【Ding! Congratulations on obtaining the [Goblin] Reputation X50, and your [Goblin] Reputation Level has been increased to [Neutral]. 【

Ding! [Goblin Zambu] has a good impression of you +200. 【

Ding! [Glamorous Luck] triggers, [Goblin Zambou] has an additional +800 (4x) favorability for you, and the favorability level is increased to [Like-minded]. 【

Ding! [God of the Sea and Water] +1 favorability for you. 【

Ding! [Luck] triggered... Extra +3 (3x). Several

prompts came one after another.

Xu Qiu smiled slightly.

That's the reward of 'hidden missions'!

For tasks like saving people, the rewards are the most lucrative!

Then bring your own [Charm Luck] effect.

I have easily connected with [business alliances]!

It will be much easier to do anything in the future.

As for the favorability of [the god of the sea and water]....

It is related to the [Goblin] family on the [Terra Continent]...

"It's okay, just raise your hand."

Xu Qiu accepted the thanks flatly.


Zhong Li on the side pouted, staring at Xu Qiu, who was shaking his hand as the goblin was trying to shake:

"Obviously I struck first, why does he still only talk to Brother Xu?"

Xu Qiu shrugged his shoulders:

"No way, your big brother Xu is too attractive~"

Zhong Li did not 'slightly', but did not turn his head and nodded silently to show his affirmation.

Of course.

Being attractive is only one aspect~ the

most important point is....

He has the prestige of 10 points [Terra Continent]!

These 10 points [Terra Continent] prestige.

It's the key to making yourself stand out from the crowd!

In the eyes of the neutral creatures of this land.

I'm just different!

"Count the goods!"

After the goblin Zambu gave an order to the group of goblin guards, he still tightly grasped Xu Qiu's hand:

"Friend, can you do me another favor?"

Xu Qiu had a smile purer than Zhong Li on his face:

"Of course, my friend!" I [twilight] never refuses to treat my friends' requests! Just say it!

Goblin Zambu was very happy for a moment, and explained

, "Friend, my truck is going to [Glow Poison City] to deliver goods."

"Who would have thought that so many monsters appeared on the established safety route!"

"I almost became the ration of the monster like this shipment..." After

introducing the background, the goblin Zambu began to get down to business:

"I see that you are very powerful, friend!"

"So, I would like to ask you to protect our truck and arrive safely in [Glowing Poison City]!"

【Ding! Discover the protection mission - [Protect the goods of the goblins].

[[Mission Description]: Goblin Zambu finds that his guards are insufficient, and hopes that you can protect him and his cargo and arrive safely in [Glowing Poison City].

[[Mission Objective]: Protect trucks (8/8) and goblins (52/52) from damage. [

[Mission Reward]: [Goblin Zamboo]'s favorability, [Goblin] family reputation, [[Mission

Tip]: Reduced truck durability and goblin death will deduct mission rewards.

"Brother Xu, new mission..."

Zhong Li hesitated a little when he said this.

After all....

The 'end' of this protection mission is [Glow Poison City] of the [Dark Faction]!

[Glow Poison City]!

It was only two days ago that troops were sent to attack the hostile main city of [Wind Breath City]!

Past by yourself....

Isn't that sending to death?

Thinking of this, Zhong Li looked at Xu Qiu.

I don't know what choice Xu Qiu will make.

Xu Qiu, on the other hand, smiled indifferently:

"Leave it to me, friend!"

"I will definitely send you to [Glowing Poison City] safely!"

Goblin Zamboudou big tears came out and ran down his dark green skin:

"Thank you so much! Friend!! "

[Ding! [Goblin Zambu] has a good impression of you +15. 【

Ding! [Meiyun] trigger,...... Extra +45 (3x) favorability. ]

is just an answer.

It made the goblin Zambu increase his favorability a lot.

It can be seen how timid goblins crave security.

"Boss, thanks to the hero for saving in time! The van is fine! There is no loss of goods! At

this moment, a goblin guard wearing improvised armor leaned in.

After reporting to Zambu, he did not forget to cast a grateful look at Xu Qiu!

【Ding! [Goblin] Reputation +2.

Zambu patted Xu Qiu's hand:

"Time is precious, then we... Let's go, right?

Xu Qiu nodded, and the entire convoy moved again.

