Even the true God has his limits.

Under the horrific gaze of countless players, after Zuo Junjun pushed the huge army away by a thousand kilometers, his pace finally slowed down obviously ... After the royal reincarnation, the crowd of black people was unknown. In the real world, even if there are no other attacking elements, just this level of accumulation is enough to allow countless players to be crushed, crushed or suffocated to death. In the world of destiny, in theory, it seems that there is no squeeze and suffocation, but being trapped in such a pile of people will definitely be more uncomfortable than death. Ordinary people will feel scalp just by thinking about it. .

Although the east of the east gate of Tianchen City is a plain, the ground was originally not absolutely flat, but under the impulse of Zuo Pojun, wherever he went, the mounds, trees and vegetation that originally protruded from the ground were all It disappeared and the ground was flat as if it had just been crushed by a roller. The left breaking army is still advancing. His body is huge. People in front of him can clearly see that his face looks like a devil, his eyes are fierce, the muscles on his face are twisted together, and his teeth are almost about to bite. … It can be seen how he released his power at all costs ...

Consuming his own strength and even potential to this extent, when he is fully exhausted, he will inevitably be in a state of prolonged collapse, and he may even be seriously ill. Overdrawing physical strength and energy is overdrafting life. At this time, the left breaking army had begun to approach the limit. His footsteps slowly slowed down, from running to hard walking, but still moving forward ... he was using his own strength Pushing tens of thousands of people forward, the power he needs to step further is beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

"Xiao Yu, hurry up!" Watching Zuo Pojun's slower and slower pace, Hua Qimeng seemed to feel something, and quickly gave the order to the holy feather god, the holy feather **** shouted like a white lightning. Fly to the east.

The footsteps of the left breaking army stopped, and once it stopped, it was almost impossible to move again. The left breaking army ... finally reached his limit.

Pushing Yushen with both hands tightly, the blue veins on the back of the hand emerged, and the fine blood vessels seemed to rupture at any time. His face was even more scary and red, and he could hear his breath panting a hundred meters away. Although he stopped, although his physical strength was overwhelmingly severe, he did not take a step back, even if he could not move forward, he also blocked the invading army's direction with this reincarnation ...

The cessation of imperial reincarnation does not mean that the tragic players who have been pushed thousands of meters away have been freed. They still pile up high and weigh heavily on the side of imperial reincarnation. No one can be free at all. And this also brought a strong pressure on the left breaking army. Under the rapid loss of physical strength, his brain began to feel dizzy, and he began to feel his hands and body heavier and heavier ... gradually, Lose the strength to stand.

"Uh ah ah ah ah !!!"

The Left Breaking Army, who was about to bite his teeth, gave out a huge roar, and the imperial reincarnation, which was about to fall, was raised in a loud deafening sound ...

For example, a gust of wind brought the sands of the sky in the desert. In the screams of overlap, the black crowds stacked in front of the royal reincarnation were all blown out, flying far and far away, too dense crowds. The sky is full, and when you look at it from a distance, you can't believe that it is an innumerable figure flying.

It was also under this curtain that the light flashed on the reincarnation, and the effect of "reincarnation" disappeared, and the shield quilt extending to both sides was instantly retracted and disappeared, and the huge body of the left breaking army also During the trembling, it quickly became smaller and then smaller, and within a few seconds, it returned to its normal shape.

Countless people were lifted into the sky like the dust of the sky, and the giant disappeared from people's sight.

Uh ...

The gray light flashed, and the Imperial Reincarnation in Zuo Pojun's hand disappeared so much. Zuo Pojun stood there, breathing heavily. Every muscle in his body was trembling, his body was sweating like rain, his head was rising with thick heat, and the whole person seemed to have just been removed from the hot water.


He finally knelt down on the ground and could no longer support his standing position. Now he just wants to sleep well ... But this feeling of deprivation that almost empties the soul, he doesn't know if he really sleeps When will the past wake up? one day? Two days? Ten days? still is……

Looking at the crowds in front of the mountains and mountains, he had nothing but unwillingness. However, he really did his best ... exhausted his last strength after the bone marrow. Now he has no strength to move his little finger, and even his consciousness has begun to blur.

"What are you waiting for!"

"Kill him immediately!"

