Sure enough, just as Wang Yuan expected.

Before he finished speaking, Fengwu Jiutian sent a message: "Brother Niu, let me discuss something..."

"What's the matter?" Wang Yuan asked knowingly.

"Um... do you have a video of our guild battle?" Fengwu Jiutian asked.



Why are all the players questioning whether Huaxia Longteng is playing a fake match, whether on the forum or in the game?

In addition to the fact that the result of this guild battle was too outrageous, the most important thing is that there was an accident in this guild battle, and no one saw it.

From the moment Huaxia Longteng entered Thunder Bluff, the war correspondents in the game who followed the video were locked out of the battlefield, and the live broadcast on the forum came to an abrupt end.

Everything was witnessed by no one.

Tens of thousands of elite players ran to a small group's base and stayed there for a few hours, and then announced that it was a tie, and then forced to stop the war.

Anyone would think this is problematic.

The sponsors behind Huaxia Longteng need a perfect reason to explain this.

Tell them directly that the opponent actually has 200,000 people?

Please! The sponsors just don't know much about the game, they are not fools.

The game is a microcosm of the real society, and it is more realistic than reality.

At any time, people of the same level play together, and people of different levels rarely interact.

If it is a large guild at the level of Huaxia Longteng, everyone will definitely not doubt that it can call 200,000 helpers.

After all, interests are mutual. If I help you, you will definitely help me in the future.

But how can you, a small group of less than ten people, call 200,000 people?

The key is what they want?

Do they want you to be incompetent? Do they want you to be in decline? Or do they want you to have nothing?

Especially the opponent is a top guild at the level of Huaxia Longteng.

Do you really think the sponsor has a problem with his brain?

Fengwu Jiutian is so smart. He knows that no matter how true what he says is, no one will believe it without evidence.

So if you want a perfect explanation, you must find the battle video.

With the battle video, you can not only make things clear to the sponsor, but also have an explanation from the players.

This is the most effective public relations.

Fengwu Jiutian has asked all the players in the guild.

Throughout the whole process, no one recorded the battle process.

In theory, everyone in the guild war must turn on the recording mode to facilitate future review. There is only one reason why no one recorded, that is, the owner of the guild station turned off the video recording mode.

Since the other side turned off the recording mode, they must have a backup.


Wang Yuan said: "Why? Does President Feng need it?"

"Yes! I need it so much!" Fengwu Jiutian was excited when he heard it: "Brother Niu, can you give me a copy?"

"No..." Wang Yuan replied decisively.

"Ah..." Fengwu Jiutian was stunned for a moment and said: "Brother Niu, this video is very important to me, I hope you can consider it."

"I know it is very important to you, so I can't "give" it." Wang Yuan emphasized the word "give" and put quotation marks around it.

Fengwu Jiutian: "..."

OK! ! He could see that he had triggered Wang Yuan's passive skill of extortion.

If it can't be given away, it can definitely be bought.

"How much?" Fengwu Jiutian was naturally not the kind of person who didn't know how to deal with it.

"Seventy thousand! No bargaining!" Wang Yuan said indifferently.

"Seventy thousand??? Brother Niu? Are you serious?" Fengwu Jiutian was about to cry. This guy really wanted to bite people to death.

"Of course I'm serious!" Wang Yuan said: "This is the price I calculated after careful consideration. Not a penny less."

"But..." Fengwu Jiutian said: "It's just a video!"

"No! You are wrong!" Wang Yuan said: "This is a very important video for you! Without the video, how can you explain to your boss? How can your guild explain to the vast number of players who support you?"


Seeing Wang Yuan's message, Fengwu Jiutian's scalp numbed immediately, and asked in horror: " have calculated it since the guild war started?"

No wonder everyone stopped the live broadcast as soon as they entered Thunder Bluff.

No wonder everyone except the group of Dali Chu Miracle cannot open the camera wizard.

From the beginning of the guild war, Wang Yuan knew that he could win, and he also knew that this situation would happen.


Fengwu Jiutian was shocked.

You know, Fengwu Jiutian is a master commander known for his tactical strategies.

As the chief commander of Huaxia Longteng, Fengwu Jiutian also has his own pride. Since joining the guild, Fengwu Jiutian has commanded no less than a hundred battles of all sizes, and it can be said that he is invincible and has never been defeated.

Although he accidentally missed this time, Fengwu Jiutian did not feel that he was much worse than Wang Yuan. After all, after a fight, he was only a little bit behind. If it weren't for the deviation of the Dragon Team, Huaxia Longteng would have won by a little bit.

So in essence, Fengwu Jiutian just admired Wang Yuan, and he definitely met an opponent of equal strength.

But after seeing Wang Yuan's message, Feng Wu Jiu Tian realized that every step he took was calculated by Wang Yuan. He had already lost when Wang Yuan started the guild war...

Feng Wu Jiu Tian's mood at this time can be imagined.

"President Feng, you didn't use your brain when you made the decision before. Now you have to spend more money to make up for it. This is not my fault." At this time, Wang Yuan's message flashed again: "You have to know that this video is not only related to the reputation of your guild, but also to the sponsorship of your guild. Is 70,000 a lot?"

"Not much!"

Seeing the message, Feng Wu Jiu Tian recovered and sighed: "Hey, Brother Niu, I lost! I am convinced!"

After that, Feng Wu Jiu Tian directly transferred the money.

Wang Yuan also forwarded the prepared video backup.

"By the way..."

After receiving the video, Feng Wu Jiu Tian asked curiously: "How did you calculate this data?"

In most cases in the game, the numbers are basically integers, 100,000, 50,000, etc. are fine, but the number of 70,000, which is neither too high nor too low, makes people like Feng Wu Jiu Tian, ​​who are sensitive and suspicious, a little confused.

Why is it 70,000?

If this matter is not understood, Feng Wu Jiu Tian can't sleep.

"There are nine of us, and we only have 200,000 yuan now. It will be easier to divide it if we get another 70,000 yuan..." Wang Yuan said truthfully.


Feng Wu Jiu Tian almost spat out a mouthful of blood.

Damn it, he thought that Wang Yuan, a tactical master, would have some special meaning when he calculated the number of 70,000 yuan. It turned out that it was just for the purpose of dividing the spoils...

It felt like the damn teacher in school asked us to guess what the author was thinking when he wrote this paragraph. In fact, what kind of deep thoughts can the author have? It's just to add a few more words.

Damn it!

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