Online Game: My Basic Attack Can Plunder Attributes

069: With 10,000 Poison Resistance, You Can Basically Walk Sideways!

After hearing Lin Tong swear an oath to the world rules, all the Scorpion people had a great favor towards Lin Tong.

It seems that this human really wants the Scorpion God to come to the world...

And the Scorpion Chief's attitude changed 180 degrees.

"Sir, how can we make the Scorpion God come to the world, and what can our tribe do in this?"

Lin Tong pondered for a moment.

"Are there still things given by the Scorpion God in the tribe?"

"These are needed to awaken the Scorpion God............"

The Chief's face showed some embarrassment.


"If there is, it should be in the treasure house. I will take you to find it."

Lin Tong nodded and followed the Chief.

In the previous life.

After flattening the Scorpion tribe, the players successfully found their treasure house.

But no matter what they did, they could not open it.

It was not until a few months later that the players' strength was greatly improved and they smashed the door of the treasure house with their strength.

At this time, the Chinese Chief had begun to chant the mysterious spell.

Soon, the wall in front of him suddenly split into two……………………

The treasure house was not big, and there were no good things stored in it. It was basically the resources that the scorpion people used to survive the winter.


At Lin Tong's request.

All the scorpion people were all involved in the search.


Everyone finally found two things in the corner.

[Gosti Armor]

Quality: Diamond

Effect: After owning this item, you will be immune to poison damage below 1,000 points.

[Low-level Mount Lasso Design Drawing]

Quality: Bronze

Effect: The finished product can be used to capture mounts, bronze mounts (+15% success rate), and then the success rate will be -5% for each level of the target's quality improvement

Production requirements: Leveling Iv3

Lin Tong was satisfied and put all the two things into his backpack.


The low-level lasso can capture war horses of diamond quality at most, and Tianfeng war horses can be used just right.


Lin Tong sent the production drawing to Han Jiang.

"Let the members of the guild with level 3 alchemy immediately make 3,000 sets. I will be very useful to them.

Han Jiang agreed without any hesitation.

After all, the benefits that Lin Tong brought him were extremely huge, so this little thing was not a problem.


In order to make potions, he found a large number of alchemists.

Now he and the guild in Jiuzhou are not short of alchemy the least...

After closing the chat interface, Lin Tong looked at the chief.

"I am going to the forest to find the props that can summon Lord Scorpion God. You just need to catch some normal sacrificial prey. '

The chief nodded and agreed.

After Lin Tong left, the chief led the whole tribe to kneel on the altar.

"Lord Scorpion God is about to return to the world, and then our Scorpion tribe can reproduce the past.


The voice was very loud.

Even Lin Tong, who had left the tribe, had heard it.


"Whether we can see the sun tomorrow is a question........."

Soon after.

Lin Tong came to the Black Crow Valley. At this time, the Black Crow Valley has a layer of green poisonous miasma visible to the naked eye.

And the [Poisonous Scorpion] that caused all this is in it.

This Poisonous Scorpion is not so much the offspring of Gosti, but rather a small courtyard that Gosti trained in the human world with a group of power.

As long as his power is enough, Gosti will devour it without hesitation.

In order to restore the body that was severely injured by the dragon……………………

"But this guy's plan is impossible to succeed."

"After all, even if I don't come today, a large number of players will come to kill him in a few days."


"Affected by environmental toxins, -500 health points per second"

"Anti-poison props detected………………"

The sound of prompts kept ringing in my ears.

It is precisely because this area can cause 500 points of unsolvable toxins per second that the people of the ranch cannot enter at all.

Even the players in the previous life.

It was also because the [Toxic Scorpion] was molting, causing its strength and poison to decline at the same time.


Lin Tong's eyes suddenly looked at the bushes not far away.

A half-human-high scorpion was staring at Lin Tong.

[Toxic Scorpion-Companion]

Level: 22

HP: 20w/20w

Attack: 3000

Toxin resistance, stinger

This thing is the companion of the Toxic Scorpion. Its function is to help the Toxic Scorpion catch prey in the forest.

It's a bit like the worker ants in an ant colony.

At this time.

A large number of scorpions appeared from the bushes and began to surround Lin Tong.

It seemed that they regarded Lin Tong as prey in the forest.

"Let's start with you first... ..."

At that moment.

Pull the bow to the full!

The arrow shot out from the bowstring.

[Purification Rain of Arrows]

[Perfect Sniper]

In an instant.

The purifying light illuminated the dim jungle like the sun.

A long list of damage prompts began to appear above the scorpions' heads.

"-30111 (Critical Hit)"

"-30111 (Critical Hit)"

"-30111 (Critical Hit)"

Due to [Perfect Sniper], the purification power of Lin Tong's first arrow directly caused a critical hit.

At the same time, various passives were triggered, and the damage of the scorpions began to decrease continuously.

[Dark Night Moment]

This skill has basically not been used since it was upgraded, and it is just right to try its damage at this moment.

"`||-5101 (Real Damage)"

"-5101 (Real Damage)"

Under the effect of the dark wave, the real damage immediately caused splash real damage to the scorpions.

Not only that.

Due to the blessing of [Thrust], the additional 2,000 points of each arrow will also be automatically converted into real damage.

At this moment.

Lin Tong's damage per second is close to 6W+

It takes about three seconds to kill a scorpion.


"Kill [Venomous Scorpion-Companion], get: 8001 experience points"

"Successfully looted: Toxin Resistance (Super Rare)"

This time, the luck is quite good.

Directly looted the passive.

Don't hesitate any more, and maximize the output.


"Successfully looted: 6 Agility"

"Successfully looted: 7 Spirit"


Ten minutes later.


"You reach level 21, get: 4D attribute points +11, free attribute points +11"

Under a wave of horizontal push.

Lin Tong's level reached 21 very smoothly.

At the same time, he also looted 30 Agility, Tianwu Spirit and a super rare quality full-level passive.

[Toxin Resistance]

Quality: Super Rare

Effect: +10,000 Toxin Resistance

Number of Layers: 10/10

Ten thousand points?


After having this passive, whenever Lin Tong is attacked by toxins, the ten thousand points of resistance will be calculated first.

This is basically walking sideways...


Close the panel, Lin You walked towards the target point.

Not long after.

A giant creature about ten meters long appeared in the pile of rocks not far away. This is the target of this trip.

ps: Please support, full order, custom order, flowers and evaluation votes!

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