"Ah, this..."

"Is it true, Brother Niu?"

After hearing Wang Yuan's promise, everyone's first reaction was that they were dreaming, and then they questioned whether the news they saw was true.

What Wang Yuan said was very simple.

To sum it up, if you want to find a guild to be the face of Thunderstorm City, you need to challenge the top guild in the country, "Huaxia Longteng".

All you have to do is work together.

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If you win, according to the contribution, the guild with the highest contribution will be the face of Thunderstorm City, and it will become famous and become the top guild that steps on Huaxia Longteng to rise to the top. Even if other guilds cannot become the face, they can still get compensation for their interests.

Even if you lose, the final consequences will be borne by the "Da Li Chu Miracle" guild. The one who challenged "Huaxia Longteng" is "Da Li Chu Miracle" and has nothing to do with other guilds.

This is a sure win business.

If you lose, you won't lose anything. If you win, you'll make money. The key is that if you really become the one with the greatest contribution, your guild will be the first guild to defeat "Huaxia Longteng" in more than a decade.

You can directly leap into the ranks of first-tier guilds.

For a while, the group was silent.

All the guild leaders seemed to be dreaming. It was so dreamy. They were just eager to make a move, but now they are looking forward to it.

"Of course it's true!"

Wang Yuan continued: "Thunderstorm City is our home. I hope it will be good. In order to show our sincerity, this time we "Great Power Miracle" are only responsible for initiating challenges and will not participate in the contribution ranking! Guilds that don't want to participate can withdraw from this event now!"

"Not participating in the contribution ranking?!!"


"Brother Niu! You are so noble! I am completely convinced!"

Originally, everyone was skeptical about Wang Yuan's words. After all, no one could say who would have the highest contribution value, and they were afraid that they would be used as stepping stones by the group of "Great Power Miracle".

But now Wang Yuan directly stated that he was only responsible for the challenge and would not participate in the ranking, and everything was for Thunderstorm City.

This move immediately moved everyone.

What is a great person, what is a pure person, and what is a person who has escaped from vulgarity?

For his main city, Wang Yuan gambled his own fate, just to let everyone get benefits.

At this moment, everyone was repenting for their actions of judging others by their own meanness.

Niu Dali! He is a real man! !

"Brother Niu! Let's do it!!"

"For Thunderstorm City!!"

"Take one of our guilds!"

"We want to join too!"

Without saying a word, everyone expressed their willingness to join Wang Yuan's action.

Anyway, there is no loss. If you win, you will benefit, and you can also contribute to Thunderstorm City. You want fame and profit. As long as you are normal, there is absolutely no reason to refuse.

As for the fact that after winning, the so-called guild that is regarded as the main city's facade is unwilling to give everyone benefits, everyone is not worried at all.

You are kidding, don't you see who the notary is.

That's Niu Dali, a man who can beat the Black Dragon Society helplessly by himself.

Even Long Xingtianxia has to be afraid of him, who else dares to provoke him?

Is he twisted?

If Wang Yuan really holds a grudge against him because of this, it would be better to spend money to avoid disaster earlier.


"Brother Niu... Thank you so much!!"

Looking at the guild leaders of the major guilds in the group joining the allied forces, Long Xingtianxia was moved to tears and sent a private message to Wang Yuan directly.

What is a good brother!

Although there were some frictions at the beginning, which led to the Black Dragon Society's bad reputation, it later made the Black Dragon Society counterattack. Now, in order to make the Black Dragon Society a well-known guild, Wang Yuan has helped the Black Dragon Society to attract a large number of allies.

You know, with Long Xingtianxia's character, he would never be able to attract so many allies.

Even Wang Yuan wants to challenge Huaxia Longteng in the name of "Great Power Makes Miracles".


What is this concept, no one knows it better than Long Xingtianxia.

After all, the consequence of ordinary guilds taking the initiative to challenge Huaxia Longteng is to be directly wiped out.

Wang Yuan stood up, blocked in front of everyone, and provided everyone with shelter. Even a life-long friend couldn't do this.

"You are too polite!"

Wang Yuan said: "You must do your best at that time, don't let me down."

"Don't worry, Brother Niu! We Black Dragon will fight for our lives!" Long Xingtianxia patted his chest and promised solemnly.

Seeing the news from Long Xingtianxia, ​​Wang Yuan smiled slightly.

What did I say before? If you want others to help you, you must make them feel that you are helping them, and they have to thank us.

Of course, the premise is win-win and mutual benefit, and no one can suffer.

At this time, Long Xingtianxia suddenly asked: "Brother Niu, can I ask you something?"

"What is it?" Wang Yuan frowned.

"Why are you so good to me? You don't like me, do you? Although I look a little handsome, I am a straight man, but if you have a need, I can do it..." Long Xingtianxia was very sincere.

"Go to hell!" Wang Yuan didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "What a joke!"

"Haha... it's good that it's not, it's good that it's not." Long Xing Tianxia also let out a sigh of relief: "What should we do now?"

"Take everyone to Thunder Bluff!!" Wang Yuan casually gave an order to Long Xingtianxia: "By occupying the home court, we have won half the battle."



"Boss, do you think they will hand over the artifact?"

In the tavern of Thunderstorm City, Team Dragon and others were waiting for Wang Yuan's reply. Jian Wuxin sat next to Hua Wuque and asked with a frown.


Hua Wuque snorted coldly when he heard this: "If he dares not to hand it over, their two teammates will be the fate of all of them."

"If you give them two hours, they won't run away, right?" Huo Qingqing also asked from the side.

"Run? Don't you know that the Temple of Light can locate their coordinates?"

Hua Wuque said: "As long as they are still playing the game, they can't escape."

Having said this, Hua Wuque glanced at the time: "Don't worry! In half an hour, they will obediently hand over the "artifact"! These low-level players are all bullying and fearing the strong..."

[System Announcement: Niu Dali, the president of Thunderstorm City’s “Strength Makes Miracles” guild, launches a guild challenge to Holy Light City’s “Chinese Dragon Teng” guild! 】

As soon as Hua Wuque finished speaking, a system announcement suddenly appeared above the game.

The extremely dazzling line of bold font, with gorgeous special effects, catches the eyes of everyone in the server.

The server-wide announcement was posted three times in a row.

In an instant, all channels in the game were blocked.



When the players saw the announcement in the sky, everyone was stunned.

"what's the situation?"

"what happened?"

"What is Boyi doing again?"

"Why do you say it again!!"

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