"Jiaolong, you're on your own."

"Imperial, have I ever done anything degrading Tianyu's reputation?"

"Never, on the contrary, it shook my prestige in the heavens and made the Mo Luo people feel terrified."

"Have I ever killed Tianyu?"

"Never! You killed all the Mo Luo people who were afraid and resentful in Tianyu."

"I have committed ten wicked sins!"

"Never! Don't say ten evils are not forgiven. You are famous, but you never bully others. Even small evils have never happened. Within the realm of heaven, there is not even any slander against you."

"So! Why am I being killed!"

"Because, you are the Claw King! The Claw King must die."

"Hahahaha! I don't accept this reason! Guarding the heavens is the mission of my **** dragon clan, but there is no one in my clan who can be slain. If you want to kill me, even if it is your emperor, you must I first asked the dragon gun in my hand !!! "


"I'm Long Tian ... Ying Wu of my life ... deserved of heaven ... deserved of the earth ... you ... are not qualified to kill me ... no one is eligible to kill me !!!"

"Even if you die ..."

"I will only die in my own hands !!!"


"Destroy ... destroy everything !!! Hahahaha ..."

"Ah !!! It's the Dragon Soul of the Divine Dragon Clan !!!"

"Run! Run !!!!"

"Jiaolong, stop! We won't kill you anymore ... stop!"

boom! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !!


"Father, promise me a request?"

"Xian Er ... Xian Er, is incompetent for the father ... Can't protect the dragon, you must not do stupid things ... you said, as long as you do not do stupid things, you ask the father to promise you."

"Don't let me leave Chenlong ... how they dispose of his corpse, they can dispose of my corpse, be it burial or abandonment, annihilation, smashing ... don't let me separate from him. Father ... ... this is the last request of my life, please ... promise ... "

"Xianer ... you ..."

"Daughter is not filial ..."

"Fairy? Fairy !!!!"

"What's wrong with you, fairy? You wake up."

"General Li ... Ling 嫒 She has ... explored her heart, 唉 ..."

"Ah !!!! You guys, you guys all gave me guys, you killed Jiu Long, you killed my daughter, you guys all gave me guys !!!"


"Born Goddess, you are almighty God of Creation. Please rescue the dragon and sister ... their bodies and souls are destroyed. This is the blood that I secretly brought to them ... Born Goddess, only you The blood reincarnation can save them ... Goddess of Brahma, as long as you can save them, I will promise all your requests, and I will be your slave forever. "

"Hahahaha ... Limoer, you are really innocent and ridiculous. Rebirth of blood is a taboo method of tampering with the order of heaven and earth. It has never been used only by people of my protoss. People outside the protoss do not want it. Never promise, you go, I won't promise you. "

"Brother Goddess, show mercy ... if you don't agree, I will kneel here forever, Goddess Borne ..."

"Then you will kneel there forever! Blood can only be launched once every three thousand years. Even if it is me, it will take three hundred years to practice the blood reincarnation. What is the qualification of your heavenly people to let me launch this anti-sky? Technology, get out of here! "

"If ... you really don't want to save them ... then kill me, otherwise, I will kneel here forever ... this is already the only reason I'm still in this world."

"Ha ha ha ha, really interesting little girl, Li Tian's daughter is really unusual, so good, then I'll see how long you can kneel !!"


"... Do you really regret such a price?"

"No regrets."

"You are the noble princess of the Celestial Family, and he is just an evil demon ... Is it really worth it for you to do this?"

"He is not a demon, he is not! He has never done anything bad! Instead, he has been guarding Tianyu ... how could he be a demon!"

"... The Claw Emperor is an extremely evil demon. Although he is not showing evil now, it will be too late when the soul of the Claw Emperor awakens. His death is inevitable."

"Even if he is the devil, the worst evil, I will never regret it."

"... Oh! Silly boy, do you know what the cost of this is? You will lose all your strength, stay away from heaven, and lose all of this life ... including your memory and life."

"He and his sister are no longer there, they have no love, what use is Xianli ..."

"After reincarnation, you may turn into birds, ants ... trees, grasses ... even if you are lucky to be a human, it may be a beggar, it may be an unsightly face ... Are you really not sorry?"

"... don't regret it. Do you believe it? Our fate is already tightly connected, even if he forgets everything, I forget everything, even if I become a grass, a butterfly, as long as we are alive, we will always Walking together under the pull of destiny, no matter what form it will be, what kind of obstacles will not truly separate us ... never can ... as long as with him, even if it turns into a grass, Become a flying worm, and I am willing to ... "


"He died, and I knew that I had lived so stupid all the time. Since I like him so much, why should I care so much and not go bravely with him, I would be really stupid and stupid ... if I could When he meets him, even if he hates me, rushes me, hates me ... I will always watch him and be with him ... "

"This is what the mother said. Can't you have" love "?"

