
Zhong Li was swallowed by the [Man-eating Flower] and was just about to launch an attack to break this [Man-eating Flower].

Suddenly discovered!

This [man-eating flower]....

Is it a friendly unit?

There is no feeling of darkness around after being 'swallowed'.


It was as if I was wrapped in a transparent, spherical bubble.

Be able to see what's outside 360 degrees without dead angles!

"Really friendly?"

I really didn't feel the stench of ordinary [man-eating flowers].

On the contrary, there is a clear fragrance.

Health is also not deducted.

"How did this man-eating flower come about?"

She hadn't yet reacted to what had happened.

Next moment!

"Boom, boom..." A

series of dull dense pumping sounds appeared around him!

It's those [dryad's] vine twitching!

"Harm ... All blocked by this man-eating flower?

Zhong Li's heart rose with a hint of the idea of wanting to see how things were going outside.

The cannibal flower also opened its mouth.

Spit out Zhong Li.

When Zhong Li reappeared in the outside world.

At the same time, be ready to fight back!

But right now.

A swarm of [Bloody Bats] also flew out on the side.

"Just... There's nothing wrong with me~" The expression on Zhong Li's face suddenly became wonderful.

It didn't take long!

These [dryads] were pricked into maces by blood needles!

Then directly fell to the ground!

Turn into fodder!

Once safe again, Zambu was proud of his wise decision.

Xu Qiu's combat effectiveness was even more praised:

"Friend! You are amazing!

"Those monsters are not your opponents at all!"

"In this way, I must be able to reach [Glow Poison City] soon!"

He had just finished moving.

Xu Qiu's side received a prompt from the system:

[Ding! You successfully dissolve the Goblin and Truck crisis, and [Goblin Zamboo] has a favorability rating of +50! 【

Ding! [Charm Luck] trigger, favorability extra +400 (8 times)! The current favorability level has been raised to [Yijie Cam Ranh]! 【

Ding! You gained the reputation of the [Goblin] clan X18.


Xu Qiu gasped.

Fight a wave of monsters and brush a wave of favorability and racial prestige?


It's a good fat sheep!

"What's wrong... My friend?

Zambu keenly sensed something and subconsciously asked a question.

Xu Qiu, on the other hand, sighed and showed a sad and pitiful expression:

"It's nothing, my good friend Zamboo!"

"I just sighed, why is a cute race as smart and generous as the goblins infested by monsters?!"

"This is really unfortunate!"

Zhong Li heard the sound and remained silent.

Because she knows.

Brother Xu must have discovered something and started the show....

After Zambu listened, it was called a grateful zero!

"That's right, my friend! You're the first discerning human I've ever seen! "

As long as you can escort me to [Glow Poison City], I will definitely use the power of my [Goblin] clan to repay you well!"

"[Goblin] Zambu who values equal trade, do what you say!"

Xu Qiu wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes:

"I will definitely send you to your destination safely!"

Immediately, Xu Qiu secretly glanced at his communication panel:

"The strange area distribution map of [Glow Poison City]-Taluna."

Seeing this picture, Xu Qiu smiled slightly, and said to the goblins with a sincere face:

"I know that there is a safe route to [Glowing Poison City], please come with me."

Goblin Zambu nodded:

"Good! My friend! Zambu believes in you! Then

he changed the truck's 'automatic driving' to 'manual driving' in front of Xu Qiu.

Let the van no longer follow the original route.

Instead, he followed behind Xu Qiu.

Take that 'safe route'.


The truck turned around and rushed into the woods on the side!


"Brother Xu, why did we change our route?"

Zhong Li looked at the uncultivated forest around him.

It's obvious!

"There will definitely be monsters in this woods! It's not safe!

And Xu Qiu said with a pure face:


"Isn't this road very safe?"

Xu Qiu's words just fell!

In the grass no more than twenty meters away from the truck, a [Juli Grass Python] suddenly rushed out!


[Juli Grass Python] is about to bite the goblin guard next to the truck!

Next second!

He was thrown to the ground by two [Bloodthirsty Demon Wolf]!

Four mouths bite indiscriminately!

Directly bite to death!

"Look, it's not very safe~" Xu Qiu said with a sunny face.

Zhong Li: "..."

What else can this say?"

Indeed .

. It's pretty safe....


Why would you want to do that?

The next moment.

The goblin guard who had just escaped from the mouth of the snake still had some pupils shrunk.

He patted his chest in shock, and only then slowed down.

Then he cast grateful glances at Xu Qiu and Zhong Li:

"You saved my life again!" Goblin friends! "

[Ding! [Goblin Zamboo] +5 favorability for you. 【

Ding! You gained the [Goblin] Reputation X3. Hear

these two system prompts.

Zhong Li understood.

She slowly turned her head back and looked at Xu Qiu stiffly.

Brother Xu, this is going to....


Deliberately take the truck to the strange area!

Brush monsters while brushing goblin prestige!

Earn two!

Xu Qiu saw that Zhong Li understood what he was doing, and said with a slight smile: "

This is a win-win!"

Mean winning twice, right?!

Zhong Li's conscience hurt for a while!

The life of the NPC in this way, not very good, right?

【Ding! You gain XP X547, Copper X18. 【

Ding! [Goblin Zamboo] has a +6 favorability rating for you. 【

Ding! You have gained the reputation of the [Goblins] X4. I

don't know why.

Zhong Li felt that her conscience was not so painful....


With Xu Qiu leading the way.

This road to [Glow Poison City] is also a lot more 'lively'.

Every third and fifth, monsters will come up to send materials and experience!

"Friend, you are tired, rest and rest."

And the goblins also improved because of their favorability with Xu Qiu.

He also often provides free treatment to Xu Qiu and Zhong Li!

This way!

There is no shortage of supplies at all!

Zhong Li sat on the van and looked at Xu Qiu, who was talking and laughing with the goblin Zambu not far away.

I couldn't help but sigh in my heart: '

This is also in your calculations... Brother Xu. ’


PS: Who can refuse the card bug?

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