On the way, Zhong Li whispered to Xu Qiu:

"Brother Xu, do we really want to send him to [Glow Poison City]?"

"There, but..." Without

finishing the words, Xu Qiu understood what Zhong Li meant.

Immediately soothed:

"Don't worry Xiao Lili~

" "You Xu Big Brother has someone you know in [Glow Poison City], and there will be no accident."

Out of trust in Xu Qiu, Zhong Li snorted.

He stopped talking.

The four weeks began to be guarded.

Although he is not as wide as [Blood Bat].

But when traveling, there should still be vigilance.

It's like a real-life game called Footwatch.

A bunch of game mechanics similar to 'carts'.

As long as the player is around the van.

When there are no enemies or monsters around.

The van will go the way it is.

"It's just a pity... That game company is dead..."

With a sigh, Xu Qiu and Zhong Li protected the convoy.

Went in an unfamiliar direction.

【Ding! You accept the escort mission and your hatred value increases.

Xu Qiu and Zhong Li received such a prompt at the same time.

As long as the player receives the 'escort' mission.

There was always some 'accident' along the way.


This kind of 'accident' is the attraction monster brought by the 'hate value' increase that comes with the mission!

By the middle of [Fate].

After the player comes into contact with more forces.

This kind of escort mission will be received in large quantities.

Because the escort mission is equivalent to directly adding an NPC with a high taunt value in the team!

Wherever it goes, the monster will be drawn to.

It also saves players from taking the initiative to go out and find monsters.

Of course....

Players need to be confident in their own strength to be justified.


The monster can't be beaten, the NPC is dead, and the cargo has to be compensated....

It's directly a capital 'send' word!


Didn't go far!

There was a sound of grass blades rubbing against the bushes on the side of the road!

A huge [dryad] rises from the ground!


The twisting branch twitched directly.


As soon as the goblins saw the monster, they instinctively shrunk.

Zambu looked at Xu Qiu even more:

"Friend! It's up to you!

And as soon as Xu Qiu saw that it was a dryad, he didn't have the idea of making a move.

"Xiao Lili, I'll leave it to you!"

Then I watched the operation from behind.

Summon a [Green Fox] to come out.


As soon as the green fox appeared, he made an intimate sound.

Xu Qiu hugged her and directly ordered:

"Turn on [Origin Suppression]!"


Agreed, the green fox's body surface directly lit up with a green light.

The green light shone on Zhong Li's body at the same time.

Zhong Li had also used the [Cold Ice Scabbard], perfectly reversing the vines that were drawn one after another!

【Ding! Bounce backlash successful!

She instinctively switched to a rapier and stabbed a sword at the rattan of the [dryad]!



This sword scared herself!

Four-figure damage?!

Although she was shocked, her hands did not stop!


- 1984 (crit)!


After 4 consecutive bounces!

[The Dryad's] health has evaporated by a third!

And her own blood volume is still healthy!

This is a matter of the past.

Even if you bounce back.

There will be less than half blood left!

It was only then that he freed his hand.

She just saw that there was an extra green light on the state above her head!

[Origin Suppression]

Effect 1: Deals 50% additional damage when dealing damage to creatures with the same Origin 'Wood'.

Effect 2: When attacked by a creature with the same origin, 50% damage reduction.

Effect 3: When dealing damage to a creature with the same origin, 50% of the damage caused health is restored.

Be...... When I was in [Qingquan Town].

The BUFF that Brother Xu added to himself!

"With this state, if you fight a creature like [Dryad], it's not too easy!"

But right now!

The surrounding 5 trees turned into [Dryad] at the same time!

Quickly flick the vine towards Zhong Li!


Zhong Li himself instantly fell into a state of being surrounded!


Can't hide!!

This dryad is a bait to attract people!

What to do!

Just when Zhong Li felt that he was going to explain here!

The ground under your feet suddenly shattered! Break!

A huge man-eating flower that was three meters tall suddenly broke through the ground!

"And man-eating flowers?!"

Zhong Li was even more surprised!

How can the monsters still cooperate?!

Here it goes!

I really have no way back!

Even Big Brother Xu can't save himself!

Next moment!

The cannibal swallowed Zhong Li in one bite!


PS: In the past two days, I reviewed the old "Light Girl".

It's been a long time since I felt that I wanted to talk to someone about it.

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