"This is 'love', 'love' is the foundation of human soul, and the soul without 'love' is empty and dim, just like without the body of life, you can also have love ... No, you must have it. If God is doomed Relentless, then ... even if I can have even more power, I don't want to be a god. "

"Hmm ... I think you have the 'love' I already have. 'Love' makes me fascinated and gives me a new life, but like my mother said, it is the last thing to have ... because it made me do the last thing I should do, you, me, because of the word "love", became stupid, but stupid did not regret it ... "

"... you like the dragon, right? Otherwise, as a daughter of the Protoss, how could you be willing to do such a thing."

"You are luckier than me, at least you are a person in his life, and I ... every time he goes out, I will silently watch him until he becomes a habit, but he never knows that I exist ... this It's the reincarnation mirror, let's start. "

"Are you ... really regretful? You ..."

"Like you, won't ... because, I won't have less affection for him than you, believe it?"


"Pros, remember me?"

"Oh, little sister, how did you appear here? How do you know my name ... wait, this breath, this breath ..."

"I'm Li Xianer ... it's been a long time."

"Li Xianer ... Ah! Benefactor! Benefactor really! Benefactor! Where have you and Jilong Benefactor gone in the past century? Why have you never been here again? I thought you had not met The good thing ... and you ... your age, how ... how can you change back to such a young girl, if it weren't for your breath, I wouldn't even recognize it. "

"Because, both Me and Dragon are dead."


"A hundred years ago, we died, and now I am born again on a planet called Earth. I believe that Xiaolong is also there, and I will find him. Pross, do me a favor, okay?"

"OK ... OK ..."

"Please go with me to that part of the earth. I need your wisdom and this closed star of glory ..."


"Hundred years ago, I wanted to block the two races, but my goddess of Brah never asked for help and was never aggressive. It is difficult to find a person who is willing to exchange one's life for the two races. And you can't be better. You can Promise. After you promise, when the seal of lifeline is formed, I will naturally recover for him. You can also refuse, I will never stop you, and I will not force you. The door behind you is to leave, you can leave at any time. "

"I promised, why didn't I promise. If ... if he didn't forget me, even if I fall into endless reincarnation with him, I won't promise you, but after the dragon soul explodes, he has forgotten love and never in life again Without me, without me, he wouldn't miss, he wouldn't hurt, he still had Mo Er, Xiao Xi, and a lot of girls who were willing to accompany him all his life ... "

"Oh, ha ha ha ha ... It's a picture that makes people laugh. For this man, you are willing to be blocked by eternal life? Have you ever thought that after you are blocked, he will completely forget you after he recovers, and will be on earth. Shang and his women are merry and happy, and they will never remember any shadow of you. But you have to bear it all alone in the eternal blockade without freedom, but with complete consciousness, where you are alone and quiet, maybe I can't even stand it ... are you really willing? "

"I do ... why don't I."

"I love you forever, I am reincarnation, eternal blockade ... You can have a perfect life, but completely ruin your life for this man, what do you get from him by doing so?"

"I just think he can be good, forever, and always be happy. If he can be carefree all the time, even if I am blocked by Eternal World, what will she have ... She has Mo Er to accompany him and Xiao Xi to accompany him. With him, his friends are the most powerful people in Huaxia. He has no power and they protect him. What else can I worry about, and what to worry about. "

"So why are you still crying?"

"Because, I can't bear him ... I really can't bear him. I don't want to be separated from him, I really want to be with him forever ... even if it makes me ugly, even if it only makes me into his yard A small grass, a stone, as long as I can see him every day, I will also be thankful to the sky ... I really ca n’t bear him. "

"Sure enough, you are the most idiot woman I have ever met. Even for a man, at the expense of himself, is he more important than your life?"

"Born goddess ~ www.NovelMTL.com ~ can you answer my last request?"


"Please ... please restore him first, and then allow me to send him home ... I will return immediately after returning him, and I will never break my word. If I break my word, you can always me and you The dragon obliterates from this world, please promise. "



Ye Tianxie covered his head and yelled in pain ... Above the surface of the South China Sea, he echoed with his endless sorrowful cry.

Sections of memory, scene by scene ... The memories of past life and the experience of this life completely overlap and return to him alone. Ye Tianxie seems to be awake from the mist. What he bears most is to let him die The pain of cone heart ...

Fairy ...

Fairy! !! !! !!

He understands ...

He fully understood ...

Today, above the South China Sea in this destiny world, all he had wanted to know before, he had all got the answer.

He finally knew why Li Xianer had left him silently, and finally understood why their encounter on earth would be full of mystery, and finally understood where she is now ... and why should she erase all her existence Traces, why do you forget the moment of destiny, why do you forget Guoguo ... he understood why Guoguo was beside him, why Beckham followed him, and why Xiaoxi appeared beside him ...

He understood even more why they would not tell him the answer, they had to hide him ...

Because, this answer ... so cruel! So cruel!

[PS: Many chapters of this chapter are in front of copy and paste, because those few paragraphs are not enough to taste? Hmm ... rewrite? There are ready-made who still rewrite ah soul light! 】

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