After the voice of the Flintlock fell, the faint glow of the flame once again enveloped Ronan’s body.

Ronan only felt a gentle force dragging his body, just as he had been in the chaotic void before.

Only at that time, Luo Nan had not yet become an immortal, so he could not feel the existence of this force.

And now, after becoming an immortal and the realm of strength has soared, this can feel how powerful the power is contained above this seemingly weak flame.

“I’m afraid, even the Ninth Order Great Luo Jinxian can’t resist, in fact, not only are there ants under the saints, in a sense, there are also ants under the saints!”

Luo Nan meditated in his heart, letting this unquenchable flame drag himself forward.

Before he became an immortal, the super speed of being dragged by the Immortal Fire even made it impossible for Luo Nan to see the surrounding scene clearly, and everything would turn into a rapidly receding streamer in his eyes.

But today, that is no longer the case.

After all, the immortals were completely different from the immortals, and after the Yuan Infant was completely transformed into a fairy baby, it not only brought about a leap in combat effectiveness, but also greatly enhanced the five senses of divine consciousness.

Lonan looked down, and Lonan could clearly see everything on the continent below.

However, at this time, Luo Nan was not in the Southern Zhan Prefecture where he was originally located, but above the Northern Julu Continent that he had never visited before.

The Pangu world was originally a flood, but in ancient times, a big war shattered the entire flood.

After the Fengshen War Worm established the Heavenly Garden, several saints also fully divided the world and transformed the flood into a vast land divine state.

Among them, Dongsheng Shenzhou is a place of immortality, the heavens and the earth are full of vitality, and there are countless cultivators living there, and the purple qi is coming from the east to make the cultivation soar!

West Niuhe Zhou has been a bitter cold place since ancient times, and it is also the fundamental place of Western religion, and the lifelong situation of Dharma Pudu is slowly improving.

Nanzhan Buzhou is a gathering place for mortals, with secular royal power, countless large and small countries, and the population is the peak of the four continents.

As for Beiju Luzhou, it is the base camp of the demon clan, where a large number of demons live, and it is also the best place for cultivators to experience themselves.

Of course, this demon clan had nothing to do with the ancient demon clan.

Today’s demons are just a general term for elves after they have been cultivated into human forms.

Luo Nan was dragged by the unquenchable flame and skimmed over the sky above the North Julu Continent.

Along the way, I didn’t see half of the human cities that originally belonged to Earth.

“From this point of view, the several landmasses that make up the Chinese region of the earth were all selected from the mortal kingdoms of the Southern Zhan Bu Continent.”

Lonan murmured as he watched everything below.

“This North Julu Zhou is also worthy of being a goblin base camp, the quantity and quality of all kinds of monsters are far better than the South Jubu Continent, but it is a good place to upgrade, but unfortunately, among the current human beings, except for me, no one should be able to come to the North Julu Continent, and the boundless sea alone is not something that can be easily passed.”

Beiju Luzhou is vast, and it will take a lot of time for Luo Nan to fly.

But the power of the Alessim and its might?

After only ten minutes, Luo Nan swept out of the North Julu Continent, and the bottom became an endless sea.

When you are on land, you can still look at the various monsters below to alleviate boredom, but above this blue sea, it is really boring.

Of course, this boring time will not last long.

Soon, another continent appeared in Ronan’s field of vision.

“This is Dongsheng Shenzhou?” Sure enough, it was completely different from the other three places! ”

Luo Nan took a deep breath, felt the rich vitality coming from his face, and couldn’t help but sigh.

Here, for those who practice the Fa, it is simply a dream place.

If you cultivate here, it is said that it is less effective with half the effort, and Luo Nan estimates that the cultivation efficiency is at least ten times that of the Southern Zhan Sect!

“No wonder this continent is occupied by immortals.”

Luo Nan thought softly in his mouth, but a trace of doubt suddenly flashed on his face: “Huh? How did it stop? ”

As soon as the voice of doubt fell, the space in front of Ronan was automatically torn apart.

However, after this torn space crack, it is not a dark space turbulence, but a dojo full of ancient atmosphere.

The same is the tearing space to open the teleportation channel, the gap between Yasheng and the Great Luo Golden Immortal is obvious.

“Come in, I’ll wait for you here!”

The voice of the Flintlock came from the crack.

Luo Nan did not hesitate to hear this, and directly flashed into the crack.

After stepping into the crack, Ronan did not feel any discomfort, as if space had switched between his surroundings in an instant.

One second he was still on the edge of Dongsheng Shenzhou, and the next second he didn’t know how many distances he had crossed and appeared in a dojo.

Luo Nan looked around, this dojo was full of birds and flowers, there were few people, only a few servant maids were trimming the flowers and plants, and when they saw Luo Nan, they all threw a kind and respectful smile.

What surprised Luo Nan was that none of these servant maids were lower than the Heavenly Immortal Realm, and even most of them were True Immortal Realms.

This also made Luo Nan can only feel that Yasheng is different!

Soon, a maid who looked to be about seventeen or eighteen years old came to Ronan.

Of course, Luo Nan also knew in his heart that this woman with the True Immortal Realm would definitely not really be seventeen or eighteen years old.

If you can work as an errand boy in the dojo of the Fu Ren Clan, your age is probably tens of thousands of times that of Luo Nan.

This maid’s face is not as stunning as those fairies in the heavenly court, but there is a soft meaning between the eyebrows, which is easy to make people feel good.

After the maid showed a sweet smile to Luo Nan, she said, “The Emperor of the Flints has been waiting for a long time, please come with me!” ”

With that, the maid walked ahead and led the way.

Lonan followed suit, and after crossing the corridors, the two soon came to a small garden.

In the garden, there is a pond that is 100 meters wide, with no fish or flowers in it, only a black lotus platform the size of a palm, which looks very strange.

Next to the pond stood a middle-aged man in a fur coat, none other than the Furyō.

When the Fu Ren clan saw Luo Nan visiting, the zui corner aroused a smile, and he reached out and pointed to the lonely black lotus platform in the pond, “Oh, this is the gift I want to give you!” ”

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