In the blurred vision, he saw many people in the chaotic crowd ahead approaching him, he saw the cold light reflected by the weapon, subconsciously, he was struggling to get up to fight, but he moved After moving his body, he couldn't lift his body by half a minute ... The other shield was called out by him and held in his hand-because after the reincarnation of Yutian, he could no longer use the power of reincarnation. However, the heavy shield smashed into the ground with his heavy arm, and there was no strength to lift it.

A loud scream sounded above his head, and the holy feather **** flew to it quickly. His wings flew and he cast a storm of light covering the area of ​​20 meters. He would repel all those who rushed to the left and then flew down. He took the left breaking army to his body, flew towards the city gate quickly, and flew away the crowd behind.

Bring the left broken army back to the city wall, the left broken army leaned against the wall to sit, the whole body was soft like cotton. Looking at his face at this time and sweat soaking in his body, they were all immobile.

"Lao Zuo, it seems that I have to look at you with an eye-catching look." Situ Su looked at the huge army far away ... still unbelievable, he just launched this huge team with his own strength. A hundred meters away.

Zuo Pojun's breathing is still heavy, and now he only has breathing power, and he can't answer Murongshan's words at all.

"This is the real invincible." God Xiaoyao extended his thumb and praised sincerely.

Hua Qimeng came over, her eyes stared at Zuo Pojun for a while, and frowned slightly, then sighed softly, and said, "You should also feel it, this will overdraw your life."

The heavy breathing of the left breaking army stopped for a moment and still did not speak.

"Overdraft life?" Ling Jie froze, "This ... this is not the case, although Brother Zuo looks tired, but this is in the game, how can you overdraw life."

After he said this sentence ... this sentence could not be argued in ordinary people's ears, but it was not echoed. Ling Jie stayed for a while, but found that Murong Qiushui and the Situ brothers were all dignified. It's like ... They believe that this game will still overdraw their lives, but they don't take his words for granted.

"Dear third brother, in fact, you don't need to be so desperate ... Don't forget, and me." Murong Qiushui walked over and patted Zuo Pojun's shoulder. As he looked up, his eyes flashed through a dark red light.

In my ears, the sound of stepping began to approach again, and the invading army another kilometer away took another approaching step. It took less than ten minutes before the left breaking army pushed them out of the kilometer.

"Are they still dead?" Ling Jie said in a grudge.

"Huh ... replaced with you, will you die? They, but watched us fall down one by one, and watched with our own eyes these threats are no longer a threat." Situ looked at the East with a mockery.

Now, their Heaven Soul Mercenary Regiment still has complete combat capabilities, only Ling Jie and Murong Qiushui.

Going with Ling Jie's ability ~ www.NovelMTL.com ~ Such a battle will hardly help ... Then, only Murong Qiushui is left.

At this time, one and a half hours had passed since the East Siege's first siege.

The reinforcements of Huaxia players can rush here in less than half an hour, completely crushing the invaders' wolf ambitions.

The last half hour ...

If kept, they will create a true myth!

However, what really can play a little blocking force now is only Murong Qiushui alone.

"Well ... they're attacking again, do you want to use this?" Xing Bao'er said, and took out the Goddess of Silence and Gorgeously again: "If you use this, you only need to click, you can 'Boom' 'All blown away.'

The blood chakra came into contact with this desolate bomb, and knew its properties more closely. When Xingbaoer took it out again, the heartbeat rate soared again, and rushed in a hurry: "Don't don't don't don't Don't! I say it again, don't use this, or not only us, but the entire Tianchen City will be destroyed! "

"Dear little treasure, when I can't hold on, I really don't mind you using it to paint a beautiful picture of **** on earth."

Murong Qiushui showed a rather dangerous smile, then suddenly turned around, jumped off the high wall, and landed on the ground smoothly.

"Qiu Shui, what are you doing!"

"Of course it is to stop them ... Rest assured, Sister Feifei, give them to me. Although I can not achieve the exaggerated degree of the third brother, but I believe ..." Murong Qiushui stood alone in front of the gate and raised his two guns , Pointing forward, the voice is soft and cold: "They want to enter Tianchen City, they must step over my body ... and to step over my body, they must pay the price to keep them in mind for a lifetime !!!"

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