Online Game: My Basic Attack Can Plunder Attributes

056: The Collision Between The World Holy Dragon And The Apostle!

"I have seen you............"

Kahn's voice reached Lin Tong's ears through the portal.

Lin Tong's face was a little gloomy at this moment. The appearance of this guy meant that the situation had changed.

"Have you seen it?"

Kahn seemed to think for a moment, and then said: "My clone has seen you, and you seem to have defeated him?"

Lin Tong did not answer Kahn's question.

Kahn continued to look at Lin Tong.


A gleam of light flashed in his eyes: "A person from another world, actually let this king meet a person from another world in this place."

"Looking at your eyes... you seem to know this king very well?"

Lin Tong smiled and said: "One of the twelve apostles suppressed by the Space God King in the endless abyss, the first apostle of disaster, the heart of the fateful."

"Who wouldn't know?"

In a corner of the original continent, there is an endless abyss constructed by the Space God King with the power of rules.

The twelve apostles called disasters are sealed in it.

These twelve people all have the power of the Lord God.

When they stand on the same front, they can even rival the Supreme God Realm...

And Kahn in front of him is the best among these twelve people.

It's a pity that due to the sealing power of the Space God King, his power cannot be fully extended to the original continent.

Even so...

The little power that can be released is also extremely powerful.

"Since you know me...

"Foreigner, there is an opportunity in front of you now. As long as you are willing to submit to the power of the abyss, I will give you the opportunity to follow me.

The value of a foreigner to him is very great.

Greater than the purpose of his trip.

That's right.

Kahn can be aware of the existence of players. After all, they are powerful enough to be at the level of the Lord God.

To a certain extent, they can affect the rules of the world.

But ordinary NPCs on the original continent are different. They cannot be aware of the true origins of the players.

They only know that these are adventurers who have always existed.

Unable to detect the clues...

Kahn spoke again: "As a reward, I will also give you the Supreme History Zone from the Apostles. ”

As soon as these words came out.

Lin Tong heard a reminder sound.


"The First Apostle - Kahn, invites you to join the Endless Abyss.

"Do you agree?"

"Agree: You will get S-level bloodline [Apostle's Body], and Endless Abyss camp reputation +100w.

"Reject: Endless Abyss reputation -100w"

Now it's Lin's turn Tong was confused………………

According to the prompt, if he did not accept this guy's invitation, his reputation would be reduced and he would immediately become an enemy.

At that time, this guy would attack him without hesitation.

But accept………………


Why are there so many changes in this copy?

While thinking about countermeasures, he looked at Kahn.


Level: 100

Rank: Epic

HP: 19 billion/19 billion

Good guy………………

Even if he can't cross the portal, he is still a king boss with epic power.

This is not at the same level at all.

There is no way to fight!

If he angers this guy, he will throw a skill at him casually, and I am afraid that all the players behind him and the village of Rosikaya will be flattened.

How to do this?

At this time, Kahn on the side urged: "Foreigner, haven't you made a choice yet?"

There was a hint of oppression in Kahn's voice.

Lin Tong is very clear about the consequences of joining the Endless Abyss.

Players are welcomed by the origin of the original world, so they can move freely in the original continent.

But if he chooses to agree to Kahn.

Then he will be abandoned by the original continent forever, and will be imprisoned in the Endless Abyss forever.

No matter how strong you are, you will be controlled...

Because the moment you accept the baptism, you no longer belong to the original continent.


This is the first time I will die.

But fortunately, I am only level 20, and I am in the novice protection period, so the loss should not be too great.

Thinking of this.

Lin Tong looked at Kahn.

"I am not interested in your baptism..."

Kahn's tone was still flat: "Since you don't choose to accept the baptism, how do you want to die?"

Lin Tong did not answer Kahn's question.

Instead, he slightly raised his middle finger.

The meaning of his expression was simple and clear.

Get out!

"Stupid ant, it seems that I really have to send you off in person............"

Anger appeared on Kahn's face.

The terrifying power surged out like a tide, and as long as this power passed through the portal, it would crush Lin Tong.

Lin Tong did not resist at all.

After all, resistance was useless............ He just looked at Lu Xi who was kneeling on the ground, and then raised his bow and arrow high.

Take you first............


The arrow shot out.

Just when it was about to penetrate Lu Xi, the powerful force suddenly blocked Lu Xi's front.

Stopped Lin Tong's arrow.

"Foreigner, what do you want to do?"

Lin Tong sneered: "Take him away!"

After that, he continued to put the arrow.

Seeing this scene, Lu Xi hurriedly said: "Lord Kahn, there is a contract between us. "You must save me......" Kahn heard this and looked at Lucy. A little greed began to emerge in his eyes.

"This clone has been planning for a hundred years.

"Today, this evil soul full of hatred and resentment can finally be harvested."

Then, Kahn stretched out his hand and waved at Lucy: "Enter this door, you will be given the power of the apostle and get true eternal life.

Lucy heard this and felt as if she had been pardoned.

She hurriedly ran towards the portal.

For Kahn, what his clone did was never to save Lucy.

A hundred years ago.

Lucy was able to become a generation of war gods because of Kahn's clone's secret cultivation.

When Lucy reached a level where she could be harvested, Kahn's clone planned to kill Lucy.

He felt unwilling...

Finally, he peeled off Lucy step by step and used the power of the apostle to clean up the impurities in Lucy's soul.

Finally, he made him a perfect body of resentment for the main body to use.

And I don't know how many clones are doing things like this.

At this time.

The terrifying power has crossed the portal and arrived in front of Lin Tong.

But the next second.....

A sudden change!

An extremely powerful force exploded behind Lin Tong.


The dazzling light condensed into a lightsaber, fiercely stabbing at the dark power.

Under the attack of this lightsaber, the dark power released by Kahn actually showed a trend of retreat.


As soon as the voice fell.

The giant sword went straight to Kahn in the distance.


This sword slashed firmly on the teleportation array, causing the already very unstable teleportation array to collapse.

"The power of the legendary realm?"



"There can't be a legendary strongman on this continent...

Two familiar figures appeared behind Lin Tong.

Village chief Lawrence, and Brom.

The village chief said in a deep voice: "Master Apostle, you should live a stable life in your abyss. The continent is not a place where you should reach out. '


Lin Tong realized it then.

At this time, the village chief was holding a dull long sword in his hand, and it was impossible to tell how much power it contained.


I finally survived...

I just don't know what happened.

Suddenly, Lin Tong remembered something.

He immediately took out the bow and arrow again, aimed at the soul of Lu Xi not far away and attacked, and the arrow drew a line in the air.

It went straight through Lu Xi's body...

And Kahn was still suffering from the residual power of the village chief's sword.


"Kill [Lich Lu Xi], get: 30w experience points"

"Successfully plundered: life enhancement (intermediate)"

After Lu Xi's soul died, his body immediately broke into pieces, and the spoils were scattered all over the ground.

Among them, there were as many as three diamond-quality equipment.

A big profit!

Immediately put it in the warehouse...

But the copy did not end because of this.

At this time, Kahn's voice came again: "The holy sword made of the dragon scales of the holy dragon?"

The portal had been stabilized by Kahn at this time

"But it seems that the power in it has been exhausted."

"Human, you are just an epic power. I advise you not to be an opponent of this king. Leave this person to me."

Lucy is dead now.

Only by taking Lin Tong away can his loss be compensated.

Otherwise, this wave of losses is huge...

The village chief shook his head, and then took out a piece of golden scale from his arms and attached it to the long sword.

"Who said it was used up?"

"My strength is indeed not as good as yours, but with the power of this thing, I can completely destroy this portal. "Kahn saw the scale and gradually fell asleep. "Dragon scale?" "Why do you have this thing?" The village chief did not answer Kahn's question, but raised his sword again and slashed at the portal. This blow was more powerful... The sword light fell from the sky and went straight to the portal. "Master Apostle, go back to your endless abyss!" As soon as the voice fell, the sword light accurately slashed on the portal. The portal, which was already on the verge of collapse, could not withstand Kahn's power again. SUN... Just before the portal collapsed, Kahn's eyes fell on Lin Tong. "Damn you... "In that case, then you stay in the land of reincarnation for the rest of your life!" Then. The gray light passed through the sword light and went straight to Lin Tong. The village chief and the other two wanted to stop it after they noticed it, but the gray light moved too fast. It went straight into Lin Tong's body. Before Lin Tong could react to the "land of reincarnation", a vortex appeared around his body.

It disappeared without a trace.

At the same time, Han Jiang and others outside rushed in after receiving the news of Lu Xi's death.

But there was no sign of Lin Tong.

"Why is the village chief here?"

"Isn't the boss dead? Why can't we leave the dungeon?"

"Didn't you notice?"


"Where is the great god Canghai?"

Han Jiang immediately came to the village chief: "Village chief, what's going on?"

The village chief's face was not very good at the moment.

"Affected by the land of reincarnation, we can't leave here now, unless Canghai can find a way to leave the land of reincarnation."

"But as far as I know, no one who entered the land of reincarnation has been able to come out yet............"

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