Under the prompt of the ethereal voice, Luonan’s level directly achieved another leap forward, directly rising to level ninety-nine!

And if it wasn’t for the crossing that led to the limit of experience accumulation, maybe it could be upgraded to a higher level.

Even so, however, Ronan is already very happy with the results.

If you succeed in crossing the robbery, you can advance to the Heavenly Immortal Realm.

And the Heavenly Immortal Realm was what Luo Nan had been looking forward to with all his might.

First of all, after advancing into the Heavenly Immortal Realm, it will usher in a true sense of immortality.

Once he became a true immortal, the immortal force would be almost continuous, and it would not become a limiting factor in Lonan’s combat strength.

Secondly, after entering the Heavenly Immortal Realm, Luonan will open the Super Saiyan form and usher in a surge in combat effectiveness!

It is precisely because of these two reasons that Luo Nan is looking forward to entering the Heavenly Immortals!

With a long sigh of relief, Luo Nan’s face was full of smiles.

He had already asked Hou Yi about the Heavenly Disaster before.

According to Hou Yi, in his time, there was no such thing as a natural disaster.

In ancient times, many powerful beings were born as true immortals and golden immortals, which are not the same as today.

That day of destruction was also something that appeared after the battle of the gods re-established the Heavenly Court.

Moreover, Hou Yi told Luo Nan that although he had not experienced the natural disaster, he had seen a lot of it over the years.

According to Hou Yi’s observation, the strength of the Heavenly Disaster varies from person to person, and the power of the Heavenly Disaster encountered by different characters is not the same.

And with the powerful strength of Luonan, it is likely to experience the most terrifying Ninth Heavenly Disaster!

However, Luo Nan was not afraid of this, and his heart was calm.

But Luo Nan also had a hidden worry in his heart at this moment: “This kind of thing seems to be a unique specialty of the Pangu World, and I don’t know if it can be activated in this Olympus World, if not, I will hurry back to the robbery, after all, once the success of the combat power can soar, then return to this Olympus Mountain just bright to rob women.” Whoever dares to stop will open the super game and slap it up! ”

With a resolution in mind, Ronan found a valley in the snowy mountains, and then stood still with his eyes closed, calculating in his heart whether the time would wait for the day when the disaster would really come!

Five minutes passed, everything around was as usual, nothing had changed, and Ronan frowned slightly.

Eight minutes passed, the sky was blue, there was no cloud, and Ronan had an unpleasant feeling in his heart: “Is it true that the apocalypse cannot be triggered in this Olympus world?” ”

After nine and a half minutes, the doubts in Ronan’s heart suddenly dissipated.

In the last thirty seconds before the dawn of the apocalypse, the clear blue sky that was originally cloudless suddenly changed suddenly, turning clear into yin!

A huge black cloud with a range of 100 miles emerged, forming an incomparably large whirlpool centered directly above Lonan.

In this whirlpool, electric light flashes and thunder rumbles!

The snow-capped mountain where Lonan is located is not more than a thousand miles away from Mount Olympus.

This distance of thousands of miles is not worth mentioning to the gods at all.

What’s more, the black cloud vortex above Luo Nan’s head was a hundred miles in diameter, and even ordinary people could find this strange change.

In the instant that the vortex of black clouds appeared, Zeus at the top of Mount Olympus had already found out.

Zeus stood in the midst of a ruin, watching the changes in the distant sky, and the fierce light flashed in his crimson eyes.

After a moment’s thought, Zeus tore open the space in front of him directly, and then stepped into the turbulent flow of dark space.

The next second, the figure of Zeus appeared directly above the snowy mountains.

Looking through the layers of peaks, after seeing that it was indeed Ronan in the valley, the anger in Zeus’s Xiong could no longer rock!

In the beginning, he only regarded Ronan as an outside bug, so he randomly sent six knights, and the result was that six knights were killed!

After that, in order to vent the anger in his heart, he decided to personally shoot, and as a result, this guy actually swallowed his own thunder and committed suicide!

The third time, he was hot in the eyes of this man’s magic and wanted to arrest him.

I thought that with the siege of my two sons, this outside boy was just in the palm of my hand.

But what I didn’t expect was that the geese were blinded by the geese all day, not only Ares and Hephaestus were seriously injured, but even the shrine of the gods was blown up, and the starry dome was completely confused!

This kind of everything, so that Zeus’s hatred for Lonan has long been to the bone, and the anger has risen.

At this moment, seeing Luo Nan stop at the bottom of the snow valley, the cold glint in his eyes was also a direct step, and a burst of thunder lit up above his hands, obviously wanting to kill Luo Nan directly!

“I’d like to see how many times you boy can be resurrected!”

With a cold hum, a dark thunder beast leaped straight out of Zeus’s palm and rushed towards Lonan at the bottom of the valley.

The speed of this thunder beast was unheard of before, and the path through it left a dark trail, which was somewhat similar to the arrow that killed Helios later that day!

Ronan at the bottom of the valley naturally felt Zeus’s attack, and just as he was about to dodge, the apocalypse finally came!

A thick bolt of lightning, after accumulating for half a minute, finally erupted from the dark vortex above Ronan’s head.

And just as this thick thunder and lightning gushed out, a faint curtain of light suddenly appeared a hundred meters away from Luonan!

This is not a simple shield, but an absolute sense of isolation.

It was like stripping Lonan from the whole world of Olympus, making nothing surpassable.

Want to help Ronan survive the disaster, no!

If you want to hinder Luonan’s crossing of the heavens, you can’t do it!

The black thunder beast released by Zeus quickly crashed into the curtain of light.

As a result, the absolutely powerful black thunder beast did not make half a sound, and it directly disappeared and disappeared, as if it was engulfed by the light curtain alone.

At the same time, Zeus’s face was also white, and the black thunder beast was connected to his mind, and being engulfed by the light curtain also caused him some damage.

“Why does this curtain of light exist and be able to engulf my thunder beast?” Why is the thunder falling in the sky? ”

Zeus’s brow furrowed and his face full of confusion, a change that had never been seen before, even as the king of the gods.

And just when Zeus was wondering about this, a terrible breath suddenly enveloped the entire sky.

The hundred-mile black cloud above Luo Nan’s head suddenly condensed into a huge face!

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