Online Game: My Basic Attack Can Plunder Attributes

050: The Cursed City Is Under Siege, And Finally The Lich Descends!

At this moment, Lin Tong's mana was very empty, and he would not be able to deal with other monsters if he encountered them again.

He used it immediately, and his mana was restored to its original state.

Then he looked at Malz with a little gratitude. If this guy knew that Di Tong had been killed by him, he would probably explode on the spot...

After Malz took the token, he began to try to inject power into it.

Not long after.

Malz's eyes lit up: "This token can really absorb mana, and it is bottomless."

"It must be that Lord Di Tong is already extremely weak."

Thinking of this, Malz began to mobilize more power to inject it.

At this rate, it will probably not take long for his whole body's strength to be consumed.

Finally, the secret was discovered.

Lin Tong hurriedly reminded: "Since Lord Di Tong is too weak now, you can't inject too much power."

"This will cause Lord Di Tong's body to be unable to bear it."

Hearing this, Malz hurriedly stopped his actions.

"I am so abrupt............"

After saying that, he carefully put away the token and looked at Lin Tong: "Young man, according to the master's agreement with you, you can go back with me to choose three treasures.

Lin Tong agreed and followed Malz to his residence.

Is it really appropriate to deceive a man who is hundreds of years old like this?

The answer is yes!

If it goes according to the original development.

After Malz successfully resurrected Di Tong, the first thing the master and apprentice did was to go to the village of Losikaya, which is closest to the Dark Forest.

The whole village was covered with a kind of undead formation.

Intended to sacrifice all ordinary people in the village in order to achieve the purpose of practicing some evil treasure.

That is, Lin Tong can't beat him.

If the strength is similar to his, this cruel warlock who believes in the god of death must be completely killed.

The kind of puppets that Lin Tong saw just now.

They are all made by Malz from living people.

So, it is very appropriate to pit him..............

After a while.

Lin Tong came to a secret room under the guidance of Malz.

Malz tapped the ground with his cane, and the tightly closed wall suddenly split into two.

At the same time.

Several torches lit up automatically as if they were given life.

This is a place similar to a dungeon.

Malz first carefully placed the token on a huge throne in the dungeon.

Then, he bowed deeply and devoutly.

Several level 60 guards not far away also bowed to the token like Malz.

In the eyes of this group of puppet creatures.

Di Tong is the same as the father and the creator.

He is always 100% loyal to Di Tong...

After doing all this, Malz continued to lead Lin Tong deep into the dungeon and came to a treasure room.

Lin Tong immediately picked out a golden item.

This was the top-quality treasure that Ye Ying had obtained in his previous life.

Just as he was about to speak, he found that Malz had no intention of stopping, but continued to go deeper.

"Mr. Malz, isn't it here?"

"This is not the master's collection, but my collection from the human world."

"Without the master's permission, they cannot enter the master's treasure room."

Lin Tong looked as if he had suddenly realized something.

No wonder Di Tong only let him choose one item.

In this case, what Ye Ying's people got after all the hard work was just a servant's collection?

What a miserable guild...

Under the leadership of Malz, the two soon came to a gate with an inscription.


A crisp sound rang out, and the gate opened.


Even Lin Tong couldn't help but sigh when he saw the things inside.

The first thing that caught his eye was a pile of gold coins like a hill, which was at least higher than Lin Tong's height.

There were various treasures on the shelves on both sides.

The lowest quality was gold...

Even Lin Tong had seen a sacred object that had been covered in dust.

"Lord Di Tong's collection is amazing!"

Malz on the side was proud.

"Of course!"

"Back then, Lord Didon and Lord Lucy could destroy a human town in one day, and the spoils were almost countless."

Marz changed the subject and seemed a little lonely: "If the Dark Church and the Light Church had not joined forces, how could the master fall in the Dark Forest?"

"And most of the treasures were taken away by the two churches............"

"What you see now is just the tip of the iceberg!"

Hearing this, Lin Tong became a little interested.

"The two churches?"

"Aren't they both the representatives of justice? How could they do such a thing?"

As soon as the voice fell, Mal's face showed anger.

"Bullshit justice............"

"The two churches are basically the same kind of people."

"Do you know what they believe in?"

Lin Tong nodded.

He still knew this.

The god believed in by the Light Church is a creature born in the daytime.

And the Dark Church believes in a creature born in the dark.

The two gods are in charge of the alternation of the sun and the moon, and are said to have unimaginable power.

"The master once told me that the two gods may have already... "

Marz paused, and then realized that he seemed to have said too much.

"Forget it, there is no benefit in telling you these things. Your strength is too weak and you may be punished by the gods.

Lin Tong rolled his eyes.

Ignoring Marz, he began to look for what he wanted seriously.

The first one.

[Source of Killing]

Grade: Initial stage sacred object

Effect: After killing the target, you can absorb a little sin value, and then transfer the reserved sin value to others.

Reserve: 0

This sacred object is very good...

When facing the enemy camp, there will be no sin value when killing.

At most, one piece of equipment will be dropped.

If you can use this item to transfer tens of thousands of sin points to the target in advance, then one arrow will...

Wouldn't it be emptying the backpack?

"Young man, I don't recommend you to choose this equipment. Although it is a sacred object, it has a poor effect. "

Lin Tong accepted the item with a smile.

"No need, I like it very much………………"

Of course this item has no effect on NPCs, but for him………………

It has a great effect!

On the other side, Malz was moved by the scene after seeing the sacred item.

"If it were the original time, at least a dozen sacred items could be placed here......"

"But they were all taken away by the abominable church. When the master is successfully resurrected, I will make them pay the price."

Lin Tong could only perfunctorily agree.

Then, continue to choose.

Ten minutes later, Lin Tong took out the most useful thing.

[Yellow Spring Fruit]

Grade: Epic

Effect: Can be used to refine potions, or taken directly. After taking it, it will permanently increase health and 20% negative resistance.

Number of uses: 0/1

[Skill Synthesis Book]

Grade: Epic

Effect: Consume gold coins to merge two diamond quality skill books into an epic quality skill book. The amount of gold coins (ajee) consumed depends on the quality.

Lin Tong used the Yellow Spring Fruit directly.

Health value increased by 5,000 directly.

At the same time, it also increased his negative resistance by 20%.

Negative resistance here refers to the total resistance to many negative effects such as poisoning, slowing, bleeding, etc.

Lin Tong also chose him because of this perverted point.


Lin Tong opened the personal attribute panel.

ID: Canghai

Level: 18

Occupation: Apprentice Shadow Hunter

HP: 4.3w/4.3w

Mana: 2.6w/2.6w

Attributes: Strength 642, Constitution 753, Spirit 501, Agility 550

Attack: 1284

Magic Damage: 1002

This attribute panel is simply too strong...

Due to the increase in agility, Lin Tong's current attack speed can even reach 7/s[more terrifying HP.

It is close to the vitality of a boss monster.

Looking at the countless players on Blue Star, no one can reach this level.

As for the skill synthesis book, Lin Tong does not have a diamond-level skill book now.

So let him eat dust in the warehouse for the time being.

When the main task is completed, you can go and find two books. At that time, the role of this item will be reflected.

"Mr. Malz, I have finished my selection............"In this case, I will send you away.

After that, he used the animal bone crutch in his hand to gently tap the ground, and a powerful force surged out of it.

Soon after, a temporary teleportation array was built. Seeing this scene, Lin Si was a little shocked. Creating a teleportation array with bare hands? It seems that Malz's strength is much stronger than he expected. If he finds out that he has been deceived, he will definitely look for him at all costs. If Lin Tong does not have enough strength to resist, he can only go to the main city of the Bright Empire to hide temporarily. However, according to the speed of Night Shadow in the previous life, Malz will take at least a month to find out that something is wrong. A month's time... Lin Tong is confident that he can develop to the point where he can fight Malz. "Thank you very much, adventurer." "I will remember your name. When the master recovers, I will thank you or recommend you to the master. Lin Tong is a little embarrassed. "It's okay, this is what I should do. "

Then, Lin Tong disappeared in the dungeon in the light of the teleportation array.

After Lin Tong left, Malz led all the puppet creatures to kneel in front of the throne where the token was placed.

"Great Lord Didon, we are waiting for your return..."

On the other side.

After leaving the teleportation array, Lin Tong directly crushed the return to the city talisman.

Appeared in the village of Rosikaya again.

Looking at the time, four hours have passed, and there should be not much left before the confrontation mission starts.

Sure enough.

The announcement of Rosikaya Village sounded.


"The Dark Empire has released a large number of cursed creatures into the Dark Forest and attacked Rosikaya Village."

"Tip: If the mission fails, all players will be punished.

Then, Lin Tong came to the outside of the village wall.

All the players have gathered here and are quietly waiting for the arrival of the monsters.

Among them are the militia in the village, as well as the knights led by Bromnotti and others.

Everyone is on full alert!

And on the plain in the distance, you can clearly see the cursed creatures rushing towards this side like a dark cloud.

At the same time, there were many soldiers of the Dark Empire commanding in the two places.

It looked like a big battle was about to start.

"Canghai Dahua?"

"It's Boss Canghai who is here. This mission can only be completed easily."

"Boss Canghai yyds"

"What will the reward be this time?"

"We have the Great God Canghai in our village. It's nonsense for the cursed creatures of the Dark Empire to break through our village."

Everyone in the village of Losikaya was excited.

It seemed that the reward for this mission was already waving at them.

Lin Tong walked through the crowd and found Brom in the crowd.

"Mr. Brom............"

Seeing Lin Tong, Brom immediately said: "Canghai, I've been waiting for you for a long time. I have a mission for you to do now."

"How is it?"

Lin Tong asked: "What mission?"

"We have accurate information. The demon god of war Luxi, who has been sealed underground, has escaped and resurrected in the form of a lich."

"I need you to defeat him............"

Brom and others need to stay here and resist the cursed creatures in front of them.

Lin Tong did not hesitate.

"Leave it to me. ”


"Main quest: Go to the dungeon [Lich Descent] in the Dark Forest and kill the final boss, the lich Lu Xi. ”

"Difficulty: Nightmare"

"Time: 24 hours"

After seeing the task prompt, Lin Tong was also a pound.


The previous life's [Lich Descent] was obviously a difficult dungeon, but why did it become a nightmare level this time?

If it is a nightmare level, a small monster in the dungeon can kill the player instantly.

And Lu Xi will become a golden lord………………

With the dungeon bonus, you can easily beat Lin Tong to a low health with just a random attack.

Why is this?

The old guy hates me?

So narrow-minded?

ps: Please support, collect, flowers, and respond!

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