With the release of the guild battle video.

The shouting and cursing on the forum quickly quieted down.

It was replaced by wonder.

"Damn it!! Didn't you say that there are less than ten people on the other side? There are tens of thousands of people?"


"More than that! At least hundreds of thousands!!"

"Isn't that the Black Dragon Society's Dragon Traveling World?"

"This is the sand of time that passes through the years..."

"Holy crap! So many guilds in Thunderstorm City are participating."

"No wonder! No wonder!"

The Black Dragon Guild and other major guilds in Thunderstorm City also quickly became famous all over the world following the release of the video.

Especially the Black Dragon Society.

The first time he became famous was because he was blocked at the resurrection point by Wang Yuan alone, and his reputation was ruined.

The second time he became famous was because he captured the guild station and launched a desperate counterattack.

Now, together with other guilds in Thunderstorm City, they have a 50-50 draw with the largest guild in the national server, "Chinese Dragon Teng".

This achievement once again shocked everyone.

This Black Dragon Club is also a talent.

Of course, there are different voices.

"Ci'ao! It turns out that the Chinese Dragon Soaring is not invincible."

"Thunderstorm City's ragtag group of people can put Huaxia Longteng into a bitter battle, we may not be able to..."

"The Chinese Dragon Soaring is not a myth either."

Prior to this, as the first guild in the national server for more than ten consecutive years, Huaxia Longteng had always been a god in the minds of all players. It was an unshakable behemoth and a presence that intimidated the world.

There was even a big guild in the past that just caused friction because they stole a BOSS from Huaxia Longteng, and the entire guild was beaten to ashes.

But now, Huaxia Longteng was challenged by a group of rabble, and was forced to withdraw its troops and call a truce.

Sure enough, this moment is the same as that moment.

It seems that Huaxia Longteng is nothing more than a paper tiger.

In this battle, Huaxia Longteng suffered heavy losses.

Although it gave sponsors and everyone a perfect explanation, the originally aloof Chinese Dragon has now lost its original mystery and majesty in the eyes of all players.

Over at Thunder Bluff, Wang Yuan and others have also finished dividing the spoils.

Just as a few people were about to leave, a figure suddenly appeared in front of everyone: "Fellow warriors! Thank you for your hard work in guarding the guild station."

"Huh? This is it?"

Seeing the person in front of them, everyone except Wang Yuan was stunned.

"Isn't this the Sacco?" Wang Yujie stared at the person in front of him and said in surprise.

As the first master who almost overwhelmed Wang Yujie, Wang Yujie was deeply impressed by Sacco.

"Sacco! Yes! It's him!!"

Others retreated one after another, shocked: "Isn't this guy dead? Why did he run out again!"

"Now his name is Barr!" Wang Yuan said with a smile: "He is the general manager of our guild station and is responsible for the construction work!"

"Baal? Is it that Baal?" Benevolent Invincible's eyes widened.

"That's right!"

Wang Yuandao: "I injected Barr's soul into Sako's body... and then resurrected him."

"Uh-huh... you're reviving a dead body!"

"The Necromancer is really perverted..."

"Brother Niu's skills are always beyond imagination."

Everyone's scalps felt numb.

Compared with other professions, the Necromancer's skills are indeed a bit different. At least the ability to resurrect a corpse is difficult to understand for other professions.

After all, a necromancer in the traditional sense only summons undead souls such as skeletons and practices black magic. Stuffing one person's soul into another person's corpse is creepy no matter how you hear it.

"Are you okay?" Wang Yuan turned around and asked.

"You warriors have successfully defended our homeland and repelled tens of thousands of invaders. Naturally, you will receive rewards." Bald said: "Do you warriors want to give up rewards?"

"Huh? Reward?"

Everyone was stunned when they heard this.

"No... aren't we tied? Why are there rewards?" Casual Shot said excitedly: "I know!! It must be because I'm so handsome!!"

According to the game settings, only the winning side of the guild war will receive a large amount of resource rewards and a small amount of equipment rewards.

This guild war was obviously a peaceful truce and was considered a draw. It was strange that there was a reward method in this situation.

"Bah! Save some face!" Everyone raised their middle fingers at random shots.

"Are there any rewards for the truce?" Wang Yuan asked in confusion.

"of course not!"

Baal waved his hand and said: "Thunder Bluff is originally a battlefield between gods and demons. Ancient heroic spirits sleep here. If Thunder Bluff is lost, the sleeping undead will be awakened... They are all dead souls who died in ancient battles. Once they awaken, the consequences will be disastrous. You guys You successfully defended Thunder Bluff, so you will get the hidden reward.”

"I see!!"

Hearing Barr's words, everyone was suddenly stunned.

This reward is not a reward from a guild battle, but a reward obtained by unintentionally completing the hidden task of guarding the home.

"This reward... won't have any mechanism, right?" Wang Yuan frowned and asked.

According to the ethics of the system, even the rewards received must be deducted. At this time, Balshang was rushing to give out the rewards, which made Wang Yuan feel that something was wrong.

Although Baal is one of Wang Yuan's undead on the surface, he is now also a guild NPC and an employee of the system. There is probably something fishy about popping up to give out rewards for no reason.

"Ha ha!"

Baal laughed and said: "As expected of you, Master."

"Sure enough!!"

Wang Yuan narrowed his eyes when he heard what Bal said.

Others also became serious.

"This is your reward!" Bal took out a book from his arms and handed it to Wang Yuan.

The book was very big, half a meter wide and eighty centimeters long.

It was black, with a skull on the cover and two grooves for the skull's eyes.

Under the skull, a bunch of weird symbols were engraved.

"This is..."

Before Wang Yuan had time to read the attributes of the book, the surprised voices of four undead suddenly sounded in his mind.

"The Book of Time!! This is the Book of Time!!"

I only heard Dabai yelling: "I didn't expect to see this thing here!!"

"The Book of Time has appeared!! Isn't it close to the fusion of the world..." Chun Ge's voice was also trembling.

"What is coming will always come... I hope that this time, humans will not lose." Xiaobai always cares about the fate of mankind.

"I haven't touched a woman yet." Ma San's mind is always full of personal physiological problems.

"You are so useless now, even if you are given a woman!" Dabai couldn't help but complain.

"You are useless! You are useless!" Ma San fought back like he was poked in the sore spot.

"Is this the Book of Time?"

Wang Yuan was also shocked when he heard what the few people said.

The Book of Time is a strange book that appeared when the end of the world came. It records countless broken historical marks and fragments.

These broken historical marks and fragments come from the exploration of the new world by the professions and the strategies of various secret realms.

Famous NPCs like Zul and Baal, as well as those famous professionals, their deeds are recorded in the Book of Time, and then compiled into textbooks to become teaching materials for new professions to understand this world.

History will also be the most important subject in the future end of the world.

In addition to the war with the demons, the pursuit of ancient history and the truth of the world is also the most important task of the professionals.

Because everyone always believes that only after knowing the truth of this world can everyone leave this hellish end of the world and return to the civilized world.

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