Online Game: Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 967: Retrospective (below)


"I feel that the breath of elemental robbers has completely disappeared ... I really don't know how to thank you! My cowardly **** of order has been desperate. I didn't expect, I didn't expect ... two benefactors, your kindness, I am Los always remembers ... the grace of salvation, even if I let you be a slave to you forever, I am willing. "Prose kneeled in front of Chen Long and Li Xianer, the **** who is in charge of losing the basic order of the continent is the humblest The way to express their kindness to them, because this kind of grace is not a simple personal grace, but as he said, the grace of salvation!

"Hurry up ... Actually, we didn't do anything. When we got there, the smell of elemental robbers disappeared ... We really didn't do anything." Faced with his kneeling ceremony, Li Xianer Overwhelmed, Xiaolong was completely speechless.

"No! That ’s the breath of Elemental Robbery. I can never admit it, and this time the Elemental Robbery descended on the star of this blaze ... This star of blaze is my two masters. Entrusted to me, even if I die, I do n’t want to see any damage to it, because it carries too many things. For so many years, I have been guarding with sincerity ... I know that it can make the element rob Disappear, you are no ordinary people, do n’t want to let others know your strength, I fully understand that the two benefactors rest assured, all about you, I swear by the entire star of the star of Yao Yao will never reveal to others. But this kind of kindness, I Prose will never forget it. In the future, if it is useful for my Prose, as long as it is not a matter that affects the safety of the star of Yao Yao, I will also complete the death of Provoss ... Thank you both.

Pross's excitement and excitement are completely written on his face ... No one except him himself can understand what this star of the glory carries, and what it means to him.

Chen Long and Li Xianer looked at each other, their expressions were very weird ... Because the elemental robbers were really not what they eliminated, but the elemental robbers that were about to drop suddenly disappeared completely, with no trace of disappearance, As for the reason, they didn't know it at all, and when they stayed there for another day, the element robber didn't appear again, it really disappeared.

However, it seems that this Proce has surely stuffed them with the elimination of Elemental Robbery, and it is probably useless to deny it ... just as they themselves cannot believe that Elemental Robbery will disappear by themselves.

"Pross, get up. We also like this star of Xi Yao, like you don't want it to be destroyed." Chen Long said. He didn't explain any more. The star of Xi Yao was safe and sound. This is the best ending, and there is no need to explain anything ... Since he thinks so, he thinks so.

"Two benefactors, the star of Yao Yao will always welcome you." Proce stood up and said gratefully.

"Pros, have you seen this cat?" Chen Long gestured at the creature in his arms.

In his arms at this moment was holding a white and weird cat, a small body, white hair, it had pointed long ears, and the cat's green eyes, but it was much more adorable than ordinary cats. Face shape. Its head is very large. In contrast, the body and the short limbs are extremely imbalanced, while the two cats' feet are excessively wide. It looks like they are wearing a large white cat claw slippers. And its double claws are even more bizarre. It also looks like a pair of cat gloves that are too wide, and the tip of the "glove" stretches out three black spikes that flash with cold light ... that is by no means an ordinary cat claw. At this moment it was lying in the arms of Chen Long very well, seemingly closing his eyes, not even looking at the surroundings.

Prose's eyes stayed on this little strange cat, and he shook his head after a long time, and said in surprise: "Strange ... It's strange, there is such a cat on the star of Yao Yao? My **** of order is not at all You know ... oh wait, is this what you brought from 'Skyland'? "

"No, this is where I was waiting for Elemental Robbery, and it suddenly fell from the sky. Then he kept following us, wherever we went, where it followed." Chen Long flicked his hair with his fingers and said . This little weird cat gave him a strange sense of intimacy, so long and cute, he and Li Xianer liked it at first sight.

This little monster cat is indeed where they are waiting for Elemental Robbery, and they have fallen from the sky ... Time is probably when the breath of Elemental Robbery has just completely disappeared.

"This ... is really ashamed, I have never seen it before. The star and land of Xi Yao are vast. My duty is to adjust the balance of the order of the elements of this world. It is impossible to understand the whole thing. The evolution and evolution of living things are beyond my control. Yes, so there must be many creatures I didn't know ... ashamed, ashamed. "Pross said.

"So ... Mr. Pross, can you please help us to take care of it in the future? It is obviously very docile, but it has a slightly cruel atmosphere. If such a creature is brought back to the heavens, it will be rejected there , Has always caused a series of troubles, although we like it very much, but we ca n’t take it back. We leave it here with you, and we come to see it every time we come here. ”Chen Long said.

"Okay, okay." Of course, Pross agreed without hesitation: "You can rest assured that I will take good care of it and never let it hurt ... But it looks a bit exclusive to me, haha ​​... By the way, what's its name? "


After a month ...

"It's called Beckham! It's called Beckham called Beckham called Beckham called Beckham !!" Guo Guo landed on the little white cat's head and shouted stubbornly. Guoguo was even more incredible than they expected. They were worried about her ability to speak. I didn't expect that after just opening her eyes for a month, she was basically proficient in their language, or she already had language ability. And under the overwhelming affection of Chen Long and Li Xianer, she also learned to be coquettish and stubborn.

Guoguo has not been able to leave the water of Liulichi for a long time because she has not yet fully matured, but as she grows up, she can leave for longer and longer. Today is the first time that Luolong and Lixianer brought She came here. When flying in the air, she was as pleasing as a little white butterfly.

"... Um, that's Beckham. Well, Beckham, do you like the name?" Chen Long said, touching his little head. However, with the stubborn temper cultivated by Guoguo, it is estimated that Beckham had to agree even if he did not agree.



"Despicable !!" Suffering from a severely wounded dragon with a dragon gun to support his body, his left arm has been lost, blood is flowing, his body is full of countless wounds, and any of three of them is enough to make He died shortly. At this time, he was just soaked in the blood pool. The four major demons of the Molu tribe will join in the mean sneak attack under him, driving him to the brink of death.

"Jiaolong !!!"

He heard the screams of anxiety, demon robbery, and anxious wind and ghost in his ears. Under his excessive blood loss, his voice was even inaudible. However, although they had long since broken their eyes, they were entangled by heavy soldiers, and there was no way to rush over to save the dragon.

"Hey, Xiaolong, the soldiers don't tire of blackmail. You are a bit too powerful. For our Moro tribe, we have to use some special methods. If you want to hate, go to **** to hate ... dead!"

The demon of the Molu tribe raised the butcher in his hand, and cut to the dragon's body in a smile. The masters have strong dignity. If it is not because the dragon is too strong, he will not be scornful of using this. A despicable means. However, thinking that the dragon in the world of Megatron would die in his hands, his last guilt was also lost.

when! !!

The magic sword was blocked by the dragon with a dragon gun, but this was also his last power. The dragon gun flew out of his hands. Behind him, a dark lance had penetrated his body ... It was the black magic that the four devil had blackened. Soul Gun.

"Goodbye, Xiaolong." Hei Zhong said indifferently. He was convinced that his shot had ended his life. The biggest obstacle,, in front of the Molu tribe was finally removed.

The dark gunpoint pierced his chest, stained with his own blood ... 胤 Longlong looked at the increasingly blurred blood-stained gunpoint in his sight, his consciousness, and a little bit of disintegration ...

Fairy ... Mother ... Little Greek ... Guo Guo ...


With endless resentment and infinite attachment, his consciousness disappeared without trace ...

"Jiaolong !!!"

Looking at the slowly falling dragons, Wan Jun, Demon Calamity, Wind Ghosts, and thousands of dragons sent out heartbreaking shouts ... If the dragons die, it is equivalent to their soul pillars being broken.

Feeling the disappearance of the dragon's breath of life, the four demons breathed a long sigh of relief, and then all laughed. At this time, an indescribable breath suddenly spread in the space, and the heavy coercion brought up With the strong fear in the hearts of all those present, this fear calmed down the chaotic battlefield at once, followed by the three-color flames burning on the dragon dragon ...

At the moment when the three-color flames burned, the demon gun that pierced his body turned into a gray fly, his severed left arm instantly re-growth, and the whole body's wounds were all healed ... in everyone's horrified attention In the middle, he was supposed to be dead. He issued a beast-like roar and grabbed the dragon gun at hand ...


The wielding of the dragon gun brought a terrible storm of energy. The four demon will be under this powerful force that they are totally irresistible ... will be twisted into powder for a moment.

"Disaster ... flame of disaster!"

On the battlefield, a trembling roar came.

[This chapter's my egg is about to break ... I've been wondering if there's anything missing, if there's anything missing, if there's anything missing ... I'm going to dinner, there are two chapters tonight, eh It will be finished before going to bed. ]

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