


Both Yaya and Guoguo drifted away, worried and scared watching Ye Tianxie release the venting roar again and again. In the time when he realized that he had lost a very important memory, he felt as if he was carrying an extremely heavy boulder, and now, all the truth, all the answers have appeared along with all the memories that have been lost or even passed away In his mind ...

The impact on him was too great.

What Li Xianer did not want to see finally happened.

Ye Tianxie not only remembered her, but even knew where she was now and why, and for whom she stayed there.

Ye Tianxie's roar spread far and wide, so that both Yaya and Guoguo began to cover their ears, and the calm sea surface was disturbed by the roar of the sound.

After yelling, it was completely quiet again. Ye Tianxie looked up and looked at the infinite sky, just staring at it ...

Because, in that unknown corner, there is his fairy. Perhaps, now she was watching him silently, thinking of him.

Finally waited for Ye Tianxie to calm down, Yaya and Guoguo carefully drifted to his side. Guoguo floated on Ye Tianxie's shoulder and whispered: "Master ... have you remembered it?"

Ye Tianxie: "..."

To Guoguo's words, Ye Tianxie had no response, and looked up motionlessly, looking at the sky.

Sky domain, out of reach. With the ability he now has, it is impossible to reach that heaven. When he was in Heaven, he was not unaware of the existence of the earth. However, the rays on the earth would devour their abilities. He never thought of going to the earth, and he never knew how to get to the earth, let alone how to get from the earth to the heavens.

Destroy the heavens ...

Hehe ... That's simply daydreaming.


Fairy ...

For Ye Tianxie, she lost her eternal freedom ... and the only way to get rid of this shackle is to cut off the lifeline of Tian Yu and Mo Luo!

Exactly the same as Destroyed Sky and Mora!

What does he do to do it! ?

Who can do it in this world! !!

Even the dragons of the year ... don't say one dragon, there are ten, one hundred is impossible! !!

After the soul of the dragon exploded, the power of the dragon was completely lost. The power he now possessed was nothing but the sacred inflammation that he had carried in the heavens under his coma. It was not his own sacred inflammation, but the sacred inflammation that autonomously attached to him under the ritual of the heavens, every one point burned would be reduced by one point. Now, it has basically reached the edge of complete extinction.

And even if the whole body is burning with the sacred inflammation, with his ordinary body, ordinary strength, and the increase of the ability of the sacred inflammation, his comprehensive ability is just barely better than the ordinary soldiers of the heavens ...

What did he use to save the fairy! !!

The consequence of getting the answer is to endure this heartbreaking pain. Knowing where she is, knowing what she is bearing, but having no ability to bring her back ... This is to Ye Tianxie more torment than enduring thousands of swords. Li Xianer never wants him to endure such torture ... But, as for the destiny, all this is still known to him.

"Big brother ... Big brother, do you speak well, you look like this, Yaya is scared." Yaya tentatively pulled Laye Tianxie's clothes and said worriedly. At this time, Ye Tianxie suddenly became a dead body. From his body, she could hardly feel the existence of anger.

Ye Tianxie didn't have any reaction. He was motionless and silent, just staring at the sky like this.

In fact, both Guoguo and Yaya understand what Ye Tianxie will bear after knowing all this. They didn't talk anymore, and quietly stayed on his left and right, quietly staying with him.

"Guo Guo ..."

Ye Tianxie made a sound, and Guoguo's eyes blinked, and he immediately floated to his eyes, staring at him with flashing eyes: "Master, Guoguo is here."

"Do you know ... how to enter the sky from here, or from the earth?" Ye Tianxie said gently. His expression was calm, a little too calm. No one except him knew what he had just thought of in silence.

"I don't know. Master ... are you going to bring your sister back?"

"Well, of course she's going to be brought back. Guoguo must have thought too, right?"

"Well ... but ..."

"No, but." Ye Tianxie shook his head, he looked up again, looked at the sky, and said gently: "Guo Guo, believe me, I will bring her back ... one-will-will! I can deny Anything, but this thing ... it can never be impossible !!! Even if I am turned into an ant ... Even if I must break this day ... "

"I must also bring Xianer back !!"


Ye Tianxie clenched his hands tightly, so tightly.

There has never been a moment in his life when he was eager for strength.

Because he must have enough power to bring back Li Xianer.

That must be the power that can destroy the heavens, the power that can destroy Mo Luo ... even the power that can defeat the Brahma goddess! !!

However, the destruction of the heavens and the destruction of Mo Luo, he will soon be unable to do it ... and now his strength is not even one thousandth, one ten thousandth of his original!

Power, he longs for power ... so craving for madness. His hands were clenching, blood was boiling all over his body, and his heart was full of craving for madness to get out of control ... craving for no end.

Slowly, he raised his left hand ... In his left hand, there was a stigma that had disappeared ... No, the stigma had not disappeared, but was silent with the burst of his bright dragon soul.

The Blue Demon told him that the Sacred Mark has a very special attribute, which can be awakened by obsession. Because obsession can become the carrier of the stigma power, so that it can recover from the silence, and its recovery can reverse to repair the originally damaged carrier. But it must be a strong obsession. As for how strong the obsession is, he doesn't know. Before today, Ye Tianxie has been trying to release his desire for strength to the maximum ... because, he has been yearning for the sacred mark to be able to wake up, Kaka can return, and eager to use the power of the stigma ~ www.NovelMTL.com ~ This desire is strong, and anyone who has it will also have a strong desire for stronger power ...

However, Ye Tianxie has always understood that longing and obsession are different.

The root of desire is actually the desire for tangible or intangible things.

And obsessiveness ... that is to persecute oneself must be realized, otherwise, it will be as painful as being trapped in an endless disaster. This kind of thought is eternal and will not disappear or fade due to changes in space and time. In order to desire, people will do their best, and in order to obsess ... Before it is realized, people will devote their lives to it, and will never give up for any reason, otherwise, it is not worthy to be called obsession.

All along, Ye Tianxie's desire for the sacred mark awakening is longing ... not obsession.

"If, obsession can awaken you ... then, my obsession in my heart now ... sufficient--is it!"

Ye Tianxie looked at the back of his left hand. His expression was calm, but his voice was completely distorted.

All miracles are not without reason-as long as you believe.

With the fall of Ye Tianxie's low thought, on the back of his left hand, the sacred mark of flickering flashes from the long slumber, clearly confirms what the horror of power in his heart has horrified. degree. Because it is not a desire for power, but a true obsession.

The silent mark of the holy mark reappeared on Ye Tianxie's left hand, releasing a sacred light in their sight.

It seems so easy, but in fact ... who can understand how terrible the crazy entanglement in Ye Tianxie's heart at this time is ...

Love forever, reincarnation, blockade forever.

These will only become the past and embellishment in our lives ...

Xianer, in this life, I just want to see your smile.

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