"Challenge Huaxia Longteng?"

"No... How dare this guy?"

Looking at the server-wide announcement on his head, the players in the game were confused by Wang Yuan.

Where did this weird guy named Niu Dali come from? Since he appeared, this game world has been in trouble almost every day.

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That's so outrageous and perverted.

One person challenged a guild alone.

Cleared the Hell Difficulty Dungeon.

Defeated the guild's base.

These behaviors, any one of them, are unimaginable to ordinary people. It can be said that one is more unbelievable than the other.

Now, this guy is no longer satisfied with tossing in Thunderstorm City, and he actually challenged the first guild "Huaxia Longteng" in the national server.

No, buddy, do you really have no one you care about?

Or is there no limit to this guy's courage?

What is he thinking in his mind?

"No...Brother Niu...what's wrong with you?"

Not to mention other people, even the group of "Da Li Chu Qi Ji" who were most familiar to Wang Yuan were also confused at this time.

To say that the group of Da Li Chu Qi Ji was also the one who was afraid of chaos in the world, and each one was more daring than the other. Before Wang Yuan said that he wanted to eat "Hua Xia Long Teng", the group of Da Li Chu Qi Ji also actively responded.

But they thought that Wang Yuan's treachery was probably secretly tripping Hua Xia Long Teng.

But they never expected that Wang Yuan directly chose the most open and aboveboard way of fighting, launching a challenge head-on!

Even though everyone in Da Li Chu Qi Ji knew that Wang Yuan was daring, they were also shocked at this time.


Facing everyone's doubts, Wang Yuan smiled and said: "Aren't they in the dark? We just need to force him into the light."

"But...aren't we meat on the chopping board?"

After hearing Wang Yuan's explanation, everyone was even more speechless.

Yes, Huaxia Longteng is now being framed in the open. The problem is that before, they were just a small team sneak attack and harassment, but now it has directly turned into a large-scale siege. This is really bullying the weak.

"Haha! It's still unclear who is the meat." Wang Yuan smiled slightly, surprisingly calm.


In the Thunderstorm City Tavern, the Dragon Team had the most complicated expressions after seeing the announcement.

"Bully the weak and fear the strong..." Everyone stared at Hua Wuque and couldn't help but be sarcastic.

This slap in the face came too quickly.

Just before saying "great strength makes miracles" everyone bullied the weak and feared the strong, and didn't dare to be an enemy of me, but as soon as the voice fell, they not only became an enemy of me, but also directly challenged the entire Huaxia Longteng guild.

What does this mean?

This is clearly telling the Dragon Team with actual actions that I am not only not afraid of you, but I don't even take the guild behind you seriously.


Hua Wuque's face flushed, and he said awkwardly: "Don't panic, it's a good thing! Everything is in the plan!"


Everyone raised their middle fingers.

However, as Hua Wuque said, when they received the system prompt, the players of Huaxia Longteng were all at a loss, but Fengwu Jiutian, the chief military strategist of Huaxia Longteng, laughed out loud: "Great! This is the effect we want!"

"What's good about it! We have been provoked to the point of death! Damn, these bastards simply don't know how to live or die." Longteng Sihai was furious.

"Haha, they don't know how to live or die." Wang Yuan laughed and said: "If they don't challenge us, we have no reason to fight them. Now they are taking the initiative to extend their faces to us."


Everyone was stunned when they heard Fengwu Jiutian's words.

Yes! !

Why didn't Huaxia Longteng fight Dali to make a miracle before, but let the Dragon Squad solve this matter?

It is because Huaxia Longteng is supreme in terms of strength, fame, and status among players, and belongs to the top group of people.

"Miracle of Power" is just a small group.

Clashing with such a small group, whether winning or losing, is not good for Huaxia Longteng. Taking the initiative to target them will also become a laughing stock because of bullying.

But now the other party dares to take the initiative to challenge, it is not Huaxia Longteng bullying.

In this case, even if "Miracle of Power" is beaten to a pulp, it is justified, because he was the first to overestimate his own strength.

Huaxia Longteng will be laughed at by others if he does not fight back.

The most important thing is that "Miracle of Power" owns the only guild station in the whole server.

If Huaxia Longteng took the initiative to attack "Miracle of Power" before, it would definitely be said that it coveted other people's stations, seized them by trickery, and robbed them openly like a robber.


The challenge of "Strive to Make Miracles" made it legitimate for "Huaxia Longteng" to seize the guild's base.

That's the guild's base!!

What many guilds dream of.

Now it's within easy reach.

The mood of Fengwu Jiutian and others can be imagined.

"Just when I was dozing off, I got a pillow!" Hu Xiaoshanhe said excitedly: "It seems that these guys have been forced to jump off the wall by the Dragon Squad."

"Hehe! That's the Dragon Squad!" Fengwu Jiutian said: "How can they, a group of wild masters, be compared with them? Even if they don't challenge, they are not far from death."

"Makes sense!"

Longteng Sihai touched his hand and pondered: "The question now is how many people we should take with us."

"Of course we should take everyone with us!" Feng Wu Jiu Tian said.

"Ah? What if we are targeted by the players in Thunderstorm City?" Long Teng Si Hai said worriedly.

The biggest problem in attacking people across the main city is the attitude of the local players.

Tens of thousands of people suddenly appeared in Thunderstorm City, and they would inevitably be attacked by local players.

The more people there are, the easier it is for the conflict to intensify.


Feng Wu Jiu Tian laughed and said, "Boss, didn't you see that it was Niu Dali who took the initiative to challenge us? Now everyone in Thunderstorm City knows who our target is, and they will definitely not take the initiative to provoke us when they have nothing to do."

"That's true." Long Teng Si Hai nodded.

"Besides, we are not going into the city this time!" Feng Wu Jiu Tian said, "The talents of their guild are worth a few dollars, and our goal is their guild headquarters!"

"That's right!"

Everyone nodded.

From the beginning, Huaxia Longteng's goal was very clear, that is, the headquarters of the "Great Power Miracle" guild.

Even if it decided to win over Wang Yuan to join the guild, it was the same.

Big guilds have their own professional teams, and they have seen all kinds of masters. In their eyes, no matter how powerful a wild master player is, can he be better than a professional master?

The reason why they invited Wang Yuan was because Wang Yuan was the president of "Da Li Chu Qi Ji" and had the right to own the only guild station in the game.

Inviting Wang Yuan to join the guild was equivalent to getting Wang Yuan's guild station.

Now that the relationship has been torn apart, there is naturally no need to hide their purpose.

Why enter the city? Just grab the station directly, and no one will say anything.

Blame it on Niu Dali for being stupid, and actually doing such a stupid thing as challenging "Hua Xia Long Teng".

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