Due to the disappearance of poison, many wild monsters can re-enter the Black Crow Valley to hunt.

Lin Tong happened to encounter one on his way back.

[Poison Mantis]

Level: 23

HP: 7w/7w

Attack: 3000

Extremely fast kill, poison

High attack and low health

This is a very typical assassin-type monster~.


The huge mantis came to Lin Tong at an incredibly fast speed.

Then it swung its arms like double swords to attack Lin Tong and successfully caused damage to Lin Tong.

"-891" The damage Lin Tong received.

"-2000" The damage the mantis received.

This attack.

Not only did it not cause much damage to Lin Tong.

Instead, it caused himself to suffer four-digit damage. Seeing this, Lin Tong was too lazy to dodge.

Just stand there and shoot...

If it was facing other assassin-type monsters.

Then Lin Tong would definitely use displacement skills. The burst damage of assassin monsters is not a joke.

But in front of him...

A mere level 23 monster.

He doesn't deserve it!

Then he fired a normal attack, which penetrated his body directly under the effect of [Perfect Sniper].

"-5001 (Critical Hit)"

"-2000 (Darkness)"

This arrow, with more than a dozen negative effects and various control effects, is simply not something that Mantis can resist.

Continue to attack.


"You killed [Poison Mantis] and obtained: 3891 experience points"

"Successfully plundered: Extremely fast kill (rare)"

Hearing the prompt sound in his ear, Lin Tong was not only happy.

It seems that his luck today is still quite good. He actually plundered the passive of Mantis for the first time.

Take a look at the time.

The sacrifice ceremony will be held around seven o'clock.

He still has time to refresh the passive....

At this moment, Lin Tong traveled through the valley and stone forest to find the figure of Poison Mantis.

Half an hour later.


"You have reached level 22, and you get: 4D attribute points +11, free attribute points +11"

"Successfully looted: 11 points of agility"

This wave of harvest is quite fruitful.

Not only did the level rise to 22, but a lot of agility and a full passive were also looted.

Immediately allocate attribute points to strength.

Looking at the panel, agility has also successfully broken through the 1,000 mark.

"Only the mental power is left, which is a drag. I have to go and brush up on the mental power after this matter is over."

Monsters with mental power are very rare.

But Lin Tong knows where there is one...

Look at the passive.

[Speedy Kill]

Quality: Rare

Effect: After entering the battle, movement speed +2000, arrow flight speed +500m/s

Number of layers: 50/50


With an arrow speed of 500m/s, plus the passive obtained before, Lin Tong believes that once someone is targeted, it is impossible to escape.

"This trip is not bad...


Close the passive panel and check the time.

It's almost time.

Immediately rush back to the Scorpion Tribe.

Scorpion Tribe.

Due to the large-scale hunting by the Scorpion Tribe, the air of the entire tribe was filled with the smell of blood.

At this time.

The Scorpion sentry saw Lin Tong's figure.

"Mr. Canghai is back!"

After a shout.

The chief of the Scorpion Tribe immediately led all the Scorpion Tribe to the gate of the tribe to welcome Lin Tong's return.

The chief asked: "Mr. Canghai, how is the sacrifice prepared?"

All the Scorpion Tribes looked at Lin Tong with expectation.

"Of course I got it. How are you preparing?"

As soon as these words came out.

Excitement appeared on the faces of all the scorpion people.

The mysterious sacrifice is in hand!

It seems that the Lord Scorpion God can return to the world today, and their tribe is about to rise!

"All preparations are complete, just waiting for you............"

Lin Tong nodded.

"As soon as it gets dark, the sacrifice will begin immediately!"

It was not long before dark, and torches would be lit in the tribe in about ten minutes at most.

All dressed up and stood solemnly in front of the altar.

"Mr. Canghai, leave this worship ceremony to me, you have done enough."

Lin Tong agreed immediately.

He was eager to let this group of scorpion people preside over the worship.

"The sacrifice is here......

When the body of the poisonous scorpion appeared, all the scorpion people felt an inexplicable injury.

For some reason.

The body actually made the scorpion people have an urge to kneel down.

Gosti is the ancestor of this group of scorpion people, and the [Poisonous Scorpion] is a creature that Gosti created with his own power.

In a sense, the Poisonous Scorpion is their ancestor...

The chief was obviously confused, but he understood it after a little thought.

"Since this big scorpion can resonate with us, it must be able to resonate with the Lord Scorpion God."

"Mr. Canghai, is this the special sacrifice you mentioned?"

Lin Tong on the side silently praised the chief's imagination.

"That's right."

Get Lin After Tong's affirmation, the European Scorpion people, led by the chief, all knelt in front of the altar.

O………………Please give me flowers……………………

Officially start the sacrifice.

"Great Scorpion God God Gosti, we ask for your coming………………"

In the mysterious spell of the Scorpion people.

Those corpses were gradually decomposed, and finally turned into a pure force that went straight to another space.

Toxic space.

This is a small space derived from the original continent. Due to the rich toxins in it, there are no native creatures.

And in the center of the space.

A half-scorpion and half-human with a body length of about 100 meters is discussing the origin of life with more than a dozen female scorpion people.

He is Gosti........ A demigod creature from ancient times.

Because the power in his body has long been exhausted, he can only survive by relying on the toxins in this space,

Maybe it's boredom and loneliness... ...

Gosti used the remaining blood power to create more than ten female creatures.

He played the link game with them all the time to kill the long and boring life.


A loud noise.

It seems that something wants to enter the poisonous space.

Gosti stopped and began to sense.


"This power seems to come from the sacrificial array in the Scorpion Tribe. Didn't they perish?"

A hundred years ago.

Gosti's injuries worsened.

In order to survive, he could only fall into a deep sleep, so the power sacrificed to him by the Scorpion Tribe during that time has not been responded to.

Until ten years ago.

The Scorpion Tribe thought that Gosti had completely abandoned them.

So they gave up the sacrifice and regarded the sacrifice as a necessity for survival.

Unexpectedly, the sacrifice was actually opened today...

"But unfortunately, this kind of power has no effect on my injured body. "

Gosti thought about it.

I have been eating the power in the poisonous space for so many years, it is good to change the taste occasionally.

Thinking of this, Gosti immediately opened the temporary permission of the poisonous space.

An extremely pure power gushed out directly.

Gosti did not hesitate and opened his mouth wide to swallow it.


His power actually showed signs of recovery.


Immediately swallowed all the power into his stomach, but soon he found something wrong.

"This taste is so familiar............"

After savoring it for a moment, Gosti's pupils suddenly dilated.

The voice rose a few decibels at this moment!

"This is............my son!"

ps: Please support, full order, custom order, flowers and evaluation votes!

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