“Come to our guild after Epiphany, you have also seen it, our guild is now thriving, and experts are gathered. The important thing is that everyone performs their duties and gets along very harmoniously. Many experts just want to try, but soon Will be integrated into our circle.” Li Yao said in the team when it was a flash in the pan, that is, a night of melancholy in the song.

In a flash, he said: “You don’t come here. Isn’t it just because of my combo halo, but your idea is wrong, combo halo is not my skill, but my aura gain? It’s just one kind, and it’s only effective for five people in the team.”

Lucky Stars: Three lucky stars are refreshed every day, one lucky star can be opened every day, and a buff that affects one team is randomly obtained. buff.

Buffs include: heavy hits, combos, armor gains, magic resistance gains, endurance gains, sharpness gains…

strictly speaking, this buff skill is pretty good, but very Unstable, and there can only be one randomly every day, which is far inferior to continuous combos.

But Li Yao was relieved after thinking about it. If he could keep using the combo aura, it would be too bad, and he immediately dispelled his doubts. Li Yao thought he had forgotten to have this skill. Come to your own memory not at all, what deviations have occurred.

“It turned out to be so, but this skill is also good.” Li Yao said.

“Why, don’t you pull me into the union this time?” Play said with a smile in a flash.

“How come, my invitation has been sent out, you can receive it when you change your status, you are rare.” Li Yao said: “Now the Spark Guild team is also being formed , Whether you want a copy, competition or leisure, it is a very good choice.”

“Well, I will consider, get ready, I will attract the monster.” said a flash in the pan.

“I’m ready a long time ago.” Li Yao didn’t force it. This kind of thing is completely voluntary, but the song’s melancholy technique is so powerful that it sent out the invitation.

Alarm Robot

Level: Level 17 Elite

Life: 30000

Armor: 600

Skills: Alarm, scarlet current, power acceleration, Self-destruction

Battle Robot

Level: Level 17 1 Star Elite

Life: 35000

Armor: 700

Skills: mechanical strike, crazy electric drill, overload, current shock, alarm chain

Li Yao basically they face these two Strange, of course there are some other monsters with stars and some silver stars.

In fact, these two kinds of robots play a warning role, and the individual battle strength is not strong. Generally, they are unified actions in groups.

As soon as the battle begins, both the alarm robot and the combat robot will sound an alarm, and then attract nearby robots to play the human sea tactics.

Li Yao has seen a flash in the pan and her shadow warrior running from two channels respectively. Behind her is the alarm, and densely packed robots are rushing over.

“Then let’s start too, the little hand prepares your maximum output.” Li Yao also fired a sniper rifle at the slowly wandering monster in the distance.

Suddenly, the robot alarm sounded over there, as if a chain reaction, the robots near their pipes moved towards here frantically.

Furthermore, as the alarm sounded, it seemed that some kind of defense system was opened, those closed pipes opened, and battle robots kept coming out of it.

For a time, combat robots in three directions poured into this quiet area.

Swipe, a hook lock hooked the stone pillar on the platform, and the short-lived body flew over with the hook lock.

“It’s up to you.”

“You are going to pull the monster.” Li Yao said as he pulled the trigger.

Following the gunshots, the little hand, the arrow tower, the fort, and Death God 4000 all launched an attack.

For a time, a large number of damage figures occupy the light curtain of Li Yao’s eye.

Li Yao’s damage was already outrageously high. With the buff of cold hands, the damage has been increased to a terrifying level. Every time the bullet falls on the combat robot, it floats 4000-5000. Horror numbers.

Although it is not comparable to the golden puppet, it is much taller than the player. It is important to know that the damage of the small hand under this enhancement is only over 1,000.

even more how, they are combos.

The monsters surrounding them are too dense now, and their scattering is also extremely dense, forming a terrifying bullet screen.

Death God’s 44,000 rocket launchers, artillery, and arrow towers can cause a lot of damage at a time.

Especially the arrow tower with penetrating effect, which itself is one shot per second, plus combo, two arrows per second, can penetrate more than a hundred yards, a series of numbers floating Out.

The effect of the combo is really terrifying. In just two seconds, the first wave of monsters fell to the ground.

“Monster, you monster.”

Although I had expected it for a long time, I was surprised to see Li Yao’s terrifying output.

Be aware that these monsters have more than 30,000 HP, and they are emptied in just a moment. Even if there is a combo effect, it is still too terrifying.

“Thanks to the award, don’t be stunned, continue to provoke blame.” Not to mention them, Li Yao himself was taken aback by this effect.

“I’m talking about the metamorphosis of increased experience, but I didn’t talk about you.” In a flash, I entered the stealth state and went away again.

“Master, how did you get your arrow towers and turrets?” The cold hand of the little hand also shined brightly.

“Arrow Tower, if you have good luck, the 20th level instructor can give it to you, and the fort needs drawings. This kind of drawing is not too rare, you should be able to find it if you are careful. It’s better to make it yourself.” Li Yao explained.

“Oh, okay.” Xiaoshou Bingliang is now full of confidence in the mechanical hunter. Of course, she simply doesn’t know that Li Yao is not a mechanical hunter who is transferred, but a special effect of the Titan equipment. And she got a turret and an arrow tower, the formidable power is also impossible to compare with Li Yao’s.

The experience of the three people began to madly. As the monster approached, Li Yao also replaced Death God 4000 with a Hydra. With the snow of Hydra, the robot simply couldn’t get close to Li Yao and was slowing down. During the process, Zhu was shot.

Every few seconds, there is a wave of robots falling down, and these machines will be absorbed by the earth, and they will be sucked away, leaving behind the fallen things, while the cold mechanical war bears with small hands are specially picked up and dropped. s things.

In just less than half an hour, Li Yao’s experience that he was going to upgrade was finally full, soaring to Level 17.

Many players who are still vying for the ranking list immediately noticed this situation.

A lot of popular curses, many of them desperately upgrade, even when the monster is raging at night, for what, in order to win the first position of Li Yao’s ranking list.

It’s good now, and it’s going to be successful soon. As a result, the Liaoyuan started to upgrade like flying.

The ranking list is refreshed every five minutes. Many people guard the ranking list. Every time they see Li Yao’s experience soaring, this speed makes them desperate…

ps: Sure enough, the dregs of my kind of slow hand can’t explode, Karvin, I’m so unhappy…

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