Looking at the History of Time in his hand.

𝟔𝟗Book Bar→96𝘴𝘩𝘶.𝘯𝘦𝘵

Wang Yuan was a little overwhelmed for the first time.

Because according to the information Wang Yuan learned, this History of Time is not only a prop for collecting world memory fragments, but also the starting point of disaster.

It was after the appearance of this History of Time that the two worlds began to merge.

"Damn... How did it get into my hands?"

Wang Yuan frowned.

Since the History of Time is the beginning of the doomsday disaster, and this book appears in his hands, doesn't it mean that he is the beginning of the end of the world?

No! !

Absolutely not! !

Wang Yuan's expression is solemn.

People are complicated, and Wang Yuan is the same.

Wang Yuan may not be a moral saint. He will take advantage of it when he sees a bargain and will fantasize about beautiful women, but when he thinks that half of the world's population will disappear because of this book, Wang Yuan will also instinctively resist.

The conscience in his heart told Wang Yuan that he could not ignore life, let alone let the end of the world come. At least he could not stand by and watch, let alone become the initiator of the end of the world.

Now the props to open the end of the world are in Wang Yuan's hands, and Wang Yuan's mood can be imagined.


But soon Wang Yuan suddenly reacted!

"That's right! Since this book is the key to open the end of the world, on the other hand, if there is no book... won't the end of the world come?"

Wang Yuan's eyes lit up, and he threw the book to Bal and said, "This thing is useless, I don't want it."

"No, my master, this is a book of disasters!!" Bal handed the book to Wang Yuan again and said, "You must keep it."

"Damn, are you kidding?"

Wang Yuan was so angry that he laughed.

Is this Bal confused? He knew it was a book of disasters and gave it to himself. It turned out that he was deliberately pitting himself.


The miracle of great strength. Everyone couldn't help laughing when they heard what Bal said: "Brother Niu, this grandson is ungrateful. You let him be the guild manager."

"Fire him! Fire him!" Suibian Luanshe said: "If you dare to give you the Book of Disaster today, you will dare to give you disaster tomorrow!"

"That's right!"



Others also echoed.

"Everyone, your rewards haven't been issued yet." Bal smiled and looked at everyone.

"Ah... this..."

Everyone was slightly stunned when they heard it.

"The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. I think Brother Niu should bear the disaster." Suibian Luanshe hurriedly said: "What do you think?"

"That's right! Bal is a good person! At least he didn't throw this book to us." Renzhe Wudi said.

"Fuck, what you said makes so much sense!"

"It's better to let my friend die than to let me die!"

Everyone echoed again.

Wang Yuan: "..."

This group of bastards are still as noisy as ever.

They don't know that the disaster is coming now, or the thinking of game players.

What a bullshit disaster, in everyone's eyes it's just a setting in the game.

They don't know what's going to happen.

"I envy them so much."

Dabai and the others couldn't help but sigh when they saw this.

Ignorance is fearless.

Only the players in this world can joke with each other in front of the history book.

Sometimes Dabai and the others are thinking that the lucky ones may not be the survivors, but those who were taken away on the spot when the disaster came.

After all, they were happy before they died, without separation and death, and they didn't see the horror of the end of the world.


"Or... give me this book." At this time, Wang Yujie suddenly walked in front of Wang Yuan and stretched out his hand to take the history book.

"Keke..." Seeing Wang Yujie take the book of history, Wang Yuan was shocked and said: "Don't mess around!"

"Hehe!" Wang Yujie laughed and said: "Why? It's just the book of disasters. I like to challenge difficult things. Don't look down on me because I'm a woman."

Although Wang Yujie is a novice in games, she is not a dull person because she has practiced kung fu.

So far, she is the only one who knows that the end of the world is coming, except for Wang Yuan. Looking at Wang Yuan's expression, she roughly guessed that this book may be related to what Wang Yuan told her before.

"Keke is right!" Hearing Wang Yujie's words, Shui Linglong also echoed: "We can't let them look down on us women! Give me this book!"

"What are you doing?" Wang Yuan glared at Shui Linglong fiercely.

Shui Linglong was inexplicably shocked when she saw Wang Yuan's eyes.

She had never seen Wang Yuan with this expression before.

"Are you stupid?" Wang Yuan turned his head and stared at Wang Yujie.

"Not stupid!" Wang Yujie shook his head: "I am a martial artist! I naturally have to shoulder more things."


Wang Yuan didn't know how to answer.


Seeing the atmosphere getting more serious, Bal suddenly laughed and said: "Your spirit is commendable! It's a pity that this book can only be given to the respected president!"

Speaking of this, Bal continued: "Do you know what book this is?"

"What book?" Wang Yuan asked knowingly.

"This is called the Book of Time!" Bal said: "Every time the Book of Time appears, it will bring endless disasters... Only you can destroy this book of disasters."


Hearing Bal's words, Wang Yuan's hanging heart suddenly fell.


Co-author Barr took out the history book in order to destroy it himself.

As we all know, the history books of time are the source of disasters. If the history books of time are destroyed, wouldn't it mean that the disaster will be revealed, and the real world and the game world will no longer be integrated.

Humanity will not bear this sudden apocalyptic disaster.

Damn it, grandma, I told you earlier, you made yourself so nervous for nothing! !

"That's right!"

Baldao: "Thunder Bluff is the place chosen by God. If you can protect the place chosen by God, you are the great brave men chosen by God. The disaster of this reincarnation will be ended by you. As the president of "Strength Makes Miracles", you Are you willing to accept this task?"

[System prompt: You have triggered the hidden mission "Book of History", the mission level is "Unknown", do you want to accept it? 】

It's a hidden mission! !

Wang Yuan couldn't help but get excited when he saw the task prompt.

Humans don’t have to die!

The world doesn’t have to end anymore! !


Wang Yuan clicked OK without hesitation.

[System prompt: You have accepted the hidden mission "Book of History", mission level: unknown. Mission content: Destroy the history books. Mission reward: unknown. 】

As Wang Yuan clicked to confirm, a mission message flashed in front of everyone who was working hard to create a miracle.

"Oh, it's actually a hidden mission!! It's also a multi-player hidden mission!!"

When everyone saw the miracle of Dali, they couldn't help but feel surprised.

According to the game settings, hidden tasks are all types of tasks with extremely generous rewards, and multi-player hidden tasks are more difficult and the rewards are more generous.

This is something that can only be found.

Unexpectedly, this broken book turned out to be a mission prop...

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