breath and suppressing the excitement in his heart, Luo Nan looked squarely at the Fu Ren Clan: “I don’t know the Emperor of the Flint, why did you give me such a treasure?” ”

Luo Nan knows that there is no free lunch in the world, can the Fu Ren Clan still see that he is handsome?

Even if you are in a good mood to throw away treasures, it is impossible to throw such treasures outside!

In the face of Luo Nan’s questioning, the Fu Ren Clan seemed extremely frank: “The Dao Dao Fortune has arrived, and every calamity contains endless opportunities, and then Hou Yi wants to travel through all the worlds, but also to seek opportunities, I will give you this black lotus, also to seek opportunities!” ”

“What opportunity is the Emperor of the Flints looking for?”

The Flintlock Clan said, “Either truly holy, or save your life from death.” ”

Luo Nan raised an eyebrow, “Ya Sheng will also die?” ”

“Naturally not in normal times, but now that the road has arrived, no one can know how dangerous it is.”

Speaking of this, the Furen Clan frowned slightly, and a trace of worry flashed on his face: “After all, the Holy Throne is something that any god desperately desires, and it is not surprising how fierce the struggle will occur for the Holy Throne.” ”

Luo Nan heard this and wondered, “But according to what you said before, the Pangu World has the most saints and the strongest strength, so it should be the safest?” ”

“Not really.”

The Furyaki Clan shook his head, “On the Holy Position, my Pangu World, the Olympus World, and the Nine Great Planes of the World Tree that can’t figure out the fundamentals should be the most!” However, within our three worlds, we have never been united, and it is not an exaggeration to say that there are many contradictions. ”

“Let’s say that the Olympus world, the three alternating gods and kings, is just a contest of saints behind it, and the gods of Olympus and the gods of the Titans have long hated each other.

And in my Pangu World, after several Heavenly Dao Raids, several saints were also alienated from morality. Not even talking about saints, even between the five sub-saints of my human race, how could there have been fewer conflicts of ideas?

As for the Nine Worlds of the World Tree, it was even more excessive, and it had already died in the civil war! ”

Speaking of this, the Fu Ren Clan patted Luo Nan’s shoulder: “The struggle for the Holy Throne is far from being as simple as you think, how many saints want to borrow the hands of outsiders to get rid of their enemies, deep in this whirlpool, it is not easy for Mingzhe to protect himself, it is even more difficult to go further.” ”

“That black lotus is useless to me, and giving it to you is also hoping that you can grow faster, and if the Terrans can add another sub-saint, or even a quasi-saint, it will be a great good thing!”

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