Online Game: My Basic Attack Can Plunder Attributes

070: Gosti, I’Ll Give You A Big Treasure!

Lin Tong cast his eyes over, and the relevant information of the giant immediately appeared in front of him.

[Toxic Scorpion]

Rank: Gold

Level: 22

HP: 600w/600w

Attack: 20000

Poison Treatment: Reduce the target's defense and attack power.

Nerve Paralysis: After hitting, it causes paralysis and continuous poisoning damage to the target.

Swing: Swing the scorpion tail and sweep the target.

Toxin Dumping: Release a large amount of toxins from the poison needle, causing continuous damage to the target.

For this kind of monster.

Level 20 and above level 20 are two levels.

After successfully breaking through the second stage, their strength will also undergo a huge change.

And the one in front of him is a monster that has successfully advanced.

Its strength is much stronger than the dragon leader he met before.

"Are all poison attacks except swinging?"

Lin Tong thought about it briefly, and then directly summoned the frost field in the range where the poisonous scorpion was.

The frost began to cling to the poisonous scorpion little by little.

Cause continuous damage to him………………


The poisonous scorpion suddenly opened his eyes.

He was extremely angry when he was woken up from his sleep, and rushed towards Lin Tong with two huge pincers.

He didn't even think about whether there was a trap……………………

But it's not his fault.

When Gosti created him, he didn't give him too much IQ.

Because it would be easier for Gosti to swallow.

227 Lin Tong immediately put on the enchanted quiver, and each arrow was attached with the power of ice at this moment.

The arrows were shot one by one.



"-3820 (Critical Hit)"

Because this guy's defense and resistance are extremely high.

So the damage caused by Lin Tong's poisoning, darkness, undead and other negative effects are all 0.

Only bleeding can deal full damage to him.


After reducing the defense, with Lin Tong's attack speed of eight arrows per second, he can also reach 2w+ damage per second.

The most important thing is the effect of the frost field and the ice quiver.

This big guy with a low IQ was very uncomfortable and his movement speed was very low.



"-3001 (critical hit)"

The boss's health dropped rapidly.

When it reached 95%, the boss raised the poison needle behind him and aimed at Lin Tong.


The thick poison gas gushed out and went straight to Lin Tong's face.

[Toxin dumping]

But unfortunately...


Because Lin Tong got a yellow spring fruit from Malz.

Originally had 20% negative resistance.

Combined with the [toxin resistance] just obtained, this attack only knocked off more than 10,000 blood from Lin Tong.

Can bear it!


Under the effect of blood sucking, Lin Tong's lost blood was fully replenished in just two seconds.

But the boss didn't know that Lin Tong's health had been restored.

Seeing that his attack was successful.

He immediately excitedly waved his two huge pincers and raised his huge tail again.

He smashed it hard at Lin Tong's position.



Due to Lin Tong's extremely high physical attribute, this attack only knocked him out about five meters, and then he landed steadily.

It did not affect his continuous output at all...


The arrows connected into a line and kept hitting the boss.




Various values ​​kept popping up on the heads of the man and the scorpion.

But Lin Tong's side was a reminder of blood recovery, while the boss's was a reminder of the fastest blood drop.


The frost domain entered the cooldown period.

Lin Tong's damage also dropped below 10,000, and the deceleration effect was not as abnormal as before.



In the next battle, Lin Tong began to kite the boss.

[Dark Night]

Huge real damage began to pour on the boss, and Lin Tong entered the invisible state from time to time.

This made the stupid scorpion miserable...

Why do you treat me like this?

What bad thoughts can a scorpion who sleeps in the valley every day have?

But Lin Tong would not answer his question at all.

It didn't take long.....

The boss's health was restrained to 50% by Lin Tong, and his ultimate move was also released at this moment.

[Poison Treatment]

Green miasma covered the area around Lin Tong (ajdh).

"Affected by the skill, defense -50%, attack -50%"




This skill is the only one that causes a negative buff, and the toxins it carries are very pitiful.

And Lin Tong has a lot of resistance.

This toxin can't even cause damage.


Lin Tong immediately threw a skill at himself, and the negative effects just caused disappeared at this moment.

The ultimate move is over.

The boss has no more tricks.

Under Lin Tong's fierce attack, he fell to the ground and turned into a pile of golden trophies.


"You killed [Poisonous Scorpion] [gained] 190,000 experience points"

"Successfully plundered: Poison Healing (Peerless)"

Not bad!

This time I actually plundered the boss's ultimate move directly, and the second peerless passive was directly obtained.

I immediately checked the passive attributes.

[Poison Treatment]

Quality: peerless

Effect: Arrows have negative effects, -20% defense and attack, the effect lasts for 10 seconds, and the duration is refreshed after attacking.

Number of layers: 1/1

The effect of this passive is very similar to the Curse of the Undead.

It's just that the negative effect of this passive can always exist on a target.

So it is judged as peerless passive.

The only pity is that the poison damage has been removed.

"It's still very good......"

Lin Tong closed the passive panel with satisfaction and put the boss's body into his backpack warehouse.

Start to count the spoils of this time.

As a gold boss, the poisonous scorpion still drops very good loot.

The only point is...

There is no equipment that Lin Tong can use.

[Beginner Gosti Bloodline]

Quality: Gold (Growth Type)

Effect: After use, you will get the blood of Gosti, the growth rate +20 points, and the highest can reach the epic bloodline.

The bonus of this bloodline is quite high.

After the gold advancement, there is only a five-point growth rate.


If Lin Tong wants to enter the highest realm, he must have his own pure blood.

Moreover, many strange bloods have some special mechanisms, such as the blood of Gosti in his hand.

In the previous life, a player who got this thing turned into a Gosti scorpion man after using it.

Bright Empire reputation -10w

In desperation, the player had to go to the orc kingdom next door.

So, Lin Tong would never use this thing.

He prefers the power of blood quality improved by the blood trial.

"Anyway, it is a gold-quality blood. Let's see if it will be useful in the future."

After putting the things away, Lin Tong began to look around.

Due to the death of the poisonous scorpion, the poison gas in the valley began to dissipate, revealing its original appearance.

And at Lin Tong's footsteps, several dry plants were growing outward.

This is an important ingredient in the Tianfeng warhorse feed, but it seems that it will take some time to recover.

Take a look at the huge corpse in the backpack.

"Gosti, I'll give you a big treasure...

After that, he walked towards the Scorpion Tribe.

ps: Please support, full order, custom order, flowers, evaluation votes!

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