Online Game: My Basic Attack Can Plunder Attributes

058: The Identity Of The Village Chief, What A Big Melon!

On the other side of the ocean……………

Ever since Brand learned that Lin Tong was trapped in the land of reincarnation, he has been extremely excited.

At the same time.

Under his leadership, the progress of the dungeon has also been rapid.

There is only 10% progress left to defeat the dungeon boss, just one step away.

"The first pass of the world dungeon will soon be ours, come on!"

At the critical moment, the world announcement sounded.

"Losikaya Village………………

Brand was stunned.

Then his eyes were stagnant for a moment, as if he couldn't believe it, and then he went back to look at the record.



"How is this possible? Wasn't Canghai thrown into that reincarnation space?"

"Why is this happening?"

Brand roared at his men frantically.

However, a few minutes later.

"Haimu Village successfully completed the [Twilight City] dungeon and achieved the achievement"


The village where the dynasty is located won the second first pass of the dungeon.

Like Losikaya Village, all members of the Dragon Kingdom received an additional black iron quality skill book and equipment.

And this village received double.

"President, don't lose heart, there is still one third place left..."

The subordinates on the side wanted to persuade Brand.

But how could Brand listen at this moment?

At that moment.

He was so angry that a mouthful of blood gushed out of his mouth, and the whole person fainted directly on the dungeon.

At the same time.

The body began to gradually disappear.

"It is detected that your body is in an abnormal state, and it is 09 helping you to withdraw."


Other people from the Archangel Guild wanted to help.

But this was the critical moment of the dungeon attack, and they could not be distracted to check what happened to Brand.


They could only let him leave the game.

After a long time.

Brand opened his eyes and found himself in a pure white room with medical equipment running around him.


After coughing twice, the assistant on the side immediately stepped forward.

Brand said with difficulty: "What is the progress of the dungeon development?"

Hearing this.

No one in the room answered his question.

Brand had a bad feeling in his heart, and immediately raised his tone.

"Tell me, how is the copy now?"

The assistant next to him saw this and was about to explain the real situation, but the door of the ward was suddenly pushed open.

A man with blond hair walked in.

"Brand, you are a waste...

"Now, I will inform you of a decision of Congress. Because of your stupid behavior, the reputation and interests of our country and the guild have been damaged.

"You are now officially expelled!"

These words hit Brand's heart like a heavy hammer.

"No... No one knows the Archangel Guild and our enemies better than me. You can't expel me."

"Phil, you absolutely can't do this!"

Phil couldn't help but show a trace of contempt on his face.

"Shut up, waste!"

"After you leave this position, I will take over as the president of the Archangel Guild and show you what a qualified president should do."

"You will regret it. You don't know the horror of the sea... "

Phil looked proud.


"That's only for a waste like you. If it weren't for the many activation conditions of my talent, how could the world announcement be made for the Dragon Countrymen?"

"Brand, just watch quietly...

"Watch how I trample you as a terrifying enemy!"

"Any obstacles that block the Archangel's progress will eventually be swept away...

"Hearing this moving speech, the people around were also excited, as if tomorrow would be extremely bright.

Only Brand.

Full of despair...

On the other side.

After leaving the dungeon, everyone is distributing their income according to their contributions.

And with Lin Tong's contribution value, there is no doubt that he will take away three diamond-quality items and gold and silver-quality items.

Among them.

The diamond-quality props are two pieces of equipment dropped on Lucy.

And a diamond skill book...

The two diamond equipment are due to Lin Tong, the attribute has disappeared.

But even so.

He doesn't plan to sell it to others.

After all, the world announcement of the first diamond equipment has not appeared yet, at least he has to deal with it after he gets it.

Then there is the skill book.

This skill book is very useful to Lin Tong………………

He needs to use it to synthesize epic quality skill books.

"Count the harvest."

The first thing to deal with is the essence of God.

This one is used without hesitation, and the progress is directly increased to 6% of the king.

"Open the two boxes first..."

If you ask when is the happiest time in the beginning.

Then it must be when you open the box.

"Gold Coin x10000, Skill Experience Symbol (Large) x5, Founder's Bow x1"

A total of three items were opened in the two boxes.

But Lin Tong's luck is not bad.

In the second box, an equipment was opened, and it was a diamond quality bow and arrow.

[Founder's Bow]

Quality: Diamond

Level: 20

Strength +110

Agility +65

Spirit +35

Effect: Attack speed +25%

Diamond weapon with average attributes………………

The main thing is that the bonus effect is a bit disappointing, but since it is a diamond weapon, there is no need to hesitate.

Just put it on, and the attributes are improved.

This time.

Lin Tong directly took the top eight positions on the leaderboard.

The Dynasty also received corresponding weapon rewards after clearing the level, but their level was less than 20 [so they could not be downloaded.

At the same time.

The world announcement that had just been quiet for a while appeared again and again.

"Player [Canghai] wears diamond equipment and achieves achievement."

"Reward: Gold x5000, Reputation x2000, Diamond Treasure Box x1"

Today's players are all numb...

It's no surprise that Lin Tong caused the world announcement, as if it was strange that there was no world announcement that day.

"Another treasure chest............

Lin Tong was very happy to open it again.

But this time he was not very lucky, he only got three large skill experience scrolls, which was acceptable.

Then, Lin Tong distributed the attribute points.

Still throwing them to strength without thinking............

After all, strength means damage!

After dealing with these, Lin Tong opened the personal attribute panel.

ID: Canghai

Level: 20 (not advanced)

Health: 5.7w/5.7w

Mana: 3w/3w

Attributes: Strength 745, Constitution 795, Spirit 550, Agility: 610

Attack: 1490

Magic Damage: 1100

Attack Speed: 7.21/s

Defense: 3901

Attributes are still very wow............

The only thing that Lin Tong thinks is a problem is that the mental power is too low.

Of course.

The too low here means that it is a bit low compared to the other three attributes, and compared to other ordinary people, it is crushing.

"Four-item balance is the kingly way..."

Lin Tong doesn't like to be partial to one subject.


There are too few spiritual powers that can be plundered in the Novice Village, but it will be fine after leaving.


It's time to collect the reward for this mission.

Just in time.

Brom and the village chief are not far away at this moment.

Lin Tong looked at the village chief curiously...

[Village Chief Lawrence]

Rank: Epic

Level: 100

HP: 3.5 billion/3.5 billion

Seeing this, Lin Tong couldn't help but take a breath...

Never expected.

The village chief is actually a strong man in the epic field?

I should have noticed something wrong when I got so many good things from him, but I never thought of it.

The village chief's true identity is so huge and terrifying?

It seems that the village chief deliberately disguised his strength...


Judging from his HP, there is still a big difference between his strength and that of the monarch-level Kahn.

"Village chief, I never thought that you are the real troublemaker......"

At this time, the village chief also noticed Lin Tong.

"Cang Hai, thank you very much for defeating the lich this time. Without you, our village would be in big trouble."

Lin Tong felt a little embarrassed.

"You are joking, village chief. You are so powerful that even without me, you can easily defeat the invaders.

Hearing this, Shi Chang shook his head mysteriously.


"Do you know why I hide my strength in this place?"

Lin Tong was also a little curious.

Why is the village chief, a powerful man in the epic field, here?

Especially after the legendary road was cut off, except for the power of the dragon clan, it is impossible to reproduce it.

That is to say. The village chief is an epic warrior at the top level...

"Because I don't want to expose too much."

"Once exposed, a bunch of annoying guys will appear immediately. Although I am not afraid of them, my current leisurely life will be broken.'

Hearing this, Lin Tong looked as if he had suddenly realized something.


At this time, Brom on the side suddenly interrupted.

"Dad, are you afraid that the Pope will come to your door?"

As soon as these words came out, a trace of anger immediately appeared on the face of the village chief.

"If those damn stinky rats dare to set foot in this place, I will definitely keep them here.

"Those old accounts should have been settled long ago..."

After saying this, the village chief walked up and grabbed Brom's ear.

"You bastard, leave that shitty church as soon as possible. There are no good people in it."


Lin Tong on the side heard the conversation between the two, and a huge wave of emotions rose in his heart.


What a big melon!

General Brom is actually the son of the village chief?

Why was there no rumor about this in the previous life?

Besides the hair color, the two look nothing alike, and Brom is tall and strong.

The village chief is very thin...

So well hidden!

At this time, a familiar voice came from behind Lin Tong.

"Mr. Canghai?"

Lin Tong turned around and saw that it was Noti and Father Roger.


"Hidden task [Help Father Roger] to complete"

"Reward: Experience x1000, gift from Roger (not received)"

ps: Seeking support, flowers, full subscription, evaluation votes!

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