Brom on the side asked: "Can't we break that space with this weapon?"

The village chief shook his head.

"The structure of that place is the power of rules, and it cannot be broken by external forces, so it can only rely on Lin Tong himself."

Everyone was stunned when they heard the news...


The fate of all of them is tied to Lin Tong.

If Lin Tong can't come out, then none of them can appear, let alone the first kill of the copy.

"I hope the great god Canghai must come out..."

Everyone can only pray.

Lin Tong disappeared, and the people who entered the copy in Losikaya Village could not exit.

This news soon set off a huge wave around the world.


8L's face was very ugly: "Isn't the progress bar already 100%, and it can't come out?"

"I heard that it was thrown into the reincarnation space by a demon king........."

Hanjiang and others have been keeping in touch with the outside world.

So the relevant news soon reached the ears of Dynasty and others.

Hearing this, 8I's face showed some worry.

"If that's the case, they won't be able to get the first pass of the dungeon, and there will even be more dangerous troubles."

"What can we do to help?"

Not long ago.

The official and the people of the Dynasty Guild have discussed this.

This Canghai, as the world's number one individual "Zero Zero Zero", is at the center of the storm.

Their Dynasty must always pay attention to Canghai's situation, because if there is a problem with Canghai.

Then Longguo will lose a lot of combat power.

For this reason, the people of the Dynasty have arrested hundreds of spies in reality who are looking for Canghai's true identity.

And all of them were handed over to the official.

But who would have thought...

Now there is a problem in the game?

The subordinate next to him replied: "No, now even Hanjiang can't contact Canghai." It means that Canghai has completely cut off contact with the outside world. "

Hearing this, 8L fell into deep thought.

After a long time, he said: "Notify all the upper-level combat forces of the Dynasty to enter the dungeon, and no longer make any reservations. "

"Since Canghai can't get the first kill of the dungeon, we must get him. "

At the same time.

The Archangel Guild also received this news.

Brand, who had originally been stimulated by Lin Tong and had a migraine, was now full of energy.


"God bless you............"

"This damn bastard actually has this day."

"Who told him to provoke the devil, and now he was thrown into that space and can't get out."

The emergence of this news made Brand see the opportunity to win the first pass of the world copy again.

If so.

Then he can also be arrogant in Congress once again... His status will return to the peak moment.

"Notify all the forces that can be mobilized. Now our enemy only has one dynasty. "

"If you get the world's first kill this time, I will give you a bonus!"

When the people below heard this, they immediately cheered.

It seemed that Canghai's disappearance represented their victory!

On the other side.

At this moment, Lin Tong was in darkness.

All he could perceive was the faint light emanating from the floor and the roars from time to time in the distance.

"Reincarnation Land?"

Lin Tong didn't expect it.

It was really too bad that Kahn would use this trick before leaving...

This place is called the sewer of the world.

From ancient times to the present, countless people have actively or passively entered this place, but all of them have the same ending.

Unable to leave!

Finally turned into a dead creature in the reincarnation land...


There is a way to leave in Lin Tong's mind.

It was discovered by a player in his previous life.

In a word.

Put yourself in a dead place and then live!

Only after being killed a thousand times in the reincarnation land can you return to the normal world, but this place has a mechanism.

That is, experience points will be dropped after death.

Ordinary people may have dropped to level one after a thousand times.

But Lin Tong is lucky... He is only level 20! What a blessing... Can you enter this place at level 20? I heard that you can get a mysterious reward after leaving this place, but I don't know what it is. Thinking of this. Lin Tong began to walk forward, looking for the monster. "It seems that I just looted a passive..." [Life Enhancement (Intermediate)] Effect: Permanently increase health by 20% Number of layers: 1/1 The effect is simple and clear... After getting this passive, Lin Tong's health also successfully reached 50,000+, which is too much. Most small bosses can only cover their faces and cry when they see it... Questioning why this world is so unfair, After searching for a long time, Lin Tong finally heard a roar in his ears. A dead creature suddenly pounced on Lin Tong. "Bang!" This blow. The dead creature seemed to hit a stone. "-1" The damage Lin Tong received "-2000" The damage the monster received. What the hell? Lin Tong looked at the monster. This time, he was fine, but the monster was injured.

"I forgot to turn off the anti-injury!"

The monster's damage was absorbed by the shield, while the physical damage of the anti-injury hit him hard.

Lin Tong saw this.

He immediately called up his personal page and turned off all the passive defensive attributes to make it easier for the monster to kill him.

Otherwise… When will I die? At the same time, he took off all his equipment. “That’s about it…” At this time, the monster seemed to feel humiliated by Lin Tong and rushed up to attack him. “-4012” The damage caused this time was very good. It only took four hits to send Lin Tong away. “OJ” “You die” The voice in his ears sounded, and Lin Tong fell to the ground. At the same time, the monster that was attacking him also died, and turned into the power of reincarnation and entered his body. After a few seconds, Lin Tong was resurrected on the spot. “44…” In the next half an hour, Lin Tong kept looking for this kind of death monster, repeating it over and over again. Finally. "DJ"

"You died (1000/1000)"

"Announcement of the Death World"

"Player [Cang Hai] became the first person to pass through the land of reincarnation and achieved an achievement."

"Reward: Growth +1, Sacred item [Heart of Death] +1"

Is it over?

Lin Tong opened his eyes again.

Immediately check the sacred item he just obtained.

[Heart of Death]

Rank: Sacred item

Effect: Possessing supreme power of rules, after equipping this item, your resurrection will not be affected by anything.

"This is good...

In the original junior high school.

There are many taboos, some of which can be used to block resurrection.

Once you die, it is equivalent to logging out of the account.

Unable to resurrect and log in to the game...

More perverted, it can even be mapped to the real world, causing the real world to die synchronously.

After getting this sacred object of sacred quality, these problems will no longer exist.

Lin Tong will not have any worries in this regard.

I want to die, so who can stop me?

At the same time.

This time, the harvest also has a growth degree +1, which means that Lin Tong can get six points of four-dimensional attributes after upgrading to a level.

Very nice...

After sorting out the harvest, Lin Tong looked at the built-in time of the game.

It has been four hours since entering the dungeon, and it is time to leave the dungeon for settlement.

At the moment.

With a move of mind, he returned to the dungeon.

The people who were frowning saw Lin Tong suddenly appear, and they were all very surprised.

They have all learned about the relevant information of the land of reincarnation from the village chief.

Some people have even begun to accept their fate and cannot leave this dungeon.

But I didn't expect.

Lin Tong reappeared in front of them at this moment, and at the moment when Lin Tong returned to the copy.

The interference power brought by the reincarnation land also disappeared.

Everyone can choose to leave...


"The Great God of Canghai is still the Great God of Canghai!"

"Just now the village chief said that that place is hundreds of times more difficult than this copy. Didn't the Great God of Canghai come out?"


"Great God, kneel down!"

Lin Tong waved his hand to signal everyone to be quiet.

"Leave first..."

"If there is anything, we will talk about it after the first kill and world announcement are obtained. ”

Everyone agreed.


Then, everyone opened the panel and chose to exit the dungeon.

The familiar system voice sounded again.


"The dungeon [Lich Descent] has been completed, and the scoring is in progress... "

"First place: Canghai, contribution value 72.1%"

"Reward: dungeon diamond treasure chest, skill experience scroll (large) x10"

The settlement is over.

Everyone successfully returned to the village.

At the same time.

The system voice that just ended sounded again.


"World Announcement"

"Losikaya Village successfully completed [Lich Descent 】copy, achieve the achievement"

"The highest contribution value [Canghai], get diamond treasure chest x1, reputation x20003.0, divine essence x1, gold coins x10000"

The world announcement refreshed three times in a row before it stopped.

This time, all the people who participated in the copy in Luoshika Village received two treasure chests and two skill books.

And all the players of Dragon Country within the Bright Empire can get a treasure chest and a skill book.

At this moment.

The strength of Dragon Country players has been successfully upgraded to a higher level.

Far beyond other countries and forces...

And all this is thanks to Lin Tong!

After hearing the news, the players of other villages were confused at first, and then their faces were full of encouragement.

"We also have rewards?"

"Luoxi Kaya Village is the best birth point, and it is as comfortable as it can be to hug this thigh.

"Thank you, Big Brother Canghai..."

"Fangirl +99"

"Big Brother Canghai, do you need a pendant?"

"It's broad daylight, I don't have anything to give Big Brother Canghai, how about I knock one for you first?"

The Dragon Country players' channel was almost blown up.

When foreign players saw this scene, they were only full of envy and jealousy...

But they also felt helpless, who told them that there was no god-level player in their country who could match Canghai?

At the same time, on the other side of the ocean...

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