What is a human tank?

This is an exaggerated term derived from the purpose of showing a person's strong defense and impact. After all, no matter how strong a person is, he is also a human body, and it is destined to be impossible to compare with a real tank.

However, what they saw in front of them was clearly a real human tank without any discount ... no! Even more terrifying than the tank they need to know. With a huge body, a large, beyond-imagined shield, he pushed the huge team backwards step by step in the mad running and the scream of the sky. Although the invading forces of the Three Kingdoms have jointly attacked the city, they have not completely merged with each other, but have been divided into three strands, which have opened a length of nearly two hundred meters in the horizontal direction ... but such a large span, under the "reincarnation" The horizontal resurgence of the royal reincarnation still completely blocked them behind the shield, pushing them violently to the south ...

Use a vertical iron plate to push the loose sand on the ground. As the step by step is pushed, the sand that is pushed will accumulate more and more, and the resistance will increase, until it can no longer move forward. In the "Fate" world, unless you use skills with strong or weak shocks, the driving force is determined by the strength value attribute. In this regard, the warrior class has the most advantage, followed by the Shield Guard. If an ordinary shield guard pushes like a left-breaking army and pushes one person forward, it's okay, two people will struggle, and more than three people will be impossible ...


An army that spreads two hundred meters horizontally. From the first second of contamination of their shields, the resistance they can bear can be imagined. However, the footsteps of the left breaking army did not have any pause at all. They stuck all these people to the royal reincarnation, pushing them to run forward, and as he advanced, the person blocked by the shield More and more like snowballs, from thousands to thousands ... to ten thousand people! !!

"Where do you come from, where do you roll back !!!"

The scream of the left breaking army was louder than that of a loud ear. It can be heard clearly from a few kilometers away. In front of him, there were countless players screaming in horror. After the reincarnation in front of him, it was black. One piece ... that is all players pushed on the royal reincarnation, which originally only accumulated horizontally, accumulated horizontally, and gradually began to accumulate vertically, and the accumulation became higher and higher. Rushed from a few meters to a dozen meters. Even so, this huge pile of people is still being pushed by the left breaking army, getting farther and farther from the Tianchen City Gate, and there is no crack in the squeeze between people ... if this is in the real world It is conceivable how many people have been squeezed alive into meat sauce under such a huge crowd.

"Uh uh uh ah ah ah ah ah ah !!"

With each step forward, the pressure will increase by a few points, and the left breaking army will continue to yell, letting out all your willpower to excite every remaining force on your body, all players watching here Already stayed completely, Zuo broke the army one step ten meters, in this short time, he has made dozens of steps, pushed the huge army to the stubborn hundreds of meters away, after looking at the shield The impenetrable black was so dense that it was impossible to calculate how many people he was pushing, but even the idiot knew that it must be an extremely scary number.

They don't even know where he came from such a terrible power! !!

This is clearly the mighty **** in the myth that might have the power to resist the sky! !!

Is it true that none of the players in the Sky Soul Mercenary Corps are players, but that the god-level NPCs in this world are not available? Otherwise, how did they get this terrifying power! !! Without today, they wouldn't know it at all, and could not believe that players can still have such strength!

"I ... of ... heaven ... Ah!" Murong Qiushui, who has always been calm, was completely calm, and he kept rubbing his nose ... He rarely showed a shock or something, and when he was in his heart When there is a large turmoil, he will reveal such movements subconsciously. After the return of the Zuo Po Army, he can probably feel any special changes in the Zuo Po Army, especially his professional "overlord", can be crowned with such a professional name, its strength must also be worthy of The word "overlord" is worthy of being called "overlord".

Prior to this, what people saw was his strong defensive power and his ability to protect his partners.

And now ... he has seen a contempt for the real army ... a true overlord!

The huge army, countless people, like a humble group of ants under his shield.

Above the city wall, several lights flashed one after another, and God Xiaoyao, Ling Jie, Situ Mo, and Situ relentlessly appeared at the same time.

"Xiaoyao, Xiaojie, and ... Ah, are you all right?" Looking at Situ Mo and Situ relentless in front of him, Sophie was surprised and surprised.

"Of course it's okay. What can we do? It's just a nap." Situ Mo laughed and made an indifferent gesture. Suddenly, his eyes moved, he turned to look to the south, and his mouth opened immediately. An extremely standard "〇" type,

"I went ... What did I see !! That, that, that, that is the old left !?" Situ Sha almost stared at him.

"Too ... too amazing." Ling Jie stuttered.

"This is the real strength of Brother Zuo? It's unimaginable! Is this ... still human?" God Xiaoyao said in shock. They were shocked by the physical changes, but after that shield, the huge pile of people being pushed ... Is that really a human power?

"Strictly speaking, these few of us, except Sister Feifei and Xiaojie, are not real people, what do you say?" Murong Qiushui glanced at them and said something very flamboyant and intriguing.

But this sentence is not like human words, but no one refuted.

"Maybe we are together, and it is also a guide to destiny, and this world of destiny is a magical key that guides us. This feeling has been there a long time ago, but I could n’t understand it then. And now, I have started to understand a bit. "Murong Qiushui said quietly, then turned around, glanced at Situ Mo and Situ relentlessly:" Well, your faces don't look very good. "

"Really?" Situ felt his face instantly, his face pale and pale.

"Their levels have all fallen by five levels, and all attributes have been reduced to 1 within two days. Now any newbie can kill them." Ling Jie finished, then sighed quietly. Falling five levels, even at their level, it takes at least one month to make up. At the same time, the progress will be pulled apart by other players, and it is difficult to catch up. Attributes drop to 1, making them fragile and white paper can easily be destroyed.

"What's this." Situ Mo shrugged his lips indifferently. "But we pulled 20,000 people to do the backing! 20,000 people ah you have wood ~ www.NovelMTL.com ~ exchange 50,000 for five, so cheap Business, if it weren't for the moment that my demon eyes could not be opened, I would love to do it again ... alas, you mortals will not understand how wonderful it is. "

"Okay ..." Ling Jie didn't speak again. He actually knew that Situ would have so many at that moment, and more so that they didn't need to worry about them.

People who are used to thinking about others, are they still "devil"?

Why do they have the power of demons? No one knows, and they themselves don't know ... And the answer to this question, Ye Tianxie, has been watching quietly. Because that is by no means a power, but a special ability different from normal human beings, which cannot be explained by any common sense and theory known to human beings. At the same time, listening to their descriptions, Situ wandered the streets at an early age. If he had not encountered Situ's ruthlessness, he would have starved to death ... So, who are his parents? Why did he abandon him? Who are Situ's unforgiving parents and Situ Luoyu?

All things that are incredible and incomprehensible have a reason. Causality does not exist independently.

"Fifth level, it won't take too long to get back, don't forget, we will no longer act alone, now that we are all back, we should join together to find those long-lost little monsters." Murong Qiushui grinned.

"Look at it !!"

With a scream, Sophie quickly turned her gaze and looked into the distance ...

At this point, the huge invading army has been left alone by the Left Breaking Army, and has been pushed back by a distance of kilometers! !! Looking at the figure that is getting farther and farther in the line of sight, I don't know how many people are about to stop breathing.

Because this is too exaggerated.

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