The little hand lowered his head coldly and sorry, and touched his left eye subconsciously. A pale-red lens flashed away.

“Master, rest assured, my mentor said that my lens is the only one in this world. You have taught me so many useful things, I will not say it.”

Li Yao shook his head and said: “It’s okay.”

When I saw Li Yao shaking his head, I thought that Li Yao didn’t believe her and was worried about Face is red, so he quickly explained: “Really , I won’t talk about it, I think you’re good guys. The master flashed the equipment for me, I forgot to get the materials back, and the master was willing to return it to me. In fact, I can see that Elder sister of Tanhua is also a member of Dark Faction. But Tanhua’s elder sister has always taken care of me and will not let me be bullied by them. I, I…”

“Okay, okay, we didn’t say that we didn’t believe you, otherwise I wouldn’t let you Brought here.” said in a flash.

“I really don’t care, you don’t have to be nervous.” Li Yao said with a smile, it didn’t matter if he shook his head just now.

As long as he takes those chips back, his identity will be legalized.

For the dwarf, the chip is one of the most important things. If you can bring the chip back, if you say that this person is a fake, no dwarf will believe it, it is because of this that Li Yao is stable as Mount Tai.

“We are really destined, and we can still run into it here. But your methods are really powerful, and you can pretend to be an NPC without being recognized. I will take it just for that.” A flash in the pan said. with a smile.

“This is not in line with your usual style.” Li Yao said, you must know the last time you met in the temple, as the same camp, and you have to compete with yourself in such a dangerous place.

“One yard goes to one yard. To be honest, although transformation items are rare, you are not the only one who can get them. As far as I know, all players who use transformation items to mix into the hostile camp basically They are all dead, and the loss is huge. It is called the most cheating transformation prop.”

It was a post in a flash. Some people complained on the forum, and the transformation props simply didn’t work. The enemy camp will basically be recognized, and the end will be miserable. Many people who got the transformation props followed up with screenshots. After experiencing these blood lessons, the transformation items are basically no one to use.

Li Yao smiled and did not explain. The NPCs of the intelligent race in the ancient gods are all intelligent bodies like humans. It is not easy to fool them, but Li Yao does not I didn’t want to explain this to them, but asked: “Those things are thrown aside, let’s talk, what is the purpose of you looking for me now.”

“I, I follow the elder sister of Tanhua.” Xiaoshou Bingliang said quickly.

Said with a smile: “Naturally it is an upgrade. You haven’t upgraded for a few days. Now many people are glare like a tiger watching his prey, rising winds, scudding clouds, even if you don’t care, you The people in the guild will also care. When I saw you were going to split, I knew you were going to level up alone.”

Li Yao smiled and said, “You are very smart, but this does not become me. The reason to upgrade you, and I declare again that knowing that I am a Dark Faction cannot be a reason to threaten me.”

The flash of a flash of laughter is like an old fox, and he said, “You are too young.” Look at me, threats and so on are the most inferior methods, even more how I am also a member of Dark Faction. I want to upgrade with you, not for you to bring, but to cooperate.”

“I like to cooperate, but you have to have the strength to cooperate with me. As far as I know, you are a weakness in the group attack of thieves, and it may be no problem to cooperate with ordinary elite teams, but cooperation with me can only I’ll take you.”

Li Yao looked towards Xiaoshou Bingliang and continued: “Little Hand Bingliang has a special equipment, but her attack power is already top-notch among elite players, but still not Enough qualifications for cooperation.”

“You’re right, but who doesn’t have any secrets. Although our methods can’t be swiped individually, cooperating with you is definitely not a burden. My group attack is not comparable to you , But I have a passive effect that allows you to get combos. You will repeat twice for each attack. This aura includes your pets. Then you think it counts as doubling your output.”

A flash in the pan was very satisfied with the surprised eyes of the two, and then said: “Don’t think that I’m just doing this. I can continue to differentiate the Shadow Warrior and I will lead the other monster over. You only need to drink this to become Perpetual motion machine, don’t worry about the blue problem.”

Evil potion

Quality: blue excellent

Converts life recovery speed into magic recovery speed. At the same time, The speed of healing magic*2, the duration is 4 hours.

Battle Potion: The effect still exists after the character’s death and resurrection.

“Sure enough, it’s a good thing. With these two points, you can join the team, so small hands.”

Li Yao was already excited when he saw the combo halo. When he repaired the robot, it was equal to two and a half of his own output at the same time. That kind of terrifying output really needed someone to help him.

“You can’t underestimate the coldness of the little hands, and the little hands will show your skills.” said in a flash.

The little hand is cold and nodded, and said: “Okay.”

Mechanical transformation: destroy a piece of equipment, transform its essence, strengthen all mechanical items in the team, and increase white by 10%. , Green excellent enhancement 20%, blue excellent enhancement 50%, duration 10 points.

“Join the team.” Li Yao is speechless. He has been looking for this special skill book. As a result, there is no nodded thread, and Auction House has never seen it. As a result, I saw it, but they have learned it.

This skill is also terrifying, consuming a piece of blue equipment is equivalent to increasing his output by 50% again, which is terrifying to the extreme. It is one of the skills that Li Yao thinks is necessary for mechanical hunters.

The scope of enhancement includes Li Yao’s firearms, Self-destruction sheep, arrow towers and turrets.

As said in a flash in the pan, the skills of the two of them do not allow them to swipe in groups, but if they are combined with Li Yao, the battle strength will soar to a terrifying level. Two teammates share a little experience, but equivalent to three Li Yao outputs, which is generally very cost-effective.

“Little hands, you also come up and stand next to me, we will output at this position, let your pet and my pet stand side by side, block our small platform, and be ready to drink what I give you later Mechanical medicine.” Li Yao asked his little hand to be cold, and then said: “Okay, let’s start attracting strangers.”

In the place where Li Yao is located, there are many pipes in the far hall itself. Small robots come out, these robots are smaller, much smaller than the mechanical dwarf.

For a brief moment, it was stealth to the extreme far, and then controlled himself and the shadow warrior separately and began to attract a large number of monsters…

ps: ask for a monthly pass

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