Online Game: My Basic Attack Can Plunder Attributes

049: Maltz, There Are Indeed More Good People.

But at the moment, I can't take care of the specific things I looted. The most urgent thing is to kill all the monsters in front of me.


"You killed [Undead Puppet] and obtained: 4311 experience points"

"Successfully looted: 8 strength"


Time passed...

Five minutes later, the hundreds of undead puppets were now only corpses and spoils.

During this period, Lin Tong not only looted 40 points of physique and 20 points of strength, but also successfully reached level 18.

There is only one step away from the 20th step...

Let's take a look at the passive.

[Cursed Claw]

Effect: After the attack hits, there is a 30% chance to reduce the target equipment's attributes.

Number of layers: 30/30


Sure enough, this is the effect.

What's more important is that after the active skill is converted into a passive skill, the equipment level limit is directly cancelled.

In this case.

Even artifacts or sacred artifacts cannot resist this effect?

It's totally unreasonable...

If this passive skill works well, some unexpected effects will appear in the advanced mission at level 20.

Lin Tong's face showed joy.


At this time, a heavy sound suddenly sounded in the forest without any warning.

Lin Tong's mood was clear.

The person he was looking for came...

Looking towards the source of the sound, an old man wearing a black cloak and with a dry body like a tree trunk was standing in the distance and staring at him.

His eyes were full of murderous intent.

[Puppet Master. Malz]

Level: 60

Tip: Because the opponent's level is too high, the relevant attributes and skills cannot be viewed.

It is a level 60 NPC...

He is the target of his trip, Didong's apprentice, a creature created by the art of undead.

If it develops normally, Lin Tong will give the token to Malz and receive a task from him to revive Didong.

But now Didong's residual soul is dead and can't die anymore.

How can he get the treasure from him?

At this time, Malz's voice came.

"Young man, you killed so many of my children for no reason. If you don't give me a reasonable explanation, you may not be able to leave." As he spoke, he walked towards Lin Tong with a cane. And accompanied by an extremely powerful force, pressing towards Lin Tong... "Mr. Malz, don't worry, I came here on the order of an undead merchant to find his servant." As soon as he said this, Malz's eyes suddenly flashed with a gleam of light. "Undead merchant?" Malz stepped forward. "Tell me quickly, what is the name of the undead merchant?" "Mr. Di Tong..." As soon as the voice fell, Malz's emotions began to gradually become excited, and the strong murderous aura he had just revealed was swept away at this moment. "Master... Master has not forgotten me, Master is still alive?" "I have been looking for him for decades, but there is no trace!" "Where is he?" Lin Tong explained: "In a magic sealing array in the dark forest." "Impossible, I took that place before, and I didn't detect the master's breath." To be honest, what exactly is the reason, Lin Tong doesn't know. I can only continue to make up stories...

"That's because Lord Di Tong used his remaining power to affect the operation of the formation, so I noticed it."

Marz looked as if he had suddenly realized something: he asked, "Young man, tell me quickly, where is the master now?"

Lin Tong nodded and took out the token statue that had once hosted Di Tong's soul from his backpack.

"Mr. Di Tong's soul was burned by the holy light and could only hide in it. After I got it, it triggered a video."

"He asked me to bring him to you and give me three treasures afterwards..."

Lin Tong made up a story casually, and then told the reward he got after completing the task in the Night Shadow Guild in his previous life.

Marz took the token with trembling hands.

"There is indeed the breath of the master...but why can't I sense the master's soul?"

Lin Tong answered without hesitation.

"Lord Di Tong's soul was hidden by him using special means, otherwise how could you not find him for so many years?"

Marz fell into deep thought.

Seeing this, Lin Tong continued to speak: "If it wasn't for this concealment method that only Lord Di Tong could do, wouldn't the enemy have discovered it long ago?"

Marz began to think along the lines of Lin Tong's statement.

The more he thought about it, the more it made sense...

"Then... did the master tell you anything else?"

Lin Tong pondered for a moment, pretending to recall.

"Lord Di Tong reminded me to tell you that you must continuously inject power into him every day." "This way he can be resurrected soon."

"Once the external mana stops injecting, Lord Di Tong's soul is likely to dissipate between heaven and earth. "

Marz looked at Lin Tong's body.

The archer's strength was only one tenth of what it had left, and was on the verge of exhaustion.

It seemed that he had been supplying strength to Lord Didong along the way, which ensured that Lord Didong's soul was immortal.

Sure enough.

There are still many good people in the world...


"NPC Marz's favorability +20%"

Hearing this voice, Lin Tong couldn't help but secretly rejoice in his heart, it seemed that Marz had believed what he said.

Sure enough.

Marz looked at Lin Tong with gratitude: "Young man, thank you for your efforts for Lord Didong along the way."

"This thing is for you, you replenish your strength first. ”

A diamond-quality fruit with a light blue glow was taken out by Malz.

[Mana Source Fruit]

Grade: Diamond

Effect: After use, mana is restored to 100%, and mana is permanently increased by 10,000 points.

Number of uses: 0/1

It turned out to be a diamond-quality recovery item.

At this moment, Lin Tong's mana is very empty, and he will not be able to deal with other monsters.

Use it immediately, and the mana is restored to its original state.

Then he looked at Malz with a little gratitude. If this guy knew that Di Tong had been killed by him, he would probably explode on the spot...


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