
After Xu Qiu silently turned on this skill.

A kilometer-squared area suddenly lit up on the map!

The acetylene in the region is all clear in Xu Qiu's heart!

Even the monsters under the ground were clearly seen by Xu Qiu!


"Let's go this way, here is an (weird) all (many)."

"Good! Let's go! "

Under Xu Qiu's guidance + brush monster.

Two days and one night down.

Xu Qiu has already brushed the reputation of the goblin from [neutral] to [friendly].

[Goblin Zamboo's] favorability is also about to brush [Brotherhood]!

This made Zhong Li dumbfounded....

"This is ... Relying on strength to do whatever you want..."

To brush the prestige of a race so high.

But it takes a lot of effort and time for a guild!

As a guild player, Zhong Li knows this all too well!

But for now, by this approach.

I don't know how many detours are missing!


The higher the reputation of the Goblin clan, the higher the favorability of [Goblin Zambou]!

The more they wouldn't suspect what Xu Qiu had done!

Even if this 'crooked road' should have arrived at [Glow Poison City] yesterday!

They didn't sense anything wrong either!!

"Brother Xu, this... Is it a card bug? "

Forget it.

"You guys wait, I'll go and make it easier."

At this moment, Xu Qiu said hello to everyone and immediately walked towards the depths of the forest.

It didn't take long.

There was a sound of battle in the woods!

Not long after, Xu Qiu came back with a refreshing face.

Along the way, Brother Xu has already made many trips.

Zhong Li lowered his head and rubbed the [Wood Slime] in his arms.

Although I know it myself.

Brother Xu is going to fight rare monsters.

But it still reminded her of something else:

"That night... It's also such a big movement..." Thinking

of this, she quickly shook her head!

Do it yourself....

Is that what Yaoyao said...'Eat the essence and know the taste'?

If you say so!

Isn't she a very astringent girl?

No, no, no!

Definitely not!


She blushed and looked away.

I looked at the surrounding scenery.

The closer you get to [Glow Poison City].

The weirder the surrounding trees!

Many trees are bare and leafless.

Even if there is no baldness, the leaves are gray-black and have no life!

The air is also filled with a toxic stench.

The soft mud of the swamp on the ground gradually has a different color such as blue and green.

The more you look at it, the less it looks like a good place!

Although there is a toxic mist all around.

But he was not affected by any toxins!

The reason came from [Wood Slime] in his arms.


This [wood slime] that looks green all over and has blades of grass on its head.

It seems to have the ability to purify and absorb toxins.

After entering the [Dark Faction] territory.

Brother Xu summoned 8 [Wood Slimes].

Exactly, 8 trucks one by one.

Let all the goblins also be protected from poisoning!

Zhong Li can also see

: all the top of [Wood Slime] head, flashing from time to time: [

Ding! Successful absorption of [Toxin], [Poison Blood] progress +1. 【

Ding! Successful absorption of [Toxin], [Poison Blood] progress +1. 】


"Brother Xu, where did he get so many strange things..." Zhong

Lirua looked at the [Wood Slime] in his arms.

Looking at Xu Qiu's back in the distance.

A sweet smile rose on his face.

"Brother Xu is right

..." "The secret is the charm of men~ hehe..." I

really like it more and more!

But the next moment!

There was an even more urgent sound in Zhong Li's ears than before...


This is a signal that there is an enemy!

Zhong Li was just about to put down the [Wood Slime] in his hand.

Suddenly discovered!

The number of 'Progress +1' flashed above [Wood Slime].

Get faster!

Drop by drop!

Every second will flash four or five times!

Faster than just now, I don't know how much!

"This is...!"

Zhong Li's eyes couldn't help but widen!

What does this mean?

Poison all around... It's even more intense!

"What's going on?!"

Goblin Zambu instinctively sensed something!

"Something seems to be coming out!"


Xu Qiu looked fearless, and the smile on his face was even worse:

"Kill a monster all the way... Finally going to meet a boss? "

Next moment!

A fishy wind suddenly fell from the sky!

Xu Qiu, Zhong Li, and all the goblins on the truck, instantly burst out a [highly toxic] effect above their heads!

[Highly Toxic]

Effects: 50 health points per second, movement speed -10%, physical defense -20%, magic resistance -10%!

Just this moment!

Everyone felt this bad situation!


Every truck is equipped with a [Wood Slime]!


After they let out cute calls.

As if inhaling, it suddenly swelled a little!



But it's just weakened into [poisoning]....

[Highly toxic]

effect: 30 health points deducted per second, physical defense -10%!

Even so!

The survival pressure of the goblins suddenly became much less!

Xu Qiu turned his head and looked into the sky.

The owner of the poisonous gas who spat out this breath ...


There is a dragon with a pitch-black body and a wingspan of forty meters wide!

It has wings at the end and tail with a touch of emerald green!

You don't have to think about it.

The absolute wall is highly toxic!

[Poisonous Yalong

] Introduction: The heir of the Poisonous Dragon - [Dulin], who has a trace of the bloodline of the poisonous dragon, is the son of faith of the [Dark Church] in the [Glowing Poison City] branch, and the poison is very violent!

Quality: Blue Elite

Level: 40 Attack: 4000

Life: 1,000,000

Talent: [Dragon Wing (can fly, wing injury and this talent is invalid)

] Skills:

[Poisonous Breath], [Dragon Physique], [Death Aura], [Poisonous Mist], [Summon Poisonous Lizard]...


[Highly toxic breath]

Description: Huh ~ Bah blah!

Effect: [Poisonous Yalong]'s attack range is increased, and each attack can deal range damage! And apply a [highly toxic] effect to the target!


[Yalong Physique]

Description: I! It is the descendant of the poisonous dragon!

Effect: Health is greatly increased, attacks have a highly toxic effect, and each attack applies a 'Reduction' effect to the target, reducing the target's defense and magic resistance. and additionally apply a 'highly toxic' effect.


[Halo of Death]

Description: I! It's a mobile disaster!

Effect: [Poisonous Yalong] is surrounded by a poisonous fog at all times, exerting a [highly toxic] effect and a [blindness] effect on the surrounding enemies.


[Summoning Yalong Lizard]

Description: Lao Tzu blew up your group of ****!

Effect: Hatch a swarm of unstable flying poisonous lizards, rush towards enemy units and start self-detonating!


Seeing this, Xu Qiu couldn't help but raise his eyebrows:

"This BOSS, déjà vu?"


It's different from the previous [Poisonous Swamp Dragon Lizard].

This guy, the [Dragon Bloodline] in his body seems to be even thicker!

The properties that make it even more powerful!

The skills have also been completely renovated!

"But anyone who touches the blood of the dragon dares to say that he is a dragon~"

Xu Qiu was a little helpless.

No way.

Dragons are a species because they are too powerful!

Therefore, no matter what creature mates with it, it can give birth to strange species!

"When you attack the [dark camp] and counterattack [the abyss] later."

"This kind of Yalong, a brick can smash a large piece to death!"

Thinking of this, Xu Qiu couldn't help but pat his head.

Almost forgot....

[Mori no Shu Spirit] family, there is still a problem to solve....

Until then, though.

Xu Qiu looked at the [Highly Poisonous Yalong] who was grinning in front of him.

"Let's kill you first."


PS: I was thinking... Do you want the protagonist to get some kind of bloodline?

A, Dragon Bloodline B, Ancestral

Bloodline C, Elemental

Bloodline D, Titan Bloodline

F, (The above are all thinking, if book lovers have ideas, just share them here~)

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