Hephaestus was originally very confident that he would slap Lonan to death, but when he saw the black lightning that Ronan spat out of his mouth, he suddenly saw a big change in his face!

“Thunder that belongs to the father, how could you…”

Hephaestus cried out in disbelief, and he could feel the terrible and familiar breath above the black thunder, which belonged to his father, Zeus, the king of the gods!

Suddenly, Hephaestus suddenly sounded, and the death of this outsider a few days ago was because of the black thunder that swallowed his father.

Is it true that if this guy eats something, he can turn what into his own use?

This thought made Hephaestus’s heart full of shock.

And just when Hephaestus was shocked, the black thunder had already crossed the space and appeared in front of him.

A moment later, the black thunder exploded directly in front of Hephaestus’s body.

With a loud roar, Hephaestus’s body flew straight out backwards and crashed directly into the Temple of the Gods, and a mouthful of scarlet blood spewed out of his mouth.

Obviously, the thunder and lightning from Zeus, even Hehuaistos of the Fourth Order Great Luo Golden Immortal Realm, could not easily resist.

After Hephaestus’s body crashed into the temple, Ronan also took a step forward and stepped into the temple.

The Temple of the Gods looks like a Greek temple on the outside, except that it is extremely grand and huge, and the basic style is similar to that of the Greek temple.

But after stepping into it, it is a different look.

The most different thing is that the dome of this temple is not a white stone building, but a vast starry sky, brilliant and colorful.

The endless stars follow a unique trajectory, one ring after another, obeying the rules set by an unknown person.

At this moment, in the temple of the gods, the three Olympus gods, looking into the eyes of Ronan, there was no longer a hint of contempt.

Ronan’s realm was nothing more than a false god, and they couldn’t look at it.

Lonan went into the mountains and killed six knights under Ares, they didn’t care!

The naked men come back from the dead and return to Mount Olympus, and they are still slowly despised!

However, when Ronan spat out the black thunder that originally belonged to Zeus, he injured Hephaestus, who had undergone the fourfold baptism.

In the whole of Mount Olympus, no one dared to despise the outsiders of this extremely low realm!

Zeus, Ares, and Hephaestus, who had regained his footing, all three of them looked at Ronan with three points of solemnity in their eyes at the moment.

Originally, both Ares and Hephaestus thought that they could easily kill Lonan, but at this moment, they no longer had such confidence in their hearts.

After all, the person in front of him holds the terrible power that belongs to Zeus.

Therefore, the two were also hesitant at this moment, not wanting to be the head bird at all, and were hit by the black thunder.

Zeus, who was standing on the highest seat, frowned slightly after seeing this scene, and at the same time secretly said in his heart: “How this boy from the outside world was resurrected, and how he controlled the black thunder that originally belonged to me, there must be a great secret in this!” ”

“If only I had known the secret before, but now it’s very different!” Grandmother is right, this road robbery is not only a disaster, but also an opportunity! ”

“And this boy is my opportunity for Zeus!”

“As long as I catch it and torture the obscenity in it, I can definitely perform the fifth baptism and reach a more powerful realm!” When the time comes for the whole Mount Olympus, who else dares to disobey my orders! ”

Thinking of this, Zeus’s eyes suddenly burst into the essence of the Dao, and he directly transmitted to the two sons below: “Hephaestus, Ares, you two have assisted me in arranging the secret magic, and I will definitely capture this person alive!” ”

When Ares and Hephaestus heard Zeus’s order, they did not dare to hesitate and directly attacked Lonan from the left and right sides, while chanting words in their mouths.

At the same time, Zeus was also approaching from the front, and the three of them were soon connected by pale green silk threads, forming a triangle to trap Lonan in it.

Above this green silk thread, there were extremely complex incantations, and under Luonan’s feet, complex formations were also flashing.

“Boy from the outside, once you are trapped in this secret art such as me, it will be difficult for you to escape even if you insert your wings, and I advise you to surrender honestly, so as not to suffer from the pain of flesh and skin!”

Zeus’s voice was cold, and the threat did not need to be said.

However, Ronan’s gaze swept over Ares and Hephaestus, and after estimating the distance between the two of them and himself, he secretly said, “Not close enough…”

Luo Nan knew that there was still a gap between his strength and the Great Luo Golden Immortal, so he didn’t think of defeating these gods in a dignified manner.

The purpose of Ronan’s coming to the temple was to make an explosion, to use the violent explosion caused by the encounter of the three thunderbolts to scrape a lot of experience from these gods!

At the time of the explosion, the closer the nature, the higher the damage, and the higher the experience obtained.

Today, the two main targets of Ares and Hephaestus are still too far away from Lonan.

In order to make the three people move closer to themselves, Luo Nan also deliberately mocked: “There is a saying that I don’t know when to talk about it, anyway, a few in my eyes, are garbage.” ”

Hearing this, the brows of the three Zeus people jumped, and the anger on their faces could not be concealed, and one by one stared at Ronan and was eager to eat his flesh!

Ares, who has always had a fiery temper, was the first to be unable to resist and rushed directly to Ronan to kill.

Hephaestus saw the situation and followed suit, he did not want Zeus to capture Lonan alive, this moment is just the opportunity to kill people and kill their mouths!

Zeus saw that he wanted to intervene to block, and he was also approaching Lonan.

While the three main gods of the Great Luo Golden Immortal Realm were constantly approaching, Luo Nan’s heart was also constantly measuring the distance!

Finally, Ronan’s eyes lit up: “It’s time!” ”

As soon as the words fell, Luo Nan directly spat out all the black thunder in his body, and then above his left and right hands, two completely different thunderbolts flashed.

The power of thunder from under the three worlds converged with the present moment in the temple of the gods.

Zeus, as the master of the lightning, quickly guessed Lonan’s intentions, and as soon as his face changed, he shouted at Ares and Hephaestus: “Flash away!” ”

But it’s too late!

Luo Nan flashed his hands of two different thunderbolts, and directly grasped the black thunder in front of him!

The next second, the whole Mount Olympus roared and trembled!!!

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