Online Game: My Basic Attack Can Plunder Attributes

048: The Final Main Line Is Opened!

Lin Tong looked at the two items, both of which were good stuff.

A skill book and a gold-quality equipment.

[Imperial Glory Cloak]

Rank: Gold

Level: 15

HP +1200

Physique +40

Defense +60

Effect: +8% HP recovery.

A gold equipment with very good attributes, which also has an 8% HP recovery attribute.

The most important thing is that this is a cloak...

In the market, due to the scarcity of cloaks, the price is often about three times higher than ordinary equipment.

It is comparable to the value of weapons.

Lin Tong immediately put it on...

Although I don't know what material it is made of, the light attached to it makes people feel particularly warm.

And it seems to contain a calm power.

In addition to this cloak, there is a skill book.


Rank: Gold

Level: lv1

Effect: After use, it can dispel the negative effects below the gold level and be immune to control in the next second.

CD: 90/s

Consumption: 700

"This is good..."

It can purify its own negative effects in an instant.

Used in battle, it can produce unexpected effects, and it also has one second of immunity to control.

It is a bit like the invincible effect...

It's just that Lin Tong doesn't have a skill experience book in his hand, otherwise he can raise his level again.

The two rewards have been counted.

Lin Tong looked at Brom: "Mr. Brom, do you have any other tasks that need my help?"

"Not yet, the altar has been destroyed by you, and the rest of the cleaning of these stink bugs can be left to me."

"I will notify you if there is anything..."

Lin Tong nodded and used the return scroll to come here immediately.

After Lin Tong left, the players were a little emotional.

"The top ten equipment rankings, Canghai God alone occupies five..."

"It's just not human!"

"Sure enough, the gap between people is much larger than the gap between people and dogs."

"Shame +1"


After returning to the travel tavern, Lin Tong began to arrange tomorrow's formation.

"According to the memory of the previous life, the Dark Empire's actions will definitely be advanced after the crystal is destroyed."

"Then the final main task is just around the corner."

Lin Tong found it very interesting when he thought that the final main boss was the amiable Lucy God of War who had been deceived by him.

According to the rules,

as long as there is a novice village in the world that starts the final main task, the progress of other novice villages will be synchronized.

If one of them is too weak.

You have to bite the bullet and enter the dungeon...

Finish it with gritted teeth!

Because if the final main task cannot be completed, the whole village will be punished.

No one can help.

Then, Lin Tong chose to quit the game and rest.

Back in the real world, Lin Tong rarely chose to go for a walk outside.

Due to the 50% synchronization, Lin Tong has now stepped half a foot into the extraordinary realm.

Only talents and skills are not synchronized.

Seeing the hustle and bustle and bright lights around, I felt a little embarrassed.

"Soon, everything will change..."

"Even some creatures in the game will break into the real world. By then, the world will be bustling."


The next day.

Lin Tong had breakfast early and logged into the game again.

It was still Celia's travel tavern...

"Another day full of hope."

Lin Tong still ignored him.

People say that the most deceiving people in the novice village are profiteers, but in fact it is this sweet tavern owner.


Because you may be cheated out of tens of thousands of gold coins by him if you are not careful.


You must be extremely careful.

"World Announcement"

"At 12 noon, all novice villages will start the final main storyline. The difficulty of this task is difficult."

"Tip: You will get a lot of rewards if you pass the main task. If you fail, the whole village will be punished."

The voice of the world announcement sounded.

"What the hell?"

"We haven't even played the first dungeon in our village yet, why are we asked to open the second dungeon?"

"It's terrible!"

"Hahaha, the first pass of this dungeon must belong to our Archangel."

"The Alliance of Steel has the will of steel..."

"Canghai: What did you say?"

"Wait for this wave of new operations by the great god Canghai!"

The world was in an uproar.

Players of all strengths started fighting.

Domestic players began to defend Canghai, while the crazy foreign players sprayed whoever defended Canghai.

And the culprit of all this, Lin Tong, was unaware.

At this moment, he was leisurely walking out of the tavern...

"Five hours left?"

As a self-disciplined man who used time to the extreme, how could Lin Tong wait for five hours?

I have to do something...

Looking at Di Tong's token in the backpack.

"You can go to this guy's apprentice to get the hidden reward..."

There are quite a lot of good things there.

Di Tong's students are located in a mountain range next to Tianfeng City.

If Lin Tong wants to go, he needs to use the teleportation array and rush a distance.

To ensure that he can complete it within five hours, Lin Tong needs to go to the village merchant to buy some acceleration scrolls.

Whether it is a teleportation array.

Or a speed-up scroll, they are all problems that can be solved with gold coins.

As long as it is a problem that can be solved with gold coins, it is basically not a big problem for Lin Tong.

Half an hour later, Lin Tong came to a town around Tianfeng City.

Open the map.

Still mark the target location on the map.

Then release the speed-up scroll just bought to himself, and Lin Tong's speed will be increased by one level again in an instant.

At the same time, relying on the means of air slashing, the acceleration passive will be triggered.

For a while, Lin Tong's movement speed successfully reached 60m/s, which is equivalent to the movement speed of a car.

However, such a high speed brings a rapid decrease in physical strength.

If Lin Tong goes at this speed, he can't even hold on for five minutes.

So he kept the speed at 25m/s, so that he can hold on for about one or two hours.

On the outskirts of this mountain range, there are some wild boars of level 15-20.

The skills and looting are basically the same as those of the wild boars in the novice village. Lin Tong chose to directly pass them and go deep.

Time passed by...

An hour later, Lin Tong successfully arrived near the residence of Di Tong's apprentice.


The roar came from a distance.

The next second.

Hundreds of strange-looking monsters climbed out of the mud and walked towards Lin Tong step by step.

[Undead Puppet]

Level: 20

HP: 9w/9w

Attack power: 1600

Cursed Claw: Hitting equipment below gold quality has a chance to permanently reduce the attribute.

The attributes of this monster are not very outstanding.

It can even be said to be mediocre...

But the only disgusting thing is that their skills can remove the attributes of equipment.

If the attribute points of an equipment are reduced to zero, then the equipment will also be permanently damaged.


At the same time, the monsters also attacked Lin Tong.

"Finally, there are some challenging monsters..."

Lin Tong did not hesitate.

[Purification Arrow Rain]

The purifying power of the sky carries the effect of the enchanted heavy blow and goes straight to the direction of the undead puppet.

Finally fell on the monster's head.




For a moment, all the affected cursed puppets were hit by various negative effects, and their movements became extremely slow.

While Lin Tong retreated, he launched a torrential attack on the monsters.

"-3500 (Critical Hit)"

"-1000 (Magic Damage)"

The damage caused was very amazing.

The most important thing is that under the effect of the dark wave, such a group of hundreds of monsters can be affected.

So Lin Tong only needs to keep attacking the first one.

In just one second, 40% of the monster's health has disappeared.

One can be killed in three seconds.

And facing this kind of melee monster, Lin Tong's attack range is fully reflected.


"You killed [Undead Puppet] and obtained: 4121 experience points"

"Successfully plundered: Cursed Claw (Perfect)"

Good luck......

I actually plundered the passive effect of the monster for the first one.


ps: Please support, flowers, collection, and evaluation votes!

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