Online Game: Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 976: The Shield of Heaven (2)

Lost to the south of the continent, the endless sky over the South China Sea.

A beam of white light is projected from Ye Tianxie's left hand, reaching the distant horizon ... This white light is so intense and ... so familiar.

Because that is the light of the sacred mark.


Divine inflammation suddenly spontaneously burned on him, and the white flames burned every part of his body. Ye Tianxie raised his hands and silently looked at the white flame on both hands ... This is indeed a sacred inflammation, but it is clearly different from the sacred inflammation he had before. The white flame at this time It seems to be hotter and purer, and this feeling of intimacy ...

This is no longer the sacred inflammation that originally attached to him, but it was ignited by the original sacred inflammation, and burned from the long silence when the stigma awakened ... belongs to his own sacred inflammation! !!

"Ding ... The special skill‘ Sacred Flame ’that you have has undergone an unknown change, and a new‘ Sacred Flame ’has emerged. The original sacred Flame has disappeared, and the new sacred Flame has stronger attributes.”

When the sacred inflammation was burning, a sound sounded in the ear, and this sound also clearly proved that this is no longer the original sacred inflammation. If it was a holy flame that was a white flame attached to the surface around him, then the feeling of Ye Tianxie brought by the holy flame now is a flame burning from the depths of his body. Like part of your body.

Divine Flame :? ? ? ? After burning, all life, magic, physical attack power, magic attack power, defense, hit, avoid, and movement speed are all increased by 900%. They are immune to all abnormal states, immune to decline in full power, and cause damage to all creatures within 100 meters. It can be burned at any time, extinguished at any time, and can be infinitely blessed.

Ye Tianxie: "..."

Looking at the new sacred inflammation in himself, Ye Tianxie was silent for a long time. When in Heaven, he certainly would not know the sacred inflammation of the Heavenly Emperor. When the sacred inflammation burns, his strength can be increased to twice or even three or four times the original. In the records of the Tiandi family, the sacred inflammation burned by the strongest Tiandi can increase their strength to eight times the original ... eight times, which is a peak number and a recognized myth that cannot be broken. Because before him, the highest sacred inflammation was to increase his strength to five times the original. Before the emergence of the strongest emperor, the people in Tianyu always believed that the increase to five times the strength was already sacred. The limit of inflammation.


Looking at the attributes of the sacred inflammation that burned on his body at this time, even though Ye Tianxie, whose heart had been completely filled with the shadow of Li Xianer, was also caught in a brief stun ...

The 400% increase of the original sacred inflammation is amazing enough, and the heavenly emperor who can possess this strength of sacred inflammation will not exceed one fifth of all heavenly emperors. However, that is not a sacred inflammation that belongs to Ye Tianxie, but comes from another powerful Heavenly Emperor.

At this moment, his body is burning with his own sacred inflammation ... the increase is 900%!

That is to increase the strength to ten times the original! !!

The degree of increase even exceeds that of the strongest Tiandi who created the peak myth! !!

The strength of the sacred inflammation is beyond doubt. At the beginning, in the dragon domain, Ye Tianxie could fight the Five Dragons alone, and even defeat the dark dragon gods, all relying on the strength of the sacred inflammation. Facing the powerful boss of the Tower of Destiny, he also relied on the sacred flame to overcome. And now the Divine Flame is not only stronger than it was then, it is even more terrifying ...

Unlimited blessings! !!

Silently watching the flame on his hand for a long time, Ye Tianxie smiled slightly. He looked up, looked at the endless sky, and said gently: "Fair, wait for me ... no matter how difficult, I will Bring you back, and never be separated again ... whoever it is, whatever it is, can't stop me ... "

When the sacred inflammation burned, the stigma on the left hand was still emitting white light, and it became more and more intense ...

"Ding ... your sacred awakening."

"Ding ... Your class‘ Fantasy Beast ’is reopened, life +100, magic +2000, physical strength +10, spirit +200. Full-level skill recovery.”

A white light was shining from above the sacred mark, and a white and fat shadow was painted in front of Ye Tianxie's body. When it was just formed, it fell in a struggle because of being in the air. Ye Tianxie's eyes were violently turbulent, rushed quickly, grabbed it, and shouted with a trembling voice: "Kaka!"



"Brother Zuo, what are you going to do, don't go !!!"

"Brother, don't tell me you're crazy ... even if you have killed yourself, at least you must pull me together!" Looking at the left breaking army who rushed up to this huge team, Murong Qiushui also bite Shouted.

"Stay there for me, don't let it down!" Zuo Pojun frowned, shouting as he rushed forward: "I definitely ... will never let them rush into Tianchen City !! It's now ... We have persisted for more than an hour, fighting one after another, and losing the ability to fight one after another. How can we fail in the last few minutes! "


"No, but!"

The Left Breaking Army was getting closer and closer to them. The invaders who rushed over faced such a person who rushed to them, and the feeling in their hearts was complicated and unexplainable. If it was normal, they would dismiss it. At their scale, would such a person be considered, but at this time, watching this carrying a heavy excessive shield, they rushed to their left and broke alone. Army, their hearts are heavy, no one can laugh out, or get up easily ...

Because he is a member of the Heaven Soul Mercenary Corps.

This team spent more than an hour just now, leaving them with a heavy shadow that they can't wipe out for a lifetime ... even if he is just a shield guard with no defense and no attack ability.

Their distance is getting closer, from the original 100 meters, to 70 meters, 50 meters, 30 meters ... as long as they are closer, the archers in the rear can start to focus. There was no sign of slowing or retreating in the left breaking army's footsteps. As they approached, the shield guard in front suddenly felt as if a piece of iron plate had been pressed against their chests, causing them to immediately lose their ability to breathe. , Even the pace of the forward rush slowed down abruptly ... As the left breaking army was getting closer, they saw the flash of beast-like light in his eyes ...

"You ... don't want anyone to step into Tianchen City ... uh uh uh ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!"

The creepy scene made these invaders open their eyes again and again.

They thought that they clearly saw that the Shield Guard of Heavenly Soul that was rushing towards them was actually zooming in. Every time he took a step forward, his body would zoom in by one point, and if he took another step forward, he would get another point. His The equipment, the heavy shield in his hands, also grew in sync with his physical methods ... Gradually, in the sight of everyone shaking with panic, his body grew from two meters high to madly Three meters ... four meters ... five meters ... six meters ... ten meters ... twenty meters ... thirty meters ...

"Ahhhhh ... what is that, that, that !?" Xing Baoer on the wall was frightened and exclaimed exaggeratedly. They are so familiar with the left breaking army, in front of their eyes, like a monster turned into a huge change.

"This ... what's going on?" Sophie was equally shocked, staring at the left break army who had become a giant. With the change of his body, the royal reincarnation in his hand also became a giant shield with a height of thirty meters.

"Anyone who sells cakes can grow so big." Murong Qiushui rubbed his smooth chin and said to himself in a low voice. When he rushed forward from Zuo Pojun, he had a premonition. After all, he and Ye Tianxie had personally seen that Zuo Pojun suddenly enlarged his body while conquering the royal reincarnation, but at that time he enlarged his body to Five meters high, and at this time ... it turned out to be thirty meters high.

He remembered that this seemed to be called "beast **** change".

However, he didn't know what other effects besides the huge body after launching the Beast God transformation ... But what is certain is that this amazing skill must be accompanied by extremely cruel use of punishment, otherwise, In previous Tianchen City crises, Zuo Pojun would have been performing long ago, and would not wait until now.

Faced with a giant more than thirty meters high, the invading troops were obviously frightened. They stopped and stepped back in terror. The eyes that were looking forward were almost bursting. . A mountain-like body, a mountain-like shield, a mountain-like aura ... These, in addition to their horror, are the only ones who have the courage and heart to go forward and attack.

"Royal-heaven-round-return !!!"

At this time, every word uttered by Zuo Pojun was as loud as a thunderous thunder. With his roar, the reincarnation of the royal reincarnation in his hand was dazzling, suddenly turned to the left and right, and extended a long moment The semi-transparent shield shadow ~ ~ The two shield shadows are the same height as the current royal reincarnation, but each side directly extends to the extreme point of sight ... It is a kilometer long! Looking inadvertently, it seems that the royal reincarnation has skyrocketed to a width of several kilometers ... Thirty meters high and kilometers long, just like a chain mountain descending from the sky, blocking the Tianchen City.

"You bastards, where do you come from ... where to go back !!! Ba-Wang-Zhen-Tian-Bang !!!!!!!!!"

In a pair of sharply constricted eyes and pupils, Zuo Pojun moved ... one step ten meters, two steps, already stepped before this huge army. It wasn't walking, it was running at the fastest speed ... the huge shield hit the huge army in front.

After being hit by the player, they will never forget the feeling of being hit by the body in a mountain ... At that moment, they felt that their internal organs were all shifted, and they could not feel the pain. The brain was already blank. In short, they felt that they were flying, flying far and far ... one second ... five seconds ... ten seconds ... still landed ...

This was a shocking crash. All the players within 200 meters of the front were smashed and flew out, and the sky-like figure was lifted into the air like a large amount of sand. In the rear, those players who were not affected by the impact had not yet had time to rejoice in panic, and saw that the giant had rushed at them, but only ran a dozen steps before rushing in front of them. On their bodies ... but their bodies did not fly out, but rushed down before the left breaking army, so they stuck to the shield ...

"Get me all !!!"

The left breaking army issued a roar like a beast, running forward like a bulldozer, pushing more and more people sticking to the shield step by step ...

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