
When Luo Nan flashed the hands of different thunderbolts and clenched the black thunder in front of him at the same time, different thunderbolts from the three worlds suddenly met!

Normally speaking, the thunder of the two Golden Immortal Realms and the thunder of the Great Luo Realm would only be directly engulfed.

However, at this moment, these three thunderbolts were the products of different heavenly paths, and although they were refined by Luo Nan at the same time, they were still incompatible with each other.

How Luo Nan had now forcibly let the three thunderbolts come together was not so much a cause for the three thunderbolts to resist, but rather caused the three heavenly paths to fall for each other!

How terrifying is the power of the Heavenly Dao?

The unprecedented terrible explosive force directly centered on Ronan’s hands and spread in all directions.

Ares and Hephaestus, who were closest to Lonan, were directly hit head-on by three thunderbolt-detonated shock waves.

Suddenly, the two powerful beings who had undergone four layers of baptism and were among the twelve main gods of Mount Olympus invariably spewed out scarlet blood from their mouths.

Not only that, but the two men’s divine bodies trembled violently, as if they were on the verge of collapse!

For the Olympus gods, they have nothing like the meta-gods, and once the gods collapse, it is equivalent to death falling!

Neither Ares nor Hephaestus had clearly thought that things would turn out this way.

An external false god who could not enter their eyes now has the power to completely destroy them?

If someone had said such a thing before, they would have taken it as a joke.

But at this moment, neither of them could laugh.

In the face of a life-and-death crisis, Ares and Hephaestus quickly retreated, and at the same time, either took out the secret treasure or cast magical powers to resist this terrible impact!

As for Zeus, the most powerful of the three, after feeling this terrible shock wave, he also quickly flashed back and retreated to his own deeds.

At this time, the throne of the gods can unfold an extremely powerful defensive shield.

The temple does not fall, the shield does not perish!

But in the next second of Zeus’s flash, a crisp sound of “clicking” suddenly sounded in his ears.

When Zeus heard this sound, the hair on his body suddenly stood up, and he looked forward with horror on his face, and suddenly found that a fine crack had appeared on the shield!

“What a joke…”

Zeus’s heart jumped, his eyes fixed on the center of the explosion, and there was no longer a trace of majesty on his face, only a shock that was difficult to hide.

As the shield of the Divine Throne cracked, the entire Mount Olympus rumbled under the onslaught of this terrible explosion, as if by an earthquake.

The countless gods living on Mount Olympus were shocked at the same time at this moment, and all looked up at the temple on the top of the mountain.

The Temple of the Gods, built by Kronos, the second generation of the god king, witnessed two changes of power in the Olympian world and stood for an unknown number of years.

But at this moment, the temple of the gods, which had not brought a single scratch in the endless years, was constantly trembling.

On the walls, on the ground, there are fine cracks everywhere.

Although these cracks are small, the gods on Mount Olympus can clearly see them.

“This… How could it be, the Temple of the Gods Actually… With cracks…”

“What kind of power can make the temple crack!” Could it be a powerful being who has undergone the fivefold baptism (i.e., quasi-holiness)? ”

The gods of Mount Olympus, looking at the summit of each heart in horror.

At this moment, a god opened his mouth to comfort everyone: “Don’t worry, during the Titan Rebellion, the temple of the gods also cracked in the fierce battle, but it will not take long to recover!” ”

Many of the gods who had experienced that war nodded darkly.

But at this moment, suddenly a loud “click” sounded at the top of the mountain.

Then the gods saw that one of the four pillars supporting the temple of the gods had actually broken off in response, and one of the domes of the temple collapsed in an instant.

The originally endless corner of the starry sky on the dome of the temple was also shattered into endless dust at the same time.

Although it was only a corner of the disintegration, the starry sky, which originally contained a certain law of operation, was directly chaotic and disorderly because of the disintegration of this link.

The whole Mount Olympus, in an instant, is no longer peaceful, but full of manic breath, flying sand and stones and trees withering!

This scene made all the gods on the mountain shocked at the same time!

The Temple of the Gods, built almost at the same time as Mount Olympus, collapsed!!!


Thousands of miles away from Mount Olympus, on the snowy peaks, Lonan’s figure reappeared.

At this moment, Ronan’s face was also full of shock, he had only been trying to detonate three thunderbolts to injure both Ares and Hephaestus, to earn some experience for himself.

But he never expected that the power generated after the three thunderbolts met was far more powerful than he imagined.

It wasn’t just the power contained in the three thunderbolts themselves, but the power of the three worlds without the Heavenly Dao!

This outburst of transcendent power not only blew Ares and Hephaestus to the point of being seriously injured and dying, but also directly blew up the temple!

Seeing this scene, Luo Nan couldn’t help but take a breath of cool air.

Although after experiencing this time, the three thunderbolts in his body had all dissipated and no longer existed.

But Ronan did not regret it, blowing up the temple was not only angry, but also brought considerable benefits to Ronan.

Will you gain less experience by seriously injuring two Great Luo Jinxian gods in battle?

And just as this thought flashed through Ronan’s mind, ethereal voices were already ringing in his ears.

“Ding, Saiya Bloodline has been activated and is being evaluated to gain experience… The evaluation is complete and the writing is in progress…”

“Ding, congratulations on your level increase to lv96!”

“Ding, congratulations on your level increase to lv97!”

“Ding, congratulations on your level increase to lv98!”

“Ding, congratulations on your level increase to lv99!”

“Ding, the experience accumulation has reached the current limit, activate the robbery system!”

“After ten minutes, the crossing will begin, and the successful crossing will promote the Heavenly Immortal Realm!”

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