Even though the arena can get some experience buffs now, even though players have gradually adapted to this game, even though the experts have figured out some ways to upgrade quickly.

But it is unique in upgrading like Li Yao, even if they neglect sleep and forget about food, even if it is their crazy non-stop killing monsters.

There is even the situation of sacrificing others and dedicated to upgrading by one person, but this upgrade speed is much faster than ordinary people, but compared with Li Yao. Slag.

It is refreshed every five minutes, and each time it can rise a little bit, it is simply terrifying.

Now Li Yao is also a well-known celebrity. He is fighting against the phantom god. Although many people don’t like Li Yao’s sharp personality, at least they know that there is such a person.

So both the game channels and forums are flooded with this topic.

“The Hunter King returns strongly!”

“This time, those who have worked so hard for many days will be disappointed again.”

“It’s more than disappointment, I I met an expert who is desperately rushing to the level. Now he is smashing things at home. Tsk tsk.”

“When the hunting king comes out, who will fight for the battle.”

“Fuck, shit hunting king , You upgrade quickly, why stop upgrading.”

“That is, give others the hope of leveling, and play this one again.”

“What is it? Ah, really to have no shame, what kind of trash hunter.”

“We should fight such people who have no shame together.”

“Yes, I have never seen People who to have no shame like this. The ranking list is opened by your family. When you want to get the first place, the hunter should not be upgraded.”

“I also think that the hunter to have no shame, you It’s too unauthentic to say that people play games by themselves. It’s too unnatural. I strongly condemn the inauthentic behavior of Hunter King.”

“The same condemnation, I think it should be. When they want to upgrade, the Hunter King cannot upgrade. When they are playing in the arena, they have to win a hundred consecutive victories, and others can’t fight back, otherwise you are to have no shame.”

“Ah! These people really have no lower limit. When will the hunting king upgrade and when to do the task, you are up to you.”

“Yes, don’t people have to report to them what the hunting king is doing? I take it seriously.”

“This is a public game. Don’t play it if you can’t afford it. If you don’t upgrade the King Hunter, you will be honored if you get the first place. Rubbish. Who is the first? I know it in my heart.”

“The first is to overwhelm the crowd, not others who cannot be upgraded because of the delay of the task. If you surpass others, you are better than others.”

“I am one Novices don’t understand, what’s the point of being No. 1 like this.”

Although many people don’t like Li Yao, they still stand on a fair stand. Many black Li Yao people are treated by ordinary players. They sprayed the bloody head of the dog.

These ordinary players either have no strength to compete for the ranks, or are late in the game, they can set their minds and speak from a fair standpoint.

Let those guilds who want to take the opportunity to defeat Li Yao’s reputation again disappointed.

“I’m crazy, it’s only been two hours, and I’m already level 18.”

“tsk tsk, this level up really makes those people desperate.”

“It is more than despair. Yesterday there was another person who said that he could continue to struggle for four or five days. Now he has gone off the assembly line and went to sleep.”

“The Hunter King is unexpectedly like this every time, this upgrade The speed can be said to be against the sky.”

“It’s not just against the sky. Alas, I don’t know how he upgraded. If I upgrade so quickly, it will be fine.”

, The upgrade of the ancient gods is so difficult, and you can’t be distracted. It’s fucking, I also want to know how the Hunter King can upgrade.”

“You think too much, you have to know how to upgrade so fast, you are The king is hunting.”

Players who have no conflict of interest with Li Yao are basically watching the excitement, and have hatred with Li Yao, but the guild is now covered with dark clouds.

Actually, they are the initiators who attacked the first trend. They thought that even if they could not attack Xinghuo through this point, they would have to disgust Li Yao.

However, just when they were about to succeed, when someone had a 10% difference in experience with Li Yao, Li Yao soared again like a Rocket.

In just over four hours, Li Yao went from close to level seventeen to level ten, which is only Level 1 away from level twentieth.

The people in Starfire Guild were extremely excited. They were all very worried at first. When asked Vice-President, Vice-President said that they were delayed by the mission.

Now the guild leader is finally mad again, which makes many people rejoice. Now except for the spies, the members are basically integrated into the harmonious family of Spark Guild.

Although Li Yao does not manage daily affairs, he is a banner.

Many members actually feel this crisis. Some caring people are desperately upgrading, and they are also robbing the No. 1 spot. Now Li Yao has re-emerged and went crazy directly, suddenly reaching the tenth level. 9. Really like Sea Calming Divine Needle.

However, just when everyone expected Li Yao to rise to the 20th level.

“Okay, let’s stop here today.” Nearly five hours of high-intensity fighting, Li Yao’s spirit was extremely exhausted, and Li Yao stopped spawning monsters after the two people were 17th level.

“Okay.” The little hands are cold and a little bit more interesting.

“I’m not so obsessed with the level, it’s good if I don’t fall behind the Peak Group.” In a flash, she leaned against the pillar and gasped for breath. In addition to attracting strangers by herself, she also controlled the shadow warrior to attract strangers, spirit The strength is also overdrawn.

Now the two people are considered top-level in terms of level, and have entered the top 100.

In fact, I don’t blame those people for complaining. They have been exhausted for many days. When the result is about to succeed, Li Yao appeared. It is really aggrieved, even if many people rushed to ten. Level 7, but seeing that Li Yao was already at Level 9, he couldn’t hold on anymore and went off the assembly line to rest.

“Come on, let’s roast some meat, drink some wine to replenish the spirit strength, and then go to the three of them. I guess the three of them are also in a hurry.” Li Yao raised a bonfire and took out Said the treasured wine.

“You are a stubborn person, if I hadn’t known you in advance, I might have been tricked by you like three fools.” Suddenly, Li Yao drank unceremoniously and handed it over. Great wine.

“Master, how do you know that many?” Curiously asked the little hand coldly, she pricked her ears when she heard this question, and she was also curious, but this involves privacy, she is not easy to ask, only This kind of silly little aunt Rang like cold hands can ask such stupid questions.

“Reading, just treat this game as a real world.” Li Yao waved his hand and a pile of books appeared, and then put it away: “Read more, if you believe me. “

“Well, of course I believe in the master.” The little hand is cold and nodded with a serious face, while the song is melancholy and absent.

And Li Yao doesn’t know, it’s because today, he has no intention of getting under the willow, and many years later he will appear a Divine Grade players…

ps: ask for a monthly pass